Editor’s note: This commentary is by Deb Billado, chairwoman of the Vermont GOP.
Last week, I talked about how the majority in Montpelier is trying to over-regulate contractors and handymen in Vermont, as well as the services they provide to countless Vermonters.
But that’s not all — the Democrats and Progressives in the Vermont Legislature are also seeking to impose a brand-new rental registry for all rental properties in the state.
This legislation would:
- Impose brand new fees on as many as 80,000 Vermonters;
- Create new bureaucratic positions at the cost of $850,000 per-year in taxpayer dollars; and
Require all Vermonters with rental homes–whether it’s an annual rental or a short-term rental–to register with the state of Vermont. - Governor Scott vetoed this bill (S.79) earlier this year, noting it would have added “additional restrictions, costs and hoops to jump through” for Vermonters at a time when we’re trying to emerge from the pandemic.
This is a case-in-point example of how Vermont Democrats words don’t match their actions. They love to talk about affordable housing–but then they vote for legislation that would drive up housing costs and increase housing regulations.
While this bill passed both chambers, with 54 “no” votes in the House of Representatives there’s a very good possibility that Governor Scott’s veto will be upheld. This is great news for all Vermonters.
But we need to keep those 54 “no” votes solid when the Legislature returns in January. To see how your representative voted, click here. And don’t forget to contact your representative to let them know how you feel on this important legislation.
We simply cannot afford to allow more regulations, more fees, more burdens on everyday Vermonters at a time when we are struggling to bounce back. Let’s send a clear message to the Montpelier Majority by upholding Governor Scott’s veto.
Earth to Mr. Eshelman, Newsflash: “Reports” is kinda what we do here and is the heart of news publishing industry and so do you lol – so numerous and ongoing cheap-shots are taget practice and nothing more.
Mr Eshelman continues assault upon conservatives and commentary – sledgehammering one fruitfly at a time while creating mountains one anthill @ a time. As such I fail to see how your work could be considered more important than those you routinely slam.
Now mocking and demeaning ‘reports'(?) in typical high dudgeon lol. Display animus of Republicans, party and conservatives in general takes no heroics and is the province of bullies.
arrogantly slapping a SIC upon typos is exclusively reserved for only those qualified to receive the depth of Mr Eshelmans ire – so call me honored. You yourself have also misused wording and typos – however there is no one here on TNR smallminded enough to point this out.
Pot Meet Kettle Report: Although Libertarian sentiment is very real and personally once identified with – it is now a mix of committed leftists as well as serious conservatives and those in middle. This dilutes message – a house divided against self cannot stand. Stoner Gary “what’s an Aleppo” Johnson plus William Weld, hardcore TDS globalist was a joke of a ticket and greatly hurt party. “The Principled Party” is nothing but an alliance unless it is able to bring forth a coherent message translating into action. As such I find Libertarian and other unsuccessful parties maligning VT GOP more than a bit rich as own parties are in dissarray – Justin Amash debacle didn’t help.
The energy is in the Trump wing of the Republican Party as evidenced by 88% approval rating. DJT endorsement guarantees a win, disdain for deplorables, smelly WalMart shoppers and Patriots nothwithstanding. Fully expect the traitors to be primaried.
“…Unfortunately for libertarian-minded voters, this leaves them with only relatively poor options in future elections. There is a possibility that many of them will turn back to the Republican Party once it puts forth a less offensive candidate. But the GOP will likely remain in thrall of the bloc that Trump forged, a bitter reality for libertarians who just a decade ago seemed to take the reins with the success of the Tea Party movement. The Democratic Party will surely keep some of the votes it won from this bloc as well. But the pressure to placate its far-left wing will likely outweigh its desire to permanently win over the moderate libertarians. And for the Libertarian Party to be anything more than a last resort, it would have to prove itself capable of exactly that which it failed to do this election: rally this bloc under a common banner with a shared strategy, in so doing convincing mainstream parties that it cannot be ignored…”
For the record, Stardust, I’ve never said anything about being involved with the Libertarian Party. Just saying I’m associated with it doesn’t make it so… a tactic you often employ.
In my opinion, as long as you’ve raised the subject, the Libertarian Party, such as it is, is a false dichotomy. It makes no sense. A person with libertarian sensibilities (that’s spelled with a small ‘l’) is one who advocates for maximizing individual rights and minimizing the role of the government… period. If anything, a libertarian is an Independent. Someone like me, with libertarian (small ‘l’) sensibilities, seeking to maximize autonomy and political freedom, emphasize free and voluntary association, freedom of choice, and individualism. It’s everything School Choice is about – and the exact opposite of the tenants indoctrinating our children in the current public-school monopoly.
The term ‘Libertarian Party’ is an oxymoron, a rhetorical figure of speech in which incongruous and/or contradictory terms are combined. Everyone with libertarian sensibilities thinks for themselves, considers their own options, makes their own decisions, and accepts responsibility for doing so. Being a member of ‘a Party’, of any kind, at least implies a consensus of opinion. The only consensus between those of libertarian sensibilities is that they think and act as individuals – and if they come together at any specific time for a ‘joint venture’, it’s by their own fruition, no one else’s. And the single most amazing form of governance to ever come down the pike from those with historic libertarian sensibilities is – you guessed it – The United States Constitution.
Of course, we can continue to obfuscate the points I make with your diversionary tactics, or, as I mentioned to Dano, you can address my issues and questions specifically with points and questions of your own.
Which people do public schools belong to? And do those people not include teachers?
And why do you assume that, with School Choice, “…as taxpayers we will have to continue to pay for the bloated public schools”? After all, when parents can choose the best school for their children, are they going to choose those ‘bloated public schools’? Or might they choose more efficient, cost effective, better performing independent schools, including religious schools, and homeschools?
Just answer the questions, if you don’t mind. Or, as the case may be, you can keep on ‘reporting’…‘kinda what [you] do here’.
Routinely trash Republican Party – there are plenty of ppl who vote a certain way such as yourself who are not a card-carrying member of their party. Tho I am a member pretty sure those who are not don’t want to hear party trashed just for drill either.
Not really about party but how one votes – vast majority of voters in US are independent swing voters who vote for who they think will help them reach goals and make our nation better.
Point is the Lib Party is not effective on a large scale such as the other parties are so they tend to vote Democrat or Republican but typically do not trash either bc they don’t really care about two-party paradigm in and of itself.
And not a word about School Choice. Nothing constructive or tangible. Just a lot of ‘kinda what we do here’, e.g. ‘reporting’… i.e. gobbledygook.
Facts are stubborn things. Truth exists whether we like it, choose to see it or not. Does silliness know any bounds. No one has right to demand all respond to narrow set of topics of their choosing aka goalposts. If you want the floor kindly write own report.
Make great points and display a depth of knowledge then oddly on a dime turn on and diminish those you hold in contempt for one reason or another – greatly diminishes own contribution. Don’t be surprised when that chip on shoulder gets knocked off – punch the gravity lol
What facts, Stardust? What ‘truth’?
I’m not demanding anything. I’m just offering you the opportunity to explain yourself in terms we can all understand… something you persistently choose not to do – which is also your right…. ‘kinda what [you] do here’.
I need no opportunity and @ this stage attempting to wax reasonable is not an option as past is prelude. Forget hiding in the safety of “we” it’s all about you and your terms which must be abided by w/o deviation which are far afield of any other author or commenter on TNR.
Unsubstantive assault on others @ TNR expressing thoughtful positions a dealbreaker afaic. Each time anyone you have deemed unworthy makes comment or responds – out comes the mockery, blind ‘logic’, incessent unreasonableness, false arguments along with the sneering snide remarks – so you run the tables @ your crooked casino where the house *always* wins. As such refuse to play your zero-sum rigged game and must simply resort to pointing it out.
‘kinda what [you] do here’.
This is not a “complaint’ per se but a report. The champion complainers who appear like flying monkeys like right on time to attack Republican Party using Debs reports as strawman are free to write own op-ed as TNR so graciously allows.
After all complaining only gets you so far lol, anyone who doesn’t like the fare served can kindly ask TNR for a refund.
Guess it takes one to know one, Stardust. You and Ms. Billado can have a great time ‘reporting’, and I’ll continue to point out that there’s never any there there.
Instead of ‘reporting’ what the Dems shouldn’t do, perhaps you guys could offer up some candidates who specify what they will do, or even better still, what they’re doing…. besides ‘reporting’ of course.
And, lest I be included in your band of merry ‘reporters’, I offer, yet again, the single most important, tangible, and reasonable thing local citizens around the entire State can, and should, do on a local level – elect school board directors like Liz Cady who are sympathetic to parental School Choice. Unless and until the Vermont electorate is educated outside the confines of the public-school monopoly, no amount of ‘reporting’ will matter. I constantly lobby my friends and neighbors in this regard. It’s a prospect in which conservative individuals can actually have an impact. Start from the ground up.
If you are referring to the Libertarian party from which you have aligned yourself politically, it seems your promotions have gone nowhere either. Your, “from the ground-up” strategy hasn’t taken hold in your circles either.
As taxpayers, we support public schools. We can’t opt out and through the baby out with the bath water. These schools belong to the people, not the NEA, the government or the local teachers union. The people are speaking up and not only here but all over the country. We have schools in place but they have been highjacked by ideology and union greed. Regular families probably aren’t as flexible as you may think when it comes to moving their kids around to homeschooling or parallel private schools.
Our schools can be turned around by electing people to office who uphold their constitutional oaths. Preaching to your neighbors gets you less exposure than here on TN. Your libertarian party isn’t going anywhere and progressive politics will eventually die off because people get sick of control snob, bullies. Just look at Burlington under progressive local government. It is another failed democratically run city with crime, drugs and homeless people who need hospitalization.
Our schools were taken over by a planned ideological operation to indoctrinate kids. BLM flags fly on taxpayer owned flagpoles and people who have no retirement plan are forced to pay for teachers retirements and their health care as well as long vacations in the summer. The change is coming. Why start from the ground up when all that’s needed is to eject those who have ruined what’s ours. At least here, there is freedom to talk about it. School choice should be reclaiming the schools that are already ours! One man’s opinion whose children are all adults now! As long as I’m still paying for the schools in my taxes, I want them to be our schools again, controlled by the communities not the unions.
Re: “Regular families probably aren’t as flexible as you may think when it comes to moving their kids around to homeschooling or parallel private schools.”
Speaking of ‘throughing’ (SIC) the baby out with the bath water – that’s what School Choice Tuition Vouchers are all about. Providing not only the ‘flexibility’ but the financial ability to parents who, to date, can’t consider alternatives. The ground-up strategy (School Choice) is working. Check any statistic you can find. Homeschooling and independent school attendance are increasing. Vermont is now required to provide tuition vouchers to religious schools. And there’s a lawsuit that seeks to require Vermont to provide tuition vouchers to all Vermont parents, not just those who live in districts with tuitioning?
Which people do public schools belong to, again? Everyone? Are teachers and government workers not people? Or are you planning to ‘hijack’ the schools too?
What better way is there to give everyone the opportunity to ‘hijack’ there schools than to give them the opportunity to choose the school that best meets the needs of their children? If parents want a unionized school, choose one. If they want to homeschool or send their children to independent schools, give them a voucher so they can do it. If they want a school that flies the BLM flag, they can choose it. If they want a school that flies the American Flag, they can choose it.
Sure, you ‘want them to be our schools again’. But who are you talking about? Based on your logic, if I may be as presumptuous as you, you wouldn’t choose the same school I would choose. That doesn’t make either one of us the be-all end-all decision maker to determine how any child should be taught. You’re entitled to your choice. I’m entitled to mine. School Choice is the ONLY governance that accommodates everyone.
BTW: how’s the current Republican strategy working for you?
“Which people do public schools belong to, again? Everyone? Are teachers and government workers not people? Or are you planning to ‘hijack’ the schools too?” You should read what you write! These are the people who benefit from keeping the system in place. They already hijacked the schools and are taught by universities to continue the indoctrination. They (the teachers and government workers) are the recipients of the corrupt system they have supported.
Then, you assume that I am a republican, actually I’m a conservative and the republicans while not perfect are much closer to my beliefs than the alternative. While they are making inroads to the corrupt system, I’d say they are doing more than your continued rant at setting up private schools for public vouchers while as taxpayers we will have to continue to pay for the bloated public schools. To answer your last question, I think the republicans are doing as well if not better than your comments always calling them monsters if they fight the monsters who created this corrupt system in place now called public education.
PS, I know how to spell throwing. You do realize that there are no edit buttons here after you post but thanks for the petty quote marks your highness!
Dano, perhaps YOU should read what I write more carefully.
I didn’t assume you were ‘a Republican’. I simply asked… “how’s the current Republican strategy working for you?” You went on to say ‘they are doing more than your continued rant at setting up private schools for public vouchers”. How’s that? What, specifically are Republicans doing in that regard?
Your entire litany exemplifies my point – you offer not one tangible alternative to my recommendations. You misrepresent what I’ve said, complain, and avoid answering my questions. So, I’ll ask again.
Which people do public schools belong to? And do those people not include teachers?
And why do you assume that, with School Choice, “…as taxpayers we will have to continue to pay for the bloated public schools”? After all, when parents can choose the best school for their children, are they going to choose those ‘bloated public schools’? Or might they choose more efficient, cost effective, better performing independent schools, including religious schools, and homeschools?
Just answer the questions, if you don’t mind.
I’ll answer your question. Providing vouchers to parents to choose a school for their child will not eradicate public schools. The unions will mandate this and that and there’s a large population of parents who don’t care one way or the other. If they did taxpayers wouldn’t be feeding school children breakfast and lunch, that’s the parent’s responsibility. I fed my children but now we taxpayers are feeding everyone’s children.
While I’m not opposed to vouchers, it doesn’t solve the corruption rampant in the union activity and political ideology of current administrators who almost all toe the liberal party line.
None of this was going on when I was in school, the only flags flown were USA and Vermont. I think it was Richard Nixon that started the Department of of education on the federal level and it’s been down hill ever since.
We the people, own the schools and pay for them. Just providing vouchers will not fix what’s broke. I hope I spelled everything okay and I agree with Stardust. You can’t debate without your snide remarks and that’s probably why people don’t like to listen to what you have to say.
Excellent. Now we’re getting somewhere, Dano.
If parents don’t care, what’s the point in doing anything? Why, then, all this talk about CRT, Marxism, ‘genderism’, and so forth?
Of course, parents care. And even if some don’t care, when they see their friends and neighbors, those who do care, taking their kids out of a corrupt public school, and the kids thrive, don’t you think those non-caring parents might consider doing the same thing?
I’m not speculating in this regard. As a former school board member, I’ve seen it happen. And I can also point to myriad studies showing this to be the case in virtually every district School Choice exists.
Should schools be feeding kids? Good question. But we’ve been providing social services to poor people for half a century or more, be it in the schools are through welfare and food stamp programs. It won’t matter when parents get to choose their schools from where their public assistance comes. If they’re in an independent school that doesn’t provide free breakfast, lunch and dinner, the parents can use another program. But here’s the deal. As School Choice becomes commonplace, as parents become involved, as students begin to learn more, they’ll become more able to take care of themselves…. without public assistance. This too has been studied. It’s a fact.
And one more thing: as public schools find themselves competing for students, they’re going to have to provide the programs parents want at prices competitive with the successful independent schools parents otherwise choose. This too has been demonstrated by research. In other words, ‘corruption’ won’t work. The monopoly will be busted.
The Dept. of Education began under Jimmy Carter in 1979 – go figure. The NEA, the largest teacher union, began about 150 years ago. Combined with public education funding, that’s when the problem began. But again, bust the monopoly and the union becomes irrelevant. I’m not anti-union. I’m anti-monopoly.
And the next thing you have to understand, in Vermont at least, is that we don’t own our schools. The State owns them. This all came to the fore under Act 46 forced mergers. We pay for them. The State owns them.
In the final analysis, it’s simple – vouchers will, indeed, fix what’s broke. Not only that. Vouchers will begin to fix all that ails us because, as individuals, we’ll be able to choose our destiny, not be assigned a one-size-fits-all indoctrination. School costs will begin to decline, as will the property taxes that fund those costs. More kids will learn to be productive citizens and get good jobs. More employers will consider Vermont because of its improved workforce and lower taxes. But it all starts with School Choice.
And please don’t stop asking questions. I’ve been researching School Choice for thirty years. It works!
We know what’s going on Ms. Billado. The question is, what’s being done about it? Complaining only gets you so far.
Straight out of the UN Sustainability Agenda 2030-2050 playbook.
Thanks for exposing the Marxists and newest scorched-earth plotline Deb 😀