By Mary Rose Corkery
Dr. Anthony Fauci said Wednesday that states lifting mask mandates are inviting another coronavirus surge.
Fauci said he was deeply concerned about Texas removing their mask mandate and reports of children burning masks in Idaho during an interview on CNN’s “New Day.”
“I mean, we understand people’s need to get back to normal and we are going in that direction. But when you start doing things like completely putting aside all public health measures, as if you’re turning a light switch off, that’s quite risky,” Fauci said.
“We don’t want to see another surge, and that’s inviting one when you do that,” Fauci said.
Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced Tuesday that the state’s businesses can return to full operation March 10. Abbot also rescinded the requirement to wear masks in public, according to The Dallas Morning News.
At least 100 people were at the state capitol in Idaho on Saturday to burn masks as a sign of protest, according to The Associated Press. Video footage posted on Twitter showed children and adults throwing masks into a fire.
Republican Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordan said Monday that their state’s mask mandate will be removed on March 16, according to a press release. Gordan said bars, theaters, restaurants and gyms can start working normally at that time.
Wyoming joined Texas, Iowa, Mississippi, North Dakota, Texas, Montana and other states that recently announced rollbacks on their COVID-19 restrictions, according to another AP report.
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Ivermectin again. I’m on a mission, too.
Another video by Dr. McCullough describing the paper he and numerous co-authors wrote. Main point: we’re telling people there’s no treatment for Covid-19, but this isn’t true.
Drugs to use: hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, favipiravir, and others.
Main point of prior video: as a country, we’ve dropped the ball on preventing hospitalizations from Covid-19. Dr. Fauci doesn’t treat patients and he certainly doesn’t treat Covid patients. He has failed to gather the best medical treatments for early Covid-19 to prevent hospitalization and in fact he, and others, have engaged in a campaign to block early treatment of Covid-19 to prevent hospitalizations.
Is Dr. Levine still listening to Fauci? How can it be that we have such an utterly incompetent, dishonest man guiding us?
Time to give Fauci the Cuomo treatment.
Excellent video by Texas doctor, too good not to share.
Following “the science”? It’s called Junk Science for a reason
junk science
— noun uncountable, pejorative Assertions that have the appearance, but not the actuality, of scientific support.
— noun countable, pejorative A cluster of assertions, publications, and experts that have the appearance, but not the actuality, of a scientific specialty.
– Wordnik
Two Stanford Doctors Blast the Nation’s COVID Response – “Worst Public Health Mistake In Last 100 Years”
By Joe Hoft Published March 12, 2021 at 8:00am 262 Comments
Dr. Atlas recently shared the following at an online conference:
“…I have been shocked at the enormous power of the government, to unilaterally decree, to simply close businesses and schools by edict, restrict personal movement, mandate behavior, and eliminate our most basic freedoms, without any end and little accountability…”
Here is the truth about covid and kids.
What’s happening in Europe: World Freedom Alliance.
Fauci’s clairvoyant abilities have never been good. It seems long past time for him to drift into obscurity.
Fire fauci!
These toxic masks that people are wearing do not work to contain and stop the spread of anything. This whole virus thing is blown way out of proportion. A lot of needless death and now a deadly unproven experimental agent/Vaccine/gene therapy. There are cures for Covid if caught early and if the patient is not compromised with another comorbidity that would cause them to die regardless of covid. Get rid of our paranoid governor and equally compromised Comish Levine who is in Fauci’s pocket. They do not look at any other science and just pray to the Fauci faux science.
This is such a bull crap story and comments frankly. Dr. fascinating “losing control”? He never had any control to start with. All he ever could do is recommend so this author gives him stature that he never had just so he can break him down in keeping with the right-wing attack on our government. Please, please stop this.
Mr Cassady – looks like you took a wrong turn – hard right into TNR…try a hard left to Vtdigger – allows comments to its FoolBook page as does VPR – they’re working tirelessly to usher our tiny state to globalism
Beware the MAGA, anti-RINOs and Constitutionalist Conservatives- hazardous to the health of braindead automatons – enjoy your slumber sir 😀
Where does it end lol:
“Deeply concerned” bc he knows it’s all a lie about to be exposed as tyrannical plot to enslave the “land of the free – home of the brave” will not work and isn’t helping as th states and other countries with few to no restrictions have proven.
If Dr. Fauci is so concerned about the spread of coronavirus, then why doesn’t he recommend the use of ivermectin?
Plain fact is that when Iowa and North Dakota ended their mask mandates, nothing happened. Florida Covid-19 cases are trending down despite that Florida opened up.
Enough of one-sided, cherry-picked science that destroys livelihoods and liberties.
Because if there are suitable treatments for any disease, there cant be a emergency vaccine rollout. The FDA has NOT approved any of these covid vaccines.