The following letter was written by a Vermont mom to Dr. Robert Malone and published on Substack.
Dear Dr. Malone:
Subject: Vermont now recommending that schools can drop mask requirement if they have >80% students vaxxed.
I’m a busy working mom with small children living in Vermont, where my family has been living and farming for 8 generations. I do a little hobby farming myself, and I understand you are a man of the land and animals, too.
I was originally quite compliant with the pandemic response: we wore masks, I kept my healthy kids home from school, I worked from home even though it all felt nearly impossible and was a severe strain on our family. We cancelled vacations, stopped asking Grandma and Grandpa to help with the kids. My husband and I lined up to get vaccines when they came out.
After about the third time that I had to take a week off work to stay home with 3 healthy children who were in quarantine, this was in summer 2021, I started to get curious about whether all of this was really necessary, because it felt impossible and unfair that I would be denied access to my livelihood and my children would be denied school and childcare, simply because one of us made the mistake of breathing somewhere within the vicinity of a classmate who eventually tested positive for COVID-19.
I do have a, thankfully mild, (and unreported) vaccine injury in the form of menstrual disruptions: I now get a guaranteed migraine once a month. I was very sorry to hear about your vaccine injury and I am delighted that you survived it. This experience opened my mind to the fact these vaccines are not without risk and why wasn’t anybody talking about risk and choice?
That was when I became aware of the work you and so many others are doing to bring a different perspective to the situation, and I’ve been a fan ever since. It has been difficult, being of a different mindset about the pandemic compared to most of my peers, my inner circle, our local government. And I’ve been grateful lately that it seems as though the end is in sight.
And now, I’m up at 2 in the morning writing to you over what feels like it could be the last straw for me: our state, which has been recommending mandatory masking in schools this whole time, is planning to end masking requirements BUT ONLY IF more than 80% of a school’s students are vaccinated against Covid-19. So, in plain terms, we can drop not-very-effective mitigation measure if we increase uptake on not-very-effective mitigation measure which involves injecting our children with an experimental gene therapy for a disease that (a) my kids have already had and (b) doesn’t, statistically-speaking, cause any real harm for children.
Vermont is interesting because we were among the first states in the country to reach the 80% vaccination rate in adults that was expected to confer herd immunity, and here we are in 2022 coming off the worst case surge we’ve experienced yet. But apparently we somehow still think that vaccination is going to keep schools safer?
You better believe that there will be peer pressure at school and my daughters will come home once again asking to be vaccinated, because “everybody’s doing it.”
This feels like coercion of minors of the worst sort. It’s illogical, wrongheaded and I am so upset I can barely type straight. And I find myself thinking, “What would Robert Malone do?” I was wondering if you have an answer to that.
Very respectfully, Jennifer
To read Dr. Malone’s response, click here.
Wonderful email to Dr.Malone and his response also.
For those interested, here is a recent video with Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche On Why The COVID Vaccine Is A Bad Idea For Kids. If your pediatrician cannot answer the question of “Why we do NOT vaccinate during a pandemic” then find a new one…
Most will not have a clue. This is basic epidemiology 101.
Plus this is a more detailed article by Bossche:
This is serous stuff. Your children are at risk.
Here’s a good video for people to view about masks, children and this whole charade.
Responding to parents’ request to get the masks off the children with a new, even more manipulative contingency is disgusting. The state Board of Education is making yet another move for power over the parents and school children. Acquiesce and it will never end. Oh yes, and don’t expect them to keep their own bargain. The only way to win against such bullying is to remove your children from school. Isn’t it now crystal clear that the BOE is not concerned with the well-being of students?
Unfortunately, Dr. Malone (who happens to be a major player in the development of mRNA “vaccines”), has been vilified and criticized for speaking the TRUTH about the actual SCIENCE surrounding the so-called “vaccines”. The Democrats, the left, the MSM, and our own state leaders have muzzled any outlets who dare to give him exposure while claiming to have “followed the science and data” in determining their guidance and policies. Their “science and data” are nothing more than a narrative that they have been directed to follow by others who are pulling their strings.. This evil, yes, EVIL, must be stopped and they need to be called into account for their public endangerment…especially where the children are concerned.