Gov. Phil Scott’s veto letter of S.5, the Affordable Heat Act

May 4, 2023

The Honorable John Bloomer, Jr
Secretary of the Senate
115 State House
Montpelier, VT 05633-5401

Dear Secretary Bloomer:

Pursuant to Chapter II, Section 11 of the Vermont Constitution, I’m returning 5.5, An act relating to affordably meeting the mandated greenhouse gas reductions for the thermal sector through efficiency, weatherization measures, electrification, and decarbonization, without my signature because of my objections described herein:

As Governor, I believe we must make Vermont more affordable by helping Vermonters keep more of what they earn, while we simultaneously make transformative, strategic investments in important areas like community revitalization, climate action, housing, childcare, clean water, and broadband.

I also believe government transparency is essential to maintaining faith and trust in our democracy. When we pass laws, we must clearly communicate both the burdens and the benefits to Vermonters. From my perspective, S.5 conflicts with these principles, and I cannot support it.

It’s important to note despite significant concerns with the policy, I would not veto a bill that directs the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to design a potential clean heat standard — provided it’s returned to the Legislature, in bill form with all the details, and debated, amended, and voted on with the transparency Vermonters deserve.

The so-called “check back” in S.5 does not achieve my simple request. Instead, the “check back” language in the bill is confusing, easily misconstrued, and contradictory to multiple portions of the bill.

As I have repeatedly stated publicly, this veto could have been avoided had the Legislature eliminated the confusion and spelled out, in plain language, that the proposed plan would return to the Legislature to be considered for codification and voted on in bill form.

Again, I continue to fully support efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As the Legislature is well aware, more than any previous governor, I have proposed, supported, and invested hundreds of millions of dollars to reduce emissions in the transportation and thermal sectors. I’m also committed to following through on the work outlined in our thermal sector action plan.

Here’s the bottom line: The risk to Vermonters and our economy throughout the state is too great; the confusion around the language and the unknowns are too numerous; and we are making real and measurable progress reducing emissions with a more thoughtful, strategic approach that is already in motion.

For these reasons I cannot allow this bill to go into law. It’s my sincere hope that members of the Legislature will have the courage to put their constituents ahead of party politics and sustain this veto.


Philip B. Scott

Image courtesy of Gov. Phil Scott Facebook

7 thoughts on “Gov. Phil Scott’s veto letter of S.5, the Affordable Heat Act

  1. This will only enrage the leftist children in the legislature and make them whine Whaaa whaa and stomp their feet until they get their way. Like the little brats they are they don’t care what it costs their parents (taxpayers), only that they get what they want. Good Job Governor Scott but i fear it’s to little to late as the liberal parents (flatlander voters) will give in to the brats like they always do.

  2. Thank you, Mr. Scott.

    The only part of your letter that I object to is the part that reads “Again, I continue to fully support efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

    There is no scientific basis to fear Carbon Dioxide (CO2). By all accounts, CO2, the byproduct of burning fossil fuels, has benefited the Earth: All living things are based on carbon, and the root of the vast majority of life on Mother Earth is photosynthesis, which depends on CO2.

    Mankind’s use of fossil fuel has dramatically increased the likelihood that life on Earth will flourish for another many thousand of years. Without our intervention, all life could have easily perished from starvation for lack of CO2.

    God Bless You for the veto.

  3. Affordable Heat Act. If Vermonters cannot afford heat in this state, they will find some place where they can. It’s just that simple.

    • Going green is not the solution.
      It still uses fossil fuel and kids in Africa mine lithium and cobalt for this.

  4. just think if Phil acted like a republican instead of an independent and helped get supposedly fellow republicans elected. the chances of a supermajority would have decreased significantly.
    now we just have to hope there are enough democrats who care about the people to prevent an override.

  5. It’s too bad that the Democratic Supermajority is more concerned with taking the money from us working folks more than they are anything else. I call my legislators out by name when I say that Ruth Hardy publicly stated that she received hundreds of letters opposing this bill but voted for it anyway as did Christopher Bray. Diane Lanpher and Matt Birong also did not listen. I challenge them to do the right thing and save us, the working people, some money and NOT override the governor’s veto. I’m guessing that is too much to ask.

  6. Great Job Governor, now watch your liberal friends slap you in the face, as they
    have no respect for you or your office…………………pretty sad !!

    Remember Governor, they have stated they have the power in the state house
    to override you and the wishes of those that voted you into office, they have an

    Wake up people, we have cancer in Montpelier ” Liberals ” and the will kill this

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