This commentary is by Paul Dame, chair of the Vermont GOP.
Last last week the Senate Committee dealing with redistricting passed out a new map and quite frankly — it’s a mixed bag.

Paul Dame, chairman of the Vermont GOP
Our two Republicans fought as hard as we could to break up the Chittenden County 6-pack — AND THEY GOT THE JOB DONE! However there are still some problems in Chittenden County that if we could fix could give Republicans a better chance of picking up one or two of those seats.
I have already been on the phone with candidates who have been waiting in the wings until the maps have been finalized. There are still a few more steps in the process, but I want to get a jump on recruiting RIGHT NOW!
Personally, I still have problems with how this senate map has harshly disenfranchised my former district in Essex Junction — and there might still be a chance to fix it. Hopefully you will see my op-ed in next week’s Essex Reporter. But with only 7 Republicans in the Senate, we have to play the hand we’ve been dealt. But I truly believe that 2022 is going to give Republicans a chance to shuffle the deck and play a better hand in the next session.
Our team is still looking over the map, but we are already beginning to identify some BRAND NEW opportunities for Republican pick-ups that didn’t exist last time. Some of these changes will also nudge certain longtime Democrats in swing districts to decide to step down, creating open seats in places where Republicans can WIN.
So download the map from the link and see for yourself where some of the opportunities are!
Paul Dame,
Chair, Vermont Republican Party
Don’t look now, one of highest officials in the party is support Brown for Supreme Court!!!
And you guys voted to be the Rino party, pimpin’ for the NWO order.
I bet your bank account shows how well you guys are doing.
When you get more money from Marxists than true God Lovin’ Americans, who do you represent?
We want a big tent, we want more Marxists than Americans!
Uniparty Scores 2 points with Vermont Dems and VTGOP
Vermont Scores 0 points.