For Immediate Release
On Saturday, June 24th, 2023, the Vermont Right to Life Educational Trust will host a “BIRTHday Picnic” on the State House Lawn in Montpelier from 11:30am to 1:00pm. All pro-lifers are welcome to attend.
On June 24,2023, the US Supreme Court overturned the infamous Roe v Wade case that legalized abortion nationwide in 1973. When the Court handed down the Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization policy decisions about abortion were sent back to state elected representatives to determine.
The Dobbs decision officially ends the lie that the US Constitution was written to include abortion rights. Roe v Wade is on the ash heap of history, joining other wrongly decided cases such as Dred Scott v Sandford and Plessy v Ferguson.
For more than 50 years, pro-lifers have worked to educate our communities about the humanity of the unborn child and have sought to promote a culture of life. While elected officials in Vermont continue to enact pro-abortion policies, the pro-life movement will not be silenced.
The BIRTHday Picnic will celebrate life from the moment of conception until natural death.
The new Aspire Together ultrasound van will be at the picnic for attendees to view the latest technologies allowing pregnant girls and women to view their unborn baby and hear that little heart beating!
Pro-lifers of all ages are invited to pack a picnic lunch, bring a lawn chair, join us to hear from guest speakers, music by the Divine Mercy Choir, participate in games, prizes and enjoy a slice of birthday cake to celebrate everyone’s birthday.