By Guy Page
Asked about a CDC report saying only 6 percent of Covid-19 fatalities nationwide died solely from the disease, Health Commissioner Mark Levine at a press conference Tuesday vehemently decried the “armchair epidemiologists and physicians” who publicly impugn without understanding Covid-19 death statistics and public health measures.
The report, “Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus,” states “the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.”
Speaking generally to these critics, whom he referred to as “armchair epidemiologists and physicians, Levine told reporter Steve Merrill of NEK-TV that “You do need to understand medicine.”
“Six percent [of death certificates] will say Covid was the only thing that killed the person,” Levine continued. “They were a healthy person otherwise. The other 94% had a vairiety of other things on their death certificates” – such as kidney and heart disease and diabetes, he said.
“Covid tipped them over. It was overwhelming and their system couldn’t handle it. They died because Covid was on the planet,” Levine said. “Because I feel so strongly, I feel we should take a few moments of silence in honor [of the victims].”
Merrill paused for a moment. “Umm … sure,” he said. “Thank you,” Levine retorted.
Scott to issue executive order on policing – mum on details, for now
Also at the press conference, Gov. Phil Scott announced he has prepared an executive order, to be released soon, regarding policing in this era of public unrest. He didn’t offer specific details, except to say that he looks forward to reviewing the Vermont League of Cities and Towns (VLCT) recommendations on the subject.
The April 27 VLCT “Perspectives on Police Reform” urges tighter police hiring and training practices, more local participation and involvement in hiring, more reporting and data sharing, and holding officers accountable. However it would preserve the “qualified immunity” protecting police officers from citizen lawsuits. The Vermont Legislature is considering police reform legislation, and influential advocacy groups such as the ACLU-VT and VPIRG are arguing for removing immunity.
Home schooling applications to top 4,000 – but no extra help expected for first-timers
Applications for homeschooling children this year will probably top 4,000 – twice the normal figure, Agency of Education Secretary Daniel French told Vermont Daily at the press conference today.
However, Secretary French declined to offer any hope or support for financial support for homeschooling parents, including first-timers who are removing children from school due to pandemic-related health, staffing, and daily scheduling concerns. When Vermont Daily asked if his agency could offer IT, training or curriculum assistance, he said, “we wouldn’t necessarily have the authority or own ability to act without the Legislature.” And it’s unlikely the Legislature will move in that direction this year, he said.
The Agency of Education and the Vermont Superintendents Association are urging the Legislature to allow schools with declining enrollment to be funded based on last year’s enrollment.
Opioid overdoses up 50% in 2020 – Levine explains why
According to a VT Digger report, overdoses in the first six months of 2020 totaled 72, compared to 48 in 2019. Commissioner Levine was asked to comment. “It’s true around the country,” he said. “It’s related to the pandemic.” More people are isolated at home. Fewer people are present to witness injections and seek help. Addicts have heightened anxiety and depression. Levine noted that the federal government has released more drug abuse treatment funding, and some has come to the Vermont Dept. of Health, he said.
Read more of Guy Page’s reports. Vermont Daily is sponsored by True North Media.
Wheels falling of wagon much lol
This is Fraud: 10% of Reported COVID-19 Deaths for Those Under 35 as Reported by the CDC Are Due to Poisoning, Trauma and Unintentional Injuries
By Joe Hoft Published September 3, 2020 at 5:10pm 96 Comments
From report: “According to noted Dr. Andrew Bostom, MD and author:
“The CDC guidelines allow excess leeway for true non-COVID-19 primary causes of death to be ignored, especially among the frail of any age group, with serious chronic or acute co-morbidity, when such persons simply test “PCR positive” for COVID-19 within 30-60 days of their demise.
This kind of inappropriate coding could affect a large percentage of CDC-designated “C19 deaths.” Moreover, absent detailed justification, immediately, the CDC must remove those > 5000 “C19 deaths” (as of 8/26/20, associated with “Intentional and unintentional injury, poisoning and other adverse events”)”
“Off” Wagon – my bad! 😀
Just ducky convenient that we have the distraction of the COVID con on the cusp of the most important election of the century thus far.
It will be used to justify mail-in (as opposed to Absentee) balloting, control of commerce, control of assembly, control of ability to freely travel, control control control — all based on perceived powers self-granted to government entities.
When the Democrat/Leftist pre-planned chaos ensues in the days/weeks/months following 3 November it will have all but disappeared, replaced by disputed election results. Remember Pelosi’s advice to Dopey Joe to not concede.
The picture gets juicer when you learn that the CDC changed its ICD coding guidelines in March for reporting causes of death–changed the rules just for Covid-19, mind you–throwing aside the established guidance that had been in place for nearly two decades. This pushed those certifying deaths toward listing co-morbidities as SECONDARY causes when they would have been PRIMARY causes under the old rules.
The researchers at Children’s Health Defense wrote a fairly scathing and mind-blowing takedown of current death statistical reporting, estimating that if the old guidelines were used the number of reported Covid-19 deaths would be 90% lower. A show-stopping read if you have the time:
From your link: “if the CDC already has well established guidelines for reporting fatalities then why make up new guidelines for COVID-19?”
Because the point of the plandemic was to destroy the economy and livelihoods and blame it on Trump in hopes of winning the election. That’s why everything is inflated and confused and the new guidelines for recording deaths for Covid were planned ahead of time as part of the package. These people really don’t care except about their own power and control.
Here is a wonderful description of our foundational documents. When you watch this, one quickly realizes how history repeats itself and how in large part due to our incredibly poor education we have thing happening and acceptable that should never be.
Personally I don’t want to be a colony of the United Nations, if we aren’t there now, we’re certainly a pawn.
Stunningly facepalm-worthy display of bureaucratic ineptitude *all*. What a bunch of goofballs – not the least of which is commish Levine.
Thos fully understand the need for notes as reference – anyone who makes what these lunkheads make oughtta be able to speak to the public in a direct manner, present information clearly and communicate a message. All I heard was a bunch of mumbo jumbo. To say this bunch is unimpressive understates their obvious unfitness.
All info was communicated book report style by reading a message as tho it was handed to them 5 mintes before showtime by insufferable bores – *all*.
What the hell do these ppl do all day – it’s not the work of the ppl. Tho fluent in bureaucratese clearly do not care about or are interested in We The People. Spitting out email addresses and phone numbers to a group of ppl more evidence of a disconnect, disinterest in job and incoherently communicated mission.
Epic Fail.
‘Enron-level scandal’: CDC reports just 6% of COVID-19 deaths occurred in people without comorbidities
August 30, 2020 | Jon Dougherty |
The lies and liars are not new – this has been going on from the jump starting with the sketchy WHO Chinese Communist Party stooge Tedros and was developed in China as a bioweapon against the US.
However there have been a steady flow of stories that prove the hoax-factor of entire debacle which have been discussed here on TNR – this is but one from nearly 5 months ago:
“Fake death data from the CDC, coupled with wild guesstimates from experts, and the relentless barrage of fear porn the mainstream media subjects Americans to around the clock, have been getting results”
The CDC Confesses to Lying About COVID-19 Death Numbers
Matthew Vadum image
By Matthew Vadum — American Thinker—— Bio and Archives–April 13, 2020
Speaking generally to these critics, whom he referred to as “armchair epidemiologists and physicians, Levine told reporter Steve Merrill of NEK-TV that “You do need to understand medicine.”
Translation: Trust us – we are the “Experts”
Correction: We do not need to “understand medicine” – we need to understand health and what is true – receiving our information from those who do understand medicine – but first and foremost how to care for those who need healthcare services*and* who also make the right choices for our care.
Countless sick ppl in our state did not die of Covid or even necessarily of ‘comorbidities’ – but failure of a DOH policy to use a 70 year old medicine and accept experts that *really do* understand medicine and it’s main objective to help sick ppl to recover from illness. There were doctors successfully treating patients with HCQ-ZPaK-zinc up to 100% were healed.
The greatest generation and their families suffered needlessly as the sick and most vulnerable among us were left to die.
Re: “it is the parents’ right, and not a government agency’s permission”.
You’re right, of course. But if only it were that simple….
Title 16: Education Chapter 003: State Board Of Education Subchapter 001: General Provisions:
16 V.S.A. § 166b) § 166b. Home study program
This is the age-old dichotomy between individual rights and governmental (i.e. mob) control. Are children educated to be successful individuals or successful members of society? Or both? If the intent of education is to facilitate the physical and cognitive development of a child, who best defines what a successful outcome is?
The problem with governmental control, as opposed to individual (i.e. parental) control, is that the former lacks the agility to react to an ever-changing environment – especially as those societal changes increase in velocity. Will some parents make mistakes? Yes. But what happens when a government (the mob) makes the mistake?
This is why individualism, i.e. ‘free-markets’, in retrospect, enhance, improve and perpetuate the human condition more successfully than does a governmental one-size-fits all system. When individuals are successful, or when they make mistakes, society has the advantage of seeing and learning from those actions from a plethora of perspectives and experiences. When government (the mob) controls everything, at best, if we survive, we don’t know the difference between success or failure because everyone functions the same way.
Variety is the spice of life.
Maybe, just maybe, Dr. Fauci, is a tiny bit more qualified than Mr. Levine to analyze the Covid-19 death statistics. Just a thought. Last time I looked Dr. Fauci was standing and not sitting as armchair.
I find both Fauchi and Levine with suspicion. Where does the expertise end and where does the celebrity begin.
Blowing off the question about only 6% die specifically due to the virus the rest already being already near their last days – replying with “lets have a moment of prayer”, is a bit weak.
Let’s have a moment of prayer for America, when the Chinese flu is hitting us from the left, and the rioters burning us down on our left.
OH, both of those from the left – coincidence?
You need to go do a deep dive about Dr.Fauci and Bill Gates and start following the money.
Read about Big Pharma and Vaccinations and how much Bill Gates has made off of all of this.
(Read what has happened to people FROM His Vaccinations!)
This stuff all goes way back.
No bureaucrat is more qualified than frontline doctors who actually treat patients and have been doing so for decades. Yet, you discount them for people who haven’t had a real practice for ages, and also have a financial stake in whatever actions government implements.
Michael Gilhooly: mouthpiece for tyranny.
I do not remember voting or his name on the ballot for Health Mark Levine,this would be petty official, out on his ear.
Do we have Mr. Levine’s condemnation of BLM/Antifa destructive riots as Wuhan virus spreaders threatening citizens with borderline terminal conditions? Or was he obliviously enjoying his comfortable armchair and didn’t observe that the stress and exposure executed on unwilling occupants of the destroyed neighborhoods by violent attacking potential disease vectors leaving them homeless, their future destroyed, their stores nought but burned shells might kill victims with heightened sensitivity? Or the effects of disruption of commerce, social interaction, loss of jobs resulting in bankruptcy, business failures, deleterious stress effects of isolation and lack of societal contact that has has led to increased drug use, to increased domestic abuse?
Thank you for your ongoing reporting, Guy. Friendly word-choice / style suggestion: students in Vermont do not require an “application” to be homeschooled. It is a notice of enrollment. So homeschool “enrollments” will be twice the previous figure.
Terming appropriately will reinforce that it is the parents’ right, and not a government agency’s permission, that facilitates homeschooling.
Re: “it is the parents’ right, and not a government agency’s permission”.
You’re right, of course. But if only it were that simple….
Title 16: Education Chapter 003: State Board Of Education Subchapter 001: General Provisions:
16 V.S.A. § 166b) § 166b. Home study program
This is the age-old dichotomy between individual rights and governmental (i.e. mob) control. Are children educated to be successful individuals or successful members of society? Or both? If the intent of education is to facilitate the physical and cognitive development of a child, who best defines what a successful outcome is?
The problem with governmental control, as opposed to individual (i.e. parental) control, is that the former lacks the agility to react to an ever-changing environment – especially as those societal changes increase in velocity. Will some parents make mistakes? Yes. But what happens when a government (the mob) makes the mistake?
This is why individualism, i.e. ‘free-markets’, in retrospect, enhance, improve and perpetuate the human condition more successfully than does a governmental one-size-fits all system. When individuals are successful, or when they make mistakes, society has the advantage of seeing and learning from those actions from a plethora of perspectives and experiences. When government (the mob) controls everything, at best, if we survive, we don’t know the difference between success or failure because everyone functions the same way.
Variety is the spice of life.
Hi Jay,
And what about our Constitutional Right to pursue our Happiness?
What if we don’t choose to be a wage slave? (and don’t want our kids to be one)
What if we value life and our short days on this earth and want to live simply and do what we want to do?
What if we want to be a writer or an artist?
As long as you can provide for yourself, then who is to judge this as “success”.
You and I both know that they would not deem this person that thought this way to be “Properly Educated”.
But it’s a parents right to educate their own children in a manner consistent with their own values and morals.. a hippy living out there in a modest cabin sure won’t educate their kids as a lawyer or a tech whiz would. But the hippy has the same rights as the tech whiz to create more hippies in their own kids if that is what they want to do.
It seems to me that “success” (or the goal) should be judged by whether or not you are a law abiding person that can support your own self. Period.
Jay, look at the suicide rates of kids and the mental health crisis we are in- and we were in one prior to this virus. It’s about time that creating just plain “Happiness” was a bigger part of this plan for our kids- and ourselves for that matter.
We are a nation of unhealthy, miserable people existing on meds. right now. No nation can flourish under these circumstances.
There is massive suicidal tendencies for young kids in our state, just ask those in social services. We are so ruining the lives of our young people by not giving them a solid family or education. Complete chaos from the big city social programs we’ve adopted……it’s amazing how few people care. It’s amazing that people do all this with a clear conscience.
These “youth” rioting, performing arson, looting, smashing and burning, trying to destroy history to their liking…
Were these educated in and by Public Government Schools, and Colleges/University.
Where did they learn that smash burn, threaten, steal, destroy, attack US Senator and his Wive trying to walk to their hotel (report denied by Lib. media) but proven by a shocking video of rioters shoving a policeman who fell into the Senator!! attack the Police, attack Federal Gov’t buildings, Burn Police buildings.
Some of this Public Education is worth every cent.
Thus Covid was tipping over people who had issues to begin with, i.e., THE MOST VULNERABLE, such as the elderly, and those in nursing/retirement homes
Younger people, wearing no masks, hold BLM, defund police, and “justice” marches (with some burning and looting, plus violence and shooting to better make the point), but few, if any, become sick of Covid and/or become a statistic.