By David Flemming
Perhaps it was something in the air, but a day after the election I started to think, I wonder what the chances are of Vermont extending the mail-balloting initiative for 2020 indefinitely?
EAI’s November Survey is the product of that question. A few days later, Governor Scott was already proposing the possibility of mailing ballots for Town Meeting Day, which is set for Tuesday, March 2, 2021. The survey asks a single question “should Vermont mail ballots to all registered voters for every future statewide election, like we did in the 2020 election? (Assuming Covid-19 is under control by 2022).” 55 of you responded so far in just the first week of the survey.
Option 1 is an enthusiastic endorsement of the idea “yes, it worked well for 2020, let’s do it for every statewide election!” So far 3 people have endorsed this idea, or 5.5%. Option 2 expresses a cautious optimism, “maybe, ask me in a few weeks. if I don’t hear stories about fraud, lost ballots etc., and we get additional safeguards, I’d tentatively support it. Only 2 of the respondents checked this option, or 3.6%.
Option 3 is something of a hallway measure. Rather than mailing ballots to all Vermont addresses, residents would only receive an application for a ballot. 4 people thought this was the most satisfactory option, or 7.3%. Option 4 is the strongest “no” of the choices, which a whopping 42 people chose (76.4%) “You should only be able to vote by mail if you request a ballot weeks ahead of time, without the government prompting you to do so.” 4 people offered another explanation outside the first 4 choices.
You can take the survey here.
David Flemming is a policy analyst for the Ethan Allen Institute. Reprinted with permission from the Ethan Allen Institute Blog.
Ridiculous that this was done. All for one purpose; to open the door for corrupt dems to oust our commander in chief. On top of this, it cost taxpayers a lot of money to print them, stuff/process and mail them. They are postmarked from Massachusetts for some reason? More extra spending from our fearless democrat leaders.
Mail-in Voting:
Mail-in voting should be abolished nation-wide.
Mail-in voting overloads the already-stressed US Postal System with more than 100 million over-sized envelopes that have to be treated as first-class mail. See URLs
No Voting Machines:
No voting machines by Dominium, etc., would be allowed, because they can be programmed to give desired results.
Only Absentee Voting:
All registered absentee voters must request ballots.
Absentee votes would be valid/legal, only if the envelope is signed by the absentee voter and properly notarized.
Audited Hand Count:
All counting must be by AUDITED hand count, by two people.
Any disputes go into a third box to be decided by two people, which is exactly the process during the Georgia recount.
Numbered Ballots:
Ballots should be numbered, similar to lottery tickets.
With a proper computer system that records ONLY the numbers of the voted ballots (nothing else), immediately after the polls close, it would be known which ballot numbers were not used, such as 1) someone died, 2) moved away, or 3) did not bother to vote.
Those numbers would immediately be declared void, to avoid them being used for nefarious purposes, as happened in Michigan, Wisconsin, Philadelphia, etc.
Registering and Harvesting:
No same-day registering and voting, because proper documentation cannot be verified by busy poll workers.
No harvesting of ballots from anywhere, including from nursing homes.
Gaming the System: With tens of millions of ballot envelopes floating around all over the place, due to mail-in voting, there are many ways to game the system; misplacing, destroying, not counting, altering.
As part of the present election, ballot envelopes were opened by Democrat-party insiders.
If Biden, they were resealed and counted.
If Trump, the ballot was replaced with a for-Biden ballot, resealed and counted.
This likely was practiced in Democrat-dominated cities, such as Detroit, Mich.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Atlanta, Ga.; Milwaukee, Wis.; and Las Vegas, Nev.
Any Trump litigating likely would not catch enough fraud to make a difference.
Changing the rules?
That likely would never happen, because power and control politicians, etc., like losey, goosy rules “for flexibility” to game the system, if and when needed.
They want “same-day” registration and voting.
They want criminals to vote
They want illegals to vote, or quickly make illegals citizens so they can vote.
They want “motor-voter”, i.e., a driver’s license would be sufficient to register and vote
NOTE: There is only one party in America that opposes voter ID; one party in America that opposes verifying signatures, citizenship, residency, eligibility,” said White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany. “There is only one party in America trying to keep observers out of the count room and that party, my friend, is the Democrat Party.”
Absentee ballots and Bulk mail-in ballots are two different animals !!
If you cannot make it to your local voting poll location for whatever reason
you can and should ” request ” an absentee ballot, so your vote is cast for
the person you want to be elected, you cast !!
Mail-in mass ballots are just an avenue to rig the system, yes voter fraud and
it’s real and any legislator or election official that recommends ” Permanent ”
mail-in ballots and don’t require any form of ID that includes Jim Condos liberal
puppet should be fired.
Wake up people, they don’t care, it’s all about control for an agenda, just look
at the shenanigans this year alone, I have voted in every election since I was
able and I have never seen anything like this in my life…….. disgusting display.
Voter ID mandated, Absentee or in-person voting only……anything else is just
a scam, and you can see what party is promoting it …………….
Of course we should have mail in ballots for everything. That way we can save time and we won’t have to go vote because somebody somewhere will vote for us. And think of it we won’t have to bother with recounts, just live out our lives as happy cammpers.
David Flemming,
Based on the shenanigans and chaos in the swing states to hand “victory” to Biden, I doubt Vermonters will be eager to repeat the mailing fiasco in Vermont.
Would the AUDITED hand count be able to distinguish between legal votes and illegal/pilfered/altered/switched ballots?
Would the AUDITED hand count be able to determine if a voter was properly registered, i.e., if that voter had on file with a Town Clerk the following items:
1) Photo ID and signature
2) Birth certificate (or citizen papers), and
3) Proof of residence
I very much doubt it.
Ballots should be numbered, similar to lottery tickets.
All ballots must be run through a machine by pre-selected neutral people on Election Day.
No universal mail-in of ballots.
That clearly overloads the US postal system with an UNNESSARY avalanche of paperwork. See URLs
No same-day registering and voting.
All registered voters must be US citizens, and have valid signatures, up-to-date photo IDs, and proof of residence on file with Town Clerks
All registered absentee voters must request ballots.
No harvesting of ballots from anywhere, including from nursing homes.
If absentee, no ballots are valid, unless properly notarized and post-marked before or on Election Day.
With a proper computer system, immediately after the polls close, it will be known which ballot numbers were not used, such as someone died, moved away, or did not bother to vote.
Those numbers would immediately be declared void, to avoid them being used for nefarious purposes, as happened in Michigan, Wisconsin, Philadelphia, etc.
With tens of millions of ballot envelopes floating around all over the place, there would still be many ways to game the system, but at least there would a cap on total votes (misplacing, destroying, not counting, altering)
As part of the present election, ballot envelopes were opened by Democrat-party insiders.
If Biden, they were resealed and counted.
If Trump, the ballot was replaced with a for-Biden ballot, resealed and counted.
This likely was practiced in Democrat-dominated cities, such as Detroit, Mich.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Atlanta, Ga.; Milwaukee, Wis.; and Las Vegas, Nev.
Any Trump litigating likely would not catch enough fraud to make a difference.
Changing the rules?
Will never happen, because power and control folks like losey, goosy rules “for flexibility” to game the system, if and when needed.
They want “same-day” registration and voting.
They want criminals to vote
They want illegals to vote, or make illegals citizens so they can vote.
They want “motor-voter”, i.e., a driver’s license would be sufficient to register and vote
NOTE: There is only one party in America that opposes voter ID; one party in America that opposes verifying signatures, citizenship, residency, eligibility,” said White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany. “There is only one party in America trying to keep observers out of the count room and that party, my friend, is the Democrat Party.”
1) The Trump poll-monitoring team canvassed all early voters and absentee mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania.
They found over 100 people who likely were dead; 15 of them voted, even though verified as dead!
Senator Graham stated: “Here is the one that really gets me: Six people REGISTERED after they died, and then voted. In Pennsylvania, I guess you’re never out of it.”
That means, voter lists were checked by Democrat voting operatives, to determine who likely had not voted.
Ballots were prepared, and sent in under their names, to polling stations, for counting, until Biden was safely ahead.
Eager operatives, in a hurry, even registered dead people.
That was just an honest mistake? Horse manure!
2) In Pennsylvania, 450,000 ballots are marked only “for Biden’, and have no marks for other candidates.
Look at that, Vermont and NH too. Would be good to do a manual recount!
Mmmm should mail-in ballots continue.. Easy answer NO !!!!”
Vermont has 343,000 registered voters
355,000 counted votes
12,000 + extra votes
Where did these EXTRA votes come from??
The voting Fairy?
Just appeared out of thin air??
The DEAD???
My husband died in 2004.. one came in the mail for him !!! I know for a fact that he didn’t ask for it nor VOTED !!!
Mail-in ballots equal FRAUD plain and simple.
Yet for the democrats, it’s a sure way to win…
Donna B,
I have corrected your numbers two times.
Making strong arguments depends on accurate numbers.
In Vermont, a blank ballot was mailed to each active registered voter, dead or alive, moved away or not.
Registered voters 506,312
Votes cast 372,366
Early votes 280,500
Vermont, not a swing state, had highly predictable election outcomes.
Almost all incumbents were safely re-elected, with few notable exceptions.
Any shenanigans likely were minimal; not so in swing states.
Then the article jumped to Survey Monkey and I tried to answer the questions. Unfortunately the survey did not provide who would be president to base our answers from. My answers should be based on who is running the country and not trying to guess without knowing. I closed the survey due to a rigged questions situation with no knowledge of under what circumstances would I be living.
Surely you Jest,a convent excuse for voter fraud, in a word NO.
I am astounded by all the information regarding election irregularities that are ENTIRELY due to mail-in, and due to computer software “gymnastics” in at least 30 states.
Read all the URLs and you will be similarly amazed.
For the US media and VT Media to continue to aver there was no massive fraud is far beyond credence.
It amazes me the VT Media has been SOOOOO quiet about this issue.
Do they not know how to google?
One America News that revealed how ‘Dominion’ deleted 2.7 million votes for him nationwide.
Dominion Voting Systems’ is the second-largest voting equipment vendor in the U.S. and provided its computer equipment in key battleground states. However, these systems appear to be unreliable.
Dominion Voting Systems, a voting machine manufacturer founded in Canada, made equipment that is used in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
According to Dominion’s website its machines also are used in the states of California, Utah, Alaska, Colorado, New Mexico, Illinois, New York, and New Jersey, plus Puerto Rico.
Edison Research Report: According to an un-audited analysis of data obtained from ‘Edison Research,’ states using ‘Dominion Voting Systems’ may have switched as many as 435,000 votes from President Trump to Joe Biden.
The author also found another 2.7 million Trump votes appear to have been deleted by Dominion, including almost one million Trump votes in Pennsylvania alone.
Analysts said the theft and destruction of votes are attributed to so-called glitches in the ‘Dominion’ software and the extent to which this affected results can be verified by AUDITED hand recounts of votes in each state. READ URL
Problems in Michigan and Georgia: Antrim County, a predominantly Republican county in Northern Michigan that went to Trump with 62% of the vote in 2016, flipped to Biden on Election Day, when the Dominium count initially gave Biden 6,000 votes that actually belonged to Trump.
After red flags went up, county election officials did an AUDITED hand recount of ballots and determined Trump actually won with 56%, the Detroit Free Press reported.
Shenanigans and Audited Hand Recount in Antrim County, Michigan:
Antrim County, a predominantly Republican county in Northern Michigan that went to Trump with 62% of the vote in 2016, flipped to Biden on Election Day, when the Dominium Computer “count” initially gave Biden 6,000 votes that actually belonged to Trump.
The computer was programmed to switch the votes
After red flags went up, county election officials ordered an AUDITED hand recount of ballots, and determined Trump actually won with 56% of the vote, the Detroit Free Press reported.
Shenanigans and Audited Hand Recount in Georgia:
Officials said they received numerous reports of voting irregularities that may have swayed the election.
Biden is ahead by 14,000 votes.
Officials ordered an AUDITED hand recount.
The AUDITED hand recount is widely expected to give Trump the 16 electoral votes, plus will expose the rampant Democrat effort to manipulate the vote.