The 2020 presidential election is still undecided as of Thursday afternoon, but substantial doubt has been cast over the results as significant voting irregularities have cropped up in key battleground states across the country.
The discussion over counting legal votes — and blocking illegal votes — is stimulating buzz nationwide, and even in Vermont, one of the most anti-Trump states in the country. Vermonters have taken to social media to cheer on Democrat challenger Joe Biden as he nears the 270 vote electoral vote threshold to become president.
New House member and Progressive/Democrat Tanya Vyhovsky was one of many locals to call for making sure all votes — emphasis on all — are counted.
This election has been unprecedented. We need to be ready to organize, to demand justice for all no matter the outcome. The moment we are in right now is a symptom of a much larger problem. #vtpoli #CountEveryVote #JusticeForAll
— Tanya Vyhovsky for Vermont (@tanyavforvt) November 5, 2020
Among the irregularities being widely discussed include tallies in states like Michigan rising by hundreds of thousands of votes in the early hours of Nov. 4 while most Americans slept. The Trump administration is suing over issues of limited access to vote counting stations, and disputing the constitutionality of counting votes received by election officials after Election Day.
Vermonters have been particularly vocal in siding with Biden under the mantra that “every vote must be counted.” Vermont Conservation Voters, for example, posted highlights of a “Protect The Results” event in favor of Biden at Montpelier.
Vermonters are gathering in Montpelier to defend our democracy and #ProtectTheResults. VCV has joined a coalition of Vermont organizations supporting these national events here in Vermont. Sign up at #vtpoli
— Vermont Conservation Voters (@VoteGreenVT) November 4, 2020
Hours before the polls closed Tuesday, Vermont Racial Justice Society was pushing the narrative that remaining mail-in ballots will be an issue of contention.
“Every one counts. Every vote counts. And every vote must be counted,” the group’s Election Day newsletter states. “These are values we all hold, and they are not negotiable.”
Another Vermonter, Rama Schneider, who lost his race for an Orange-1 House district seat, posted on Twitter, without evidence, that he thinks the Republican Party engages in voter suppression.
What does a review of the pre-election polls tell us? For one thing, we see the voter turnout required to overcome trump-mcconnell-gop-vtgop voter suppression and election fraud (the difference between pre-election polling and vote counts). #vtpoli #NotMeUs @Greg_Palast
— Rama Schneider (@RamaSchneider) November 5, 2020
As of Thursday afternoon, Biden and Trump are still awaiting final results from a handful of states, including Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona and Alaska.
As for the electoral map, CNN has Biden leading Trump with an electoral vote count of 253-213. Fox News has Biden up 264-214.
The account “America needs Pennsylvania” tweeted that Trump supporters are interfering with the election, and called on “principled Republicans” like Vermont Gov. Phil Scott and Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker to join the “every vote counts” chorus.
The chant to stop counting ballots before the election is over, that's a Republican party joint.@MassGovernor, how about a #CountEveryVote refrain from principled Republicans who claim the right to define 'Republican'? @GovPhilScott @LarryHogan #mapoli #vtpoli #mdpolitics
— America needs Pennsylvania #papolitics (@RWwatchMA) November 5, 2020
The president has taken to Twitter to claim victory in multiple states and to make a claim that election fraud is happening in Michigan and elsewhere.
We have claimed, for Electoral Vote purposes, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (which won’t allow legal observers) the State of Georgia, and the State of North Carolina, each one of which has a BIG Trump lead. Additionally, we hereby claim the State of Michigan if, in fact,…..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 4, 2020
…..there was a large number of secretly dumped ballots as has been widely reported!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 4, 2020
Twitter labeled the tweets as misinformation, stating “Some or all of the content shared in this Tweet is disputed and might be misleading about an election or other civil process.”
That hasn’t stopped the message from getting out. Trump campaign manager Bill Stephen pointed to “reports of irregularities in several Wisconsin counties which raise serious doubts about the validity of the results”
Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien:
"There have been reports of irregularities in several Wisconsin counties which raise serious doubts about the validity of the results. The President is well within the threshold to request a recount and we will immediately do so.”
— Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) November 4, 2020
Wisconsin was one of the states that took a dramatic last-minute turn in favor of Biden in the wee hours of the morning following Nov. 3. A sudden addition of over 138,000 votes for Biden, without one single ballot for Trump, even had CNN news commentator Chris Cuomo visibly bewildered, as seen in a video posted by OffGuardian.
Here's the moment where #CNNElection shows #Biden gaining 110,000 votes in #Wisconsin INSTANTLY. See how confused they are? They know this is BS. #Elections2020
— OffGuardian (@OffGuardian0) November 4, 2020
Similar 100 percent vote dumps for Biden in Michigan were observed in the twilight hours, as noted by Federalist political editor John Daniel Davison.
In another Wisconsin revelation, undercover journalist organization Project Veritas published an interview with a Michigan United States Postal Service whistleblower who is claiming that his superior instructed employees to back-date mail-in-ballots that were sent after Election Day.
BREAKING: Michigan @USPS Whistleblower Details Directive From Superiors: Back-Date Late Mail-In-Ballots As Received November 3rd, 2020 So They Are Accepted
“Separate them from standard letter mail so they can hand stamp them with YESTERDAY'S DATE & put them through"#MailFraud
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) November 5, 2020
In Detriot, Michigan, which was still counting ballots as of late Wednesday afternoon, a video emerged of poll watchers being blocked from observing the ballot counts.
The scene at Detroit’s absentee ballot counting center is growing more heated. The windows now being covered up. Allegations of violations. Sec. of State says she welcomes challenges.
— Matt Finn (@MattFinnFNC) November 4, 2020
Further fueling doubts about the vote-count in Detriot was at least 38,000 mail-in ballots arrived around 3:45 am after Election Day.
Michael Bielawski is a reporter for True North. Send him news tips at and follow him on Twitter @TrueNorthMikeB.
If you spend some time googling, you will find all sorts of election information.
That information would not have been available 5 or 10 years ago.
With the internet, and uncensored social media, there is no place to hide, as SNOWDON has been telling us.
Democrats, with help of the MEDIA, are declaring victory, BEFORE RECOUNTING ANY BALLOTS.
However, the wrong-doings have been so extreme, it would take months to PARTIALLY get to the bottom of it.
Democrats and the Media tell us:
Throw in the towel, move on, time to heal!
There is nothing to see here.
Nothing needs to be investigated
All is fair and square
That would mean it would again happen in the next election.
However, Trump wants to show his 70+ million supporters how much wrong-doing has been perpetrated, for the record.
Here, ON TWITTER, is a video of a postal worker being told to backdate ballots so they could be counted.
He says: Normally this would be done by a clerk, but this time the supervisor was backdating.
Mail and ballots found in dumpster
Temp worker tossed Pennsylvania ballots
Kentucky postal worker fired for dumping ballots
Michigan, Wisconsin elections officials refuse to explain sudden Biden vote influx
Back-dating mail-in ballots so they could be counted
Illegal “asylum” seekers, praying for Biden win
USPS says mail-in ballots not delivered. Those late ballots likely were for Trump, due to the Biden scandal
The Kafka Election: Finding a Way Out of the Maze
By Frank Miele
In some parts of the country they have a term, boodle.
It’s pleasant term to describe bribe money. Guess what states use this term?
Guess which states are finding votes.
Is there a correlation?
Seek and ye shall find…..
Au contraire. Refuse to be lectured by wolf-in-sheeps-clothing deeply dishonest John Freitag as it comes out one side with this commenter and more of the diktat-styled destructive Democrat pile of fetid rot despite using a Republican example – not fooled. Tho may fancy self as a spokesman of sorts – exists only in own muddy mentality – and no such thing here on TNR – thank God.
We must remember to thank the Trump-derangement syndromed NWO, globalist cabal and Democrat surrogates standing shoulder to shoulder with other assorted Communists for *all* of this – and as such for the misery wreaked upon our world by their friends in Communist China. This is an assault on freedom and liberty as well as our constitutionally protected status. Overarching issue is takeover of our nation by aforementioned. And as such quite comfortable calling aforementioned traitors to our nation and free world.
If ya wanna start a new and different never-been-tried voting system on the cusp of a national election including state and federal – there will be no quick resolution.
My, my – there are many contested state results – all Dem controlled w exception of GA – surprise! So remember who caused all this – primarily the Democrats *still* attempting to steal another election.
We are looking at up to inauguration before we’re thru. Pass the popcorn and keep the xdry Martinis coming. Stoli is running a steep discount In N’hampsha -along with Jim Beam 😀
Interesting that TNR allows him to talk freely.
His news outfits don’t seem to operate that way, oddly.
So a guy from the party of suppressing Free Speech, himself seems to like Free Speech and the free exchange of all thoughts. Funny dat eh?
Skunk-at-the-party much lol. Doesn’t merely express Free Speech but inserts a worldview -collectivism- which is communistic w proven 100 years of failure record. As such incompatible w many TNR commenters – acts as disruptive influence to no end except own selfish power-mad wetdreams which is what modern Democrat Party now represents.
Anyone who barges into a discussion, posts polar-opposite view and antithesis of what the platform represents, routinely hurls demonstrably false and misleading info then refuse to verify, discuss or answer questions should expect to be received as a skunk walking into a social gathering lol.
Any honest discussion places posters and commenters as fair game to be queried, held accountable and provide verification when necessary. Failure destroys credibility – this is the heart of the blogosphere. Citizen Journalism at grassroots which MSM despises and all who have something to hide as wiping egg off gets old lol.
If a conservative posted to any public mixed comment platform – expect to be mobbed to bloody pulp then quartered as in Twitter and FB mobosphere. Anyone can comment or post here facing only rebuttals and merely called out for rude behavior. Hence mob mentality isn’t here bc there are no vocal collectivists.
TNR is noncensorship for most part – appears as quietly removing comments which oppose their rules as benevolent elves. Will accept citizen journalist letters, news and op-eds according to their standards. Allows anonymous comments and posts w/in comments.
Personally good with opposing pov to be judged by veracity thereof -acts as self-limiting mechanism. When dishonesty is exposed limits drive-bys and bs artists. Ya’d have to threaten to bomb the Pentagon to possibly get censored but suspect only after a lengthy review by TNR staffers lol.
Demeaning by misgendering is plain rude but exposes Frietag as a sexist – which is another dirty secret of Democrat Party – they are all they claim to oppose operating under rules for thee but not for me clause. Soo…if someone repeatedly addresses me as “Mr” then nonapologizes by declaring ‘they didn’t know I was a “lady”‘… expect to see flying dishes lol 😉
We do not always get the election results we would like. Just ask Mitzi Johnson, David Zuckerman, Tim Ashe, or Robin Chesnut-Tangerman. Progressive/Democratic leadership in the Vermont Legislature has been decimated in this election cycle.
Clearly all legal ballots should be counted and every claim of irregularities investigated and if found to be true, ballots thrown out, and those involved should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. There is also always the chance for recounts as being requested by the President in Wisconsin and Mitzi Johnson in her race.
In the meantime, we might want to consider the comments of the senior U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania Republican Pat Toomey who said on Thursday night, “The president’s allegations of large-scale fraud and theft of the election are just not substantiated”.
Yet……it takes time to get the facts. Let’s see what unfolds.
While I love rhino’s, I’m not a huge fan of globalist rinos that sell our country out to PAC, Lobbyists and the NWO.
Regretfully I voted for representatives in the past that were all about the New World Order…I was uninformed and uneducated.
Truth takes some time, more so when they are blocking all commentary. Many are not acting or doing things that would indicate open and honest activities. Hell even in our state of Vermont, look how long the biggest scandal in the nation with regard to EB-5 is taking to unfold……nothing to see here they say, nothing to see. Move along…
Freitag, again the defender of the Democrats. Did Chairman Phil designate you as Gilhooley’s replacement, since he’s been so unsuccessful and weak-kneed?
Karen wasn’t available.
Yes, Mr. Freitag every legal ballot should be counted. Now, how do we differentiate ballots?
The mail in ballot scheme- including in Vermont has only increased the chance and probability of irregularities- if not outright fraud. In Ms. Johnson’s case, a recount is the available remedy to her and she has sought that. The recounting of 11,000 votes is a fairly straightforward process for Grand Isle/Chittenden district. She will receive a proper remedy, surely with proper legal observation. The result will be whatever it is- case closed.
For the presidential race, how possibly can the current appearance of impropriety be remedied? Statewide recounts will be a muddy mess, with lawyers battling over every aspect of the recounts. The ensuing litigation, speculation and court rulings will never satisfy the question of election integrity. Too many irregularities have already been perpetrated. I see no
proper remedy to either of the presidential candidates. This election will always be remembered as tainted, regardless of outcome.
I remember the idiocy of the 2000 presidential election, with Florida and “Hanging Chads” It did our nation no good. The Mail in ballot has done the same for 2020.
What really matters, is that now your vote and mine have little worth outside of our state. Manipulating ballots isn’t a new concept, but is now become an accepted practice- nationwide. And the Mail-in Ballot just made it simpler.
Election Integrity can only be restored by returning to in-person and absentee ballots, with ID required for both methods. Those that think otherwise seem to me to be complicit in the manipulation. This is a sad chapter in our nation’s history.
Ballots should be numbered, as are lottery tickets.
All ballots must be run through a machine on or before Election Day.
No ballots are valid, unless post-marked on or before Election Day.
With a proper computer system, immediately after the polls close, it will be known which ballot numbers are missing, such as someone died, moved away, or did not bother to vote.
Those numbers would be declared void, to avoid printing on the sly.
There would still be many smaller ways to game the system, but at least the barn door would be closed before the horse got out.
Before the present election, truckloads of ballots were printed, and filled out, for Biden, and distributed, as needed, to tip the various races in favor of Biden; a pre-meditated plan hatched in Democrat-run cities.
Trump litigating would not catch enough fraud to make a difference.
Changing the rules?
Will never happen, because power and control folks like losey, goosy rules.
How can what the President is saying not be substantiated?
You all just want to see what you want to see.. and that is usually not whatever is right in front of your nose.
Trump just gathered 57,000 people at one single rally in PA and you don’t think he won over the fragile guy that rarely left the basement, and then promptly called a Lid within 2 hours when he did? Barack Obama introduced him 3 times and he was wandering around in the back by the building totally not even aware of what was happening.. you think millions of people voted for that?
Show me some evidence of an ounce of love for Biden that would make millions vote for the man- with a clear case of dementia.
His VP was the first person to drop out of the race, with less than 2% of the vote.
There is no evidence of why anyone shoulda wanted to vote for him.
Regardless of the outcome of the presidential race, the way elections are run has fundamentally changed- maybe forever. Mail in ballots are here to stay- and seriously devalue the worth of our vote. That a bit of prior planning can inject a small number of fake ballots into a town, city or county and alter the outcome of a race, the desire of the voter. This isn’t new, but Mail-in ballots opened the floodgates for this scheme. Is it happening here in Vermont? Probably, to a small degree. There will always be that question, is it rigged? It bears watching carefully, any recount done in Vermont.
If you get a chance, observe the difference between VT & NH absentee ballots. Trump is at the bottomThe of VT’s while Biden is at the top. NH’s ballot BOTH are at the top. VT thinks alphabetical order was better, but simpletons probably didn’t see Trump.
The VT ballot was designed to favor Sleepy Joe et al. Congradulations Condos you came through again. Even sent out ballots to all without any request. In NH you have to request a ballot and indicate you’re on the voter rolls. Then when handing in, have to show proof of who you are-a resident.
The media has been heavy-all news about Sleepy. I can only hope if Biden gets in, his voters suffer as he says he’s changing America, It tain’t over till the faty lady sings.
Absolutely Tom. Great comment – fat lady won’t be singin soon as several recounts and other challenges are in the offing.
Tho MSM seems to think it’s over and off to their Democrat Party dystopia. We now know why all the fuss about DJT leaving office following peaceful transfer – Democrats and party are so despised knew all along they could only win by stealing election and framed it thusly.
I think it’s pretty laughable that the Democrats would be surprised they’d be kicked to the curb at the ballot box.
You mean destroying the economy, scaring the heck out of people and convincing us all we are so full of toxic waste we need a mask on if we dare escape from our forced lockdowns.. you mean that was not a winning plan for the Utopic vision?
No way??? see my shocked face.
The mailing of those ballots alone cost taxpayers $300,000 at least. It’s amazing how VT government loves to spend our money.
We also have a rigged election in Vermont that nobody wants to talk about.
Molly Gray is not qualified to be our Lt. Governor by the very inclusive and fair Vermont Constitution.
The press and pundits have been covering for her from day one. She also knows she is in the wrong on this, you can tell by her answers and how she answers. Below are the qualifications. You will note they have been doing a slight of hand from day one, trying to equate citizenship to be the same as residennce….it is not!
23. Residence of Governor and Lieutenant-Governor
No person shall be eligible to the office of Governor or Lieutenant-Governor until the person shall have resided in this state four years next preceding the day of election.
That is ridiculous, citizenship and residence are not alike at all.
Anyone that would try and say there are, that alone should show they aren’t too bright.
I know huh, You can be a foreign nation and reside in Vermont. You can be an illegal alien and reside in Vermont. You can be a Canadian citizen and reside in Vermont. You can be a second home owner and reside in Vermont. You can be a citizen of another state an reside in Vermont.
Clearly the reside in Vermont is a qualifier, on top of being a citizen of our state.
Honestly we make is so incredibly easy to get involved and hold office, but she doesn’t even qualify for that. It’s very clear, very easy to understand.
How can the Governor stand there and allow that?
Did he not take an oath himself to uphold your Constitution?
Where is the VTGOP?
That Vice Chair is a lawyer.. Bucknam.. I forgot her first name.
How can she sit there and allow this to happen?
Where is John Klar on it?
You all have to rise up and hold these people accountable..
They do this because you all allow them to do it- is what it all boils down to at the end of the day.. they more you let them do, the more they WILL DO.
They are like kids that push their limits.
*This place here should be all over this, THIS is the job of the media!
Send the story over to NH. we’ll bust it up for ya and put it in our news. Believe me, it will get seen. or
This is our news site over here and they get more traffic than anyone at this point..
we are nipping at the heels of the WMUR TV station in fact.
Why is this place not doing this?
Someone has to do the Peoples Work.. who is it gonna be?
Thank you.
I will send my write-up to them, so they can post it.
Hi All,
Actually, we trade places with the Union Leader as far as online audience is concerned – because WMUR is part of the Heart Corp, that a different story.
I’m posting up Neil’s Op-ed that should go up around 1pm EDT today.
Hi Laura.
Thanks, I just submitted commentary to them and True North reports…
The qualifications to hold Lt. Governor’s office are very, very basic and all inclusive, problem is Molly Gray doesn’t even qualify on that. Her ambition and the party ambition to push those with “global experience” is just too much.
She knows she’s wrong. Thank you for the net work.
Yeah….you’re guys are awesome.
Come and join us over there.. think of it as an education in how to fight..
Knowledge is power.. the better you are at this game, the better equipped you are to take it on.
We have fabulous writers. You’ll learn a lot.
Great story and nicely done Neil – keep fighting the good fight and the bad guys 😉
Oh – and doesn’t bother to vote either lol. She was installed not elected – if state fails we need SCOVT challenge.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for the AG to look into it.
Hopefully will be sh-canned and a do-over. How did this happen – only in the VSSR!
No one should doubt for one minute that voting fraud/rigging has been occurring in Vermont. Condos should take note that ballots have been injected into the system that have hidden watermarks.
And reason for Freudian-projection project “Transparency Tours” ???
Here, on TWITTER, is a 6-part video of a poll station worker talking for about 20 minutes about what she and others saw 3 vehicles arrived about 4 AM with more than 130,000 ballots.
Watch all parts to get a DEMOCRACY education
Poll workers were ASTOUNDED, all the ballots were marked for Biden. None of them had been verified, but were scanned/counted anyway to give Biden a boost.
Poll challengers/poll watchers are barred to observe
Here, ON TWITTER, is a video of a postal worker being told to backdate ballots to they could be counted.
Normally this would be done by a clerk, but this time the supervisor was backdating.
Voter tallies from both states spiked at around 6 a.m. in favor of Biden, as more mail-in ballots were being counted, according to graphs of live tallies posted by FiveThirtyEight.
That is very hard to believe
Before the bump in Michigan:
Trump had 2,200,902 votes
Biden 1,992,356 votes
Trump had a lead of 208,546 votes, which COULD NOT BE OFFSET by mostly Democrat mail-in votes.
After the bump in Michigan:
Trump had 2,200,902 votes
Biden had 2,130,695 votes
Trump had a lead of only 70,307 votes, which COULD EASILY be offset with mostly Democrat mail-in votes
The INSTANT Biden bonus was 138,239 votes
The INSTANT Trump bonus was ZERO votes. Who is stealing the election?
While these are solely “allegations”, Michigan and Wisconsin election officials REFUSE to explain Biden’s dramatic vote tally increase that occurred in both states overnight.
Decision Desk HQ, from which many screenshots of the supposed discrepancy were obtained, claimed that the jump in Michigan was due to a data error.
All of the bump for Biden, ZERO bump for Trump?
Here is the BS obfuscation from Michigan officials:
“It was a simple error from a file created by the state that we ingested. DDHQ does not correct/amend/adjust any state provided file. The state noticed the error and produced an updated count. This happens on election nights and we expect other vote tabulators in MI experienced this error and corrected in real-time as we did,” the company said in a statement, according to Politifact.
The jump in Wisconsin occurred when Milwaukee reported its absentee ballot results, according to USAToday.
Ballot “misplacing”, destroying, not counting, is rampant in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
In the internet age there is no place to hide, as SNOWDON told us 7 years ago.
Here are some sources of information.
Be sure to read the URLs, with all the juicy details.
Here is more INCREDIBLE, WIN-AT-ANY-COST shenanigans.
America Woke Up Wednesday Morning to Conspiracy Theories About ‘Vertical’ Vote Counts In Michigan, Wisconsin
In the wee hours of Wednesday morning, while very few people were awake, Biden SUDDENLY obtained a LEAD in Wisconsin and Michigan, AFTER Trump had been on track to win BOTH states.
While the Wisconsin race has yet to be officially called, there are reports that Biden is up roughly 20,000 votes with all votes counted.
The Trump campaign has already requested a recount.
Biden also had a near 16,000-vote lead in Michigan, though the race is still too close to call.
However, there are tweets circulating that call into question an alleged injection of about 138,239 votes in Michigan and another bump in Wisconsin for Biden.
Ben Shapiro made a good point I think. The extreme left do not hate Donald Trump. Donald Trump is just a symbol of whom they really hate. They hate you and me (conservatives). They wanted a landslide victory for Biden. They are rioting because they hate the people that did not vote with them. Me and you.
Hear, hear!
My BB home screen is DJT – caption: They are not after me – they’re after you – I’m just in the way.
Should be noted that Beijing Biden will not be installed unless the 270 holds.
Here is the BS obfuscation from Michigan officials:
“It was a simple error from a file created by the state that we ingested. DDHQ does not correct/amend/adjust any state provided file. The state noticed the error and produced an updated count. This happens on election nights and we expect other vote tabulators in MI experienced this error and corrected in real-time as we did,” the company said in a statement, according to Politifact.
The jump in Wisconsin occurred when Milwaukee reported its absentee ballot results, according to USAToday.
Mail and ballots found in dumpster
Temp worker tossed Pennsylvania ballots
Kentucky postal worker fired for dumping ballots
Michigan, Wisconsin elections officials refuse to explain sudden Biden vote influx
Back-dating mail-in ballots so they could be counted
Illegal “asylum” seekers, praying for Biden win
USPS says mail-in ballots not delivered. Those late ballots likely were for Trump, due to the Biden scandal
Before the bump in Michigan:
Trump had 2,200,902 votes
Biden 1,992,356 votes
Trump had a lead of 208,546 votes, which COULD NOT BE OFFSET by mostly Democrat mail-in votes.
After the bump in Michigan:
Trump had 2,200,902 votes
Biden had 2,130,695 votes
Trump had a lead of only 70,307 votes, which COULD EASILY be offset with mostly Democrat mail-in votes
The INSTANT Biden bonus was 138,239 votes
The INSTANT Trump bonus was ZERO votes. Who is stealing the election?
While these are solely “allegations”, Michigan and Wisconsin election officials REFUSE to explain Biden’s dramatic vote tally increase that occurred in both states overnight.
Decision Desk HQ, from which many screenshots of the supposed discrepancy were obtained, claimed that the jump in Michigan was due to a data error.
All of the bump for Biden, ZERO bump for Trump?
Ballot “misplacing”, destroying, not counting, is rampant in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
In the internet age there is no place to hide, as SNOWDON told us 7 years ago.
Here are some sources of information.
Be sure to read the URLs, with all the juicy details.
Here is more INCREDIBLE, WIN-AT-ANY-COST shenanigans.
America Woke Up Wednesday Morning to Conspiracy Theories About ‘Vertical’ Vote Counts In Michigan, Wisconsin
In the wee hours of Wednesday morning, while very few people were awake, Biden SUDDENLY obtained a LEAD in Wisconsin and Michigan, AFTER Trump had been on track to win BOTH states.
While the Wisconsin race has yet to be officially called, there are reports that Biden is up roughly 20,000 votes with all votes counted.
The Trump campaign has already requested a recount.
Biden also had a near 16,000-vote lead in Michigan, though the race is still too close to call.
However, there are tweets circulating that call into question an alleged injection of about 138,239 votes in Michigan and another bump in Wisconsin for Biden.
Voter tallies from both states spiked at around 6 a.m. in favor of Biden, as more mail-in ballots were being counted, according to graphs of live tallies posted by FiveThirtyEight.
That is very hard to believe
Here, ON TWITTER, is a video of a postal worker being told to backdate ballots to they could be counted.
Normally this would be done by a clerk, but this time the supervisor was backdating.
Here, on TWITTER, is a 6-part video of a poll station worker talking for about 20 minutes about what she and others saw 3 vehicles arrived about 4 AM with more than 130,000 ballots.
Watch all parts to get a DEMOCRACY education
Poll workers were ASTOUNDED, all the ballots were marked for Biden. None of them had been verified, but were scanned/counted anyway to give Biden a boost.
Poll challengers/poll watchers are barred to observe
I am watching a Twitter 6-part video on my iPhone, showing a woman talking about three trucks arriving at a polling station in Detroit, Michigan, that delivered more than 138,000 ballots ALL MARKED FOR BIDEN.
SHE HAS BEEN TALKING FOR AT LEAST 20 minutes about what she and other people saw.
This a huge bit of news.
Organized fraud on a large scale, to deprive Trump from being re-elected.
It is just unbelievable
And the same thing happened in Wisconsin!!
This MAJOR FRAUD, ON A LARGE SCALE, just had to be prepared IN ADVANCE, IN SECRET.
Let’s take a look at 2020 as a whole. Remember in January, the dems were trying to impeach Trump. At the same time the ChiComms were launching COVID 19. The President ignored Pelosi et al and stopped travel from China. It also killed the greatest economy ever, damaging Trump. This virus led to shutdowns to ease the spike of cases that threatened to overwhelm the healthcare system. Another result of it was now the virus would linger and spike near elections. This led to massive unrequested mail in ballots being sent out. And that led to massive voter fraud which Team Trump may not be able to correct. It is all the scheming dems one way to get rid of our elected President from 2016.
Lord help us all.
Mike B,
I am watching a Twitter video on my iPhone, showing a woman talking about three trucks arriving at a polling station in Detroit, Michigan that delivered 138,000 ballots ALL MARKED FOR BIDEN.
SHE HAS BEEN TALKING FOR AT LEAST 20 minutes about what she and other people saw.
This a huge bit of news.
Organized fraud on a large scale, to deprive Trump from being re-elected.
It is just unbelievable
And the something happened in Wisconsin!!
This just had to be prepared IN ADVANCE.
Willem, can people see now what this covid scam has really been about?
They needed to justify the need for all these mail in ballots because look at what they have had cooked up. A lot of us have seen this plan all along.. now we have a Casedemic to keep the scam alive, because so few are sick and dying. It’s all really nuts. Zerohedge had a huge article up the other day about how these Covid tests are all a scam too.. they said exactly what my holistic healthcare lady has been saying all along. They are using PCR testing only and they are being over amplified, they are picking up changes in the RNA, then they are forcing tests on the masses. They can make anyone a positive doing all this baloney.
The level of fraud that pours out of this corrupt government is at insane levels now.
Laura, And who does China want to win this election. China will blackmail the Biden administration to regain predominance over US manufacturing and they will continue to steel and overcome America. The military will be cutted again to aid the takeover of our country. With Biden in, all the democrat corruption from the last 4 years goes away. This is how important this election was to democrats and never Trumpers. Couple that with democratic political machines in place in democratically controlled states and cities that have been in power for 80 years or more. This is so visible to see and then add in the corrupt media and social media censorship and rigged polls to squash voters from going to the polls. The media pushed the death threat of the virus to instill the fear into the public and to blame Trump for a virus that was manufactured in China and brought here for the purpose of destroying Trumps re-election. If allowed to go unchecked we are now a 3rd world country.
Many thanks for your comments 😀
As futile as it may appear – there are many challenges including recount(s) and quite a large amount of conservative legal minds on this – I haven’t given up. While Beijing Biden may be nearing 270 – even if they make it – next challenge is keeping it.
When first heard could take to inaug – was doubtful. Not any more lol.
I’m hoping and praying along with all true Americans. Thank you for your comment!