Rep. Charles Wilson: Vermont headed toward injurious unsustainability

This commentary is by state Rep. Charles Wilson. He is a resident of Lyndon and the House member for the Caledonia-2 district.

Vermont is losing many workers due to its second highest tax rate in the nation and being business “unfriendly” with ever-increasing taxes, regulations, permits and programs. Vermont paid people to come to Vermont with their out-of-state, remote jobs, and encouraged them to buy land and homes — leading to an inadequate availability of quality housing for our own citizens and young families.

state of Vermont

Rep. Charles Wilson

Skyrocketing real estate and rental prices, and a boom in short-term rental properties, have led to increased land prices and a driving up of the cost of new housing, building materials, and labor costs. The Legislature is now pushing “smart growth” low-income housing, which will also affect property taxes.

None of this will help the average Vermonter, and out-of-control inflation will hurt us all.

We all agree that feeding children in need is critical, but the “universal free meals” plan (two per day per student) will expand the education budget and is not sustainable. The “Affordable Heat Act” also is not sustainable. The so-called “climate emergency” created from data from special interest groups uses propaganda advanced through liberal politicians and the liberal news media. They really never speak of solutions to pollution, over-consumption and waste, but just push the electrification of Vermont on an unrealistic timeline. It is all unaffordable and creates fear.

Vermont has lost its morals, culture and any sense of godliness. Now socialism is dictating what, when, and how we are to live — from a few elites and backed by the majority in power. The solution is to use commonsense and constitutional law as is rightly stated in our Constitution. Remember, a democracy does not protect individual or property rights; a constitutional republic like ours does.

Images courtesy of Public domain and state of Vermont

4 thoughts on “Rep. Charles Wilson: Vermont headed toward injurious unsustainability

  1. If northern-state people can prove they are NOT wacko liberals, but patriotic conservatives, would they still have to pay the tax?

  2. News today from South Carolina? S.C. has seen a lot of Vermonters relocating there (VT GONE)….FL, GA and NC too. Turns out South Carolina is none too pleased either. The Liberal/Socialist ruined States of Calif and NY…have proposed an EXIT tax for residents disgusted & leaving of how their States are run. Now, SC wants to put in place a “Yankee Tax”…Seems they are sick of the transplants arriving from Vermont and Yankee Socialist bastions.

    “South Carolina’s ‘Yankee Tax’ would cost $500 for new residents who want to drive,

    South Carolina has seen a significant influx of out-of-staters, leading the state’s legislature to take up legislation intended to make newcomers pay their fair share ….South Carolina state Senator Stephen Goldfinch proposed a bill, dubbed the “Yankee tax,” …..If passed by state referendum, new residents moving from out-of-state to South Carolina would be required to pay two one-time fees, $250 for new driver’s licenses and $250 for vehicle registrations…..“Our quality of life has been diminished by the almost 4 million people that have moved here in the last decade.” Goldfinch shared. “And we anticipate another million people moving here in the next decade. Everybody is concerned about their quality of life.”

    Be forwarned, South Carolina….Any moving to SC from Vermont, who are WOKE and Liberal Dems… should be taxed $10,000, each, to enter…because they will cause a lot of damage.

    • Rep. Wilson is spot on when he states:

      “Vermont has lost its morals, culture and any sense of godliness. Now socialism is dictating what, when, and how we are to live — from a few elites, and backed by the majority in power.”

      Be on your guard, South Carolina….and be very afraid if any “Vermont Indoctrinateds” move there. Believe me, you don’t want them. But it would be very fun to watch SC’s response if “The Conservation Law Foundation” (CLF) try to set up shop in SC – and do what they have done to VT, over 35 years 🙂

    • Maybe South Carolina can impose that woke/moonbat $10,000 tax with information gleaned the same way New York gets it’s information for those seeking a firearm carry permit…by forcing those seeking one to divulge access to all social media accounts. That policy in New York is most certainly a deliberate burden on those of a particular ideology.
      The quality of life in South Carolina is not being threatened by the influx of people, but by a particular mindset they harbor. Marxism is the new slavery, and this time the evil element supporting it is from the north and west instead of the south.

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