Editor’s note: The following email was sent out by the Vermont GOP.
This email serves as the official notice required by Title 17, Chapter 45 § 2302 related to the organization of political parties. This notice shall be distributed, as required, to all Town Clerks, as well as the Town and County Chairs of the Republican Party.
The State Chair of the Vermont Republican Party directs all of the eligible Republicans voters in Vermont to gather on Saturday September 18th, 2021 in their respective towns for a caucus, as prescribed by state law, for the purpose of electing a local town committee to represent the interests of the voters of the town. If a town organization already exists, the location and time of the meeting shall be set by the current Chair, and publicly warned according to state law and the Rules of the Republican Party. If no organization yet exists, any three Republican voters in the town may warn such a caucus for that date.
The State Chair of the Vermont Republican Party also directs all of the Chairs of the County Republican Committees to gather on Saturday October 16th, 2021 in their respective counties for an organization meeting to elect County Committees and officers to the State Committee and the State Platform Committees. The location and time of the meeting shall be set by the current Chair, and warned according to state law and the Rules of the Republican Party.
The State Chair of the Vermont Republican Party also asks that eligible delegates, or those who intend to serve as such, save the date of Saturday November 6th, 2021for the State organization meeting, with a time and location to be determined later.
-Team VTGOP on behalf of Chair of the Republican Party, Deb Billado