For Immediate Release
October 2, 2022
Contact: Wendy Wilton, 802-770-0743
Milton GOP Chair
Candidate for State Treasurer 2012
Rutland County State Senator 2005-2006
Numerous Republican party members, and many local and regional party leaders from around the state are supporting Ericka Redic for US Congress. Redic is seen as the “true” Republican candidate in that race. Redic is running against progressive Democrat Balint and Liam Madden, who distances himself from the Republican party and its platform.
Republicans supporting Redic know she stands for the values of the Vermont Republican Party and its platform:
- Supports our US Constitution and will protect our constitutional rights
- Economic growth & energy independence
- Pro-life–also opposes Article 22/Prop 5
- Pro-2A, NRA “A” rating
- A fighter for our first amendment
The Republicans below urge all Vermont voters to be informed about the candidates for the US Congressional race and consider Ericka Redic as the candidate who best represents Vermont traditional values:
Ann Louise Hogan | Janet Metz | Patricia Myers | ||
Bradford Broyles | Jay Shepard | Paul Clifford | ||
Carl Rosenquist | Jeremy Ayotte | Rachel Stringer | ||
Carol Muller | Jill Lowrey | Randal Northrop | ||
Carol & Bob Frenier | John LaBarge | Randy Gray | ||
Carol & Paul Gross | John Pedone | Renee McGuinness | ||
Carol & Tony Dupont | Joyce Hottenstein | Ron Pal | ||
Chet & Sherry Greenwood | Kay & Richard Trudell | Ron Lawrence | ||
Chris Howland | Keld Alstrup | Sharon Rae Quinn | ||
Christopher Aaron-Felker | Laura Benner | Stephen W. Webster | ||
Christopher Kruckel | Lee Thompson | Susan Bowen | ||
Dave Soulia | Linda Quackenbush | Susan McBride Crowley | ||
David O’Brien | Maggie Kerrin | Suzanne Pelletier | ||
Denise & Tom Hughes | Mark Higley | Terry Williams | ||
Dolores & Jay Luebke | Mary Alice Callahan | Theresa Burke | ||
Ed Wheeler | Michael Lannon | Tom McLinden | ||
Edgar & Sally Cleveland | Millicent Johnson | Val & Rob Mullin | ||
Ellie & Glenn Martin | Pat & Roger Crocker | Wendy & Chuck Wilton | ||
Patricia Howes |
In a recent debate hosted by VTDigger on September 15, Redic performed well with clear and thoughtful answers.
Remember folks, the Libertarian Party is the party of
Legalized Drugs
An Open Border
and Unlimited Legalized Abortion
So, It strikes me as curious that the Republican Chairs of
Janet Metz of Chittenden County
Christopher-Aaron Felker of Burlington
Rachel Stringer of Colchester
Ron Lawrence of Essex
Wendy Wilton of Milton
and Maggie Kerin of Vt Right to Life
All all Endorsing the Libertarian Party values of Ericka Redic.
Republicans, is that what you wanted?
You do not need to write in Ericka Redic on the general election ballot–she is already on the ballot as the libertatian candidate. Vote for Ericka!
Because of the Vermont GOP’s inept leadership, Ericka Redic will get my family’s votes,
whatever banner she runs under, she is more conservative than most in the party !!
I am a seventy-one-year-old conservative Vermonter, VT’s GOP is a joke, they are about as
conservative as Phil Scott………………………..
Get Vermont going in the right direction, with Ericka Redic and especially Gerald Malloy our
chance to save face in DC.
I have to question if still have a Republican party in the state of Vermont.
Erica does not qualify to be a candidate for the Republican party based on party rules and her qualifications.
If Republicans follow our party rules we can not support her.
Erica jumped ship and is now a Libertarian candidate.
This is wrong and is pushing Republicans to no longer trust the party.
Has anyone considered the damage that will be done to the true supporters of the Republican party as a result of this madness?
Does everyone that signed on to this realize what they are supporting and the implications to the Republican party and the trust issues created?
We need to bring COMMON SENSE and SELF RESPONSIBILITY back to the Republican party.
Wendy Wilton are you trying to completely destroy what is left of the Republican party in the state of Vermont?
A large division was created in our party by politicians who chose to take it upon themselves to create a faction in our party that refers to us as INSURRECTIONISTS, WHITE SUPREMACISTS and RACISTS.
We are now referred to as DOMESTIC TERRORISTS.
This is an attempt to completely destroy what is left of our party.
Who in their right mind could support this?
But won’t splitting the ticket give the progressive slug the win? We for sure don’t wamt the
anti gun, pro fascist dem policy lgbqrst climate monger becca going to DC.. giving her
the win would be far worse then electing a “wrong” republican who could be primary-ed
out in 4 yrs.
If you didn’t vote for Ericka in the primaries, you definitely should in November. She has principles and she’s our only chance. And I DO beleive Malloy will overcome Welch. Vermont needs new leadership, some leadership, any leadership. Vote!
Did anyone see Gerald Malloy on FOX News’ The Next Revolution with Steve Hilton last night? The evidence Hilton put forth of Peter Welch’s corruption was significant.
Yes, Malloy’s appearance on Steve Hilton’s show was great, especially since Hilton had an expose on Welch’s abuses of his office. For those who missed it, here’s the link to the show:
Rules for write ins in Vermont
Hi James –
Thanks for writing in. You do not need to list the town only the full name of the candidate that you wish to write in. Copied below is the relevant information from Vermont Statues: 17 V.S.A. § 2587.
(e)(1) In the case of “write-in” votes, the act of writing in the name of a candidate, or pasting a label containing a candidate’s name upon the ballot, without other indications of the voter’s intent, shall constitute a vote for that candidate, even though the voter did not fill in the square or oval after the name.
(2) The election officials counting ballots and tallying results shall list every person who receives a “write-in” vote and the number of votes received.
(A) On each tally sheet, the counters shall add together the names of candidates that are clearly the same person, even though a nickname or last name is used.
(B) Names of fictitious or deceased persons shall not be listed and shall be recorded on the tally sheet as a blank vote.
Thanks and let me know if you have any additional questions.
Dan Brown
Elections Administrator
Vermont Office of the Secretary of State
128 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05633
Phone: 802-828-0771 (Direct)
Do they make you list the pronouns?…ridiculous
That is a copy of the e-mail reply Dan Brown from the Office of the Secretary of State sent to me on the question of how to properly write in a candidate’s name on a ballot in VT. You and I both know the state forces these people to list their pronouns. due to this being a family show I won’t list my pronouns.
As someone who has considered Vermont a near perfect environmental state but doomed politically, I urge all Vermonters to consider that Redic may be one of your first genuine opportunities to begin the struggle of winning back the paradise you are all blessed to call “home.” As an author, I long to live in Vermont but have harbored measurable hesitation because your warped politics sentencing you to a failing socialist system that is surely destroying what once was the most beautiful place in the U.S. Take a good hard look at New Jersey. I have first hand experience of where you are headed if you continue to vote Democrat/Socialist. You won’t like getting your wish once it crushes everything you know and love.