This is an update on redistricting by the VTGOP.
Today the VT House finally approved the long-delayed new district map for the next 10 years!
We fought as hard as we could to get SINGLE MEMBER DISTRICTS to provide for equally across the state. Many of you saw my videos about the problem in rural towns like Arlington or Bolton.
And while we didn’t get a perfect map, our Republicans on the committee fought to protect as many of our members as we could. Our team even got some wins that I thought were impossible three months ago!
Now, I need you to jump on this as quickly as you can and join me by donating $14, $30, $76 or $109 to help us accelerate our efforts to recruit and support candidatesfor all of the 109 districts (there are still 150 seats, but 41 districts still have 2 members) After you donate, you will be taken to our confirmation page that will allow you to download the PDF Map of the entire state, and you can zoom in on your area!
Personally, I’m still a little irritated that the Democrats basically had their Party’s appointee write the first draft of the map — but we can only play the cards we’ve been dealt. The Democrats won in the last election, so they held all the cards this time. But I truly believe that 2022 is going to give Republicans a change to shuffle the deck and play a better hand in the next session.
Our team is still looking over the map, but we are already beginning to identify some BRAND NEW opportunities for Republican pick-ups that didn’t exist last time. Some of these changes will also nudge certain longtime Democrats in swing districts to decide to step down, creating open seats in places where Republicans can WIN.
But we need YOUR help of $30, $76, $109 or $150 to help fund our efforts to do the recruiting work, meet with potential candidates, and help give them the tools and training they need to help Republicans win across the state!
So donate today, and then download the map from the confirmation page and see for yourself where some of the opportunities are!
Paul Dame,
Chair, Vermont Republican Party
P.S. Let’s get fired up and channel that frustration in a positive direction. You can DONATE TODAY to help Republicans, or GET INVOLVED in your local party. Maybe you have been thinking about running for office yourself? Today is the day of actions. Let’s work together to turn this thing around!
Thanks to you and the other workers rolling up sleeves and standing up to DemocratMarxist tyranny of VT…pretty sure VTGOP-hating losers extaordinaire – who never do little else but crap upon our party – and plans like clockwork will be by to offer same demoralizing dogcrap to vent rage against anything they cannot control, get a life guys