By Guy Page
The $1.1 million Super PAC campaign contribution from an FTX executive that helped Becca Balint win the 2022 Democratic primary appears to be mentioned in a new federal indictment against crypto currency firm FTX owner Samuel Bankman-Fried.
The indictment, filed Feb. 23, claims that Bankman-Fried stole FTX customer deposits, and used billions of dollars in stolen funds to “support the operations and investments of FTX and Alameda; to fund speculative venture investments; to make charitable contributions; to enrich himself; and to try to purchase influence over cryptocurrency regulation in Washington, D.C. by steering tens of millions of dollars of illegal campaign contributions to both Democrats and Republicans.”

A new indictment against FTX founder Samuel Bankman-Fried appears to cite campaign contribution misdeeds connected to the $1 million contribution that helped now-Congresswoman Becca Balint defeat Lt. Gov. Molly Gray in the 2022 Democratic Primary.
The indictment says Bankman-Fried used other FTX to make contributions, to keep his name from being publicly connected to the contributions: “To avoid certain contributions being publicly reported in his name, Bankman-Fried conspired to and did have certain political contributions made in the names of two other FTX executives (“CC-1” and “CC-2”). Those contributions were made directly to candidates in the names of those FTX executives, but with FTX and Alameda funds.”
For instance, Bankman-Fried directed an initially reluctant employee to give about $1 million to a super PAC to support an LGBTQ congressional candidate, the indictment said.
Here’s the exact wording (see Pg. 15):
“In or around 2022, Samuel Bankman-Fried, a/k/a ‘SBF,’ thedefendant, and others agreed that he and his co-conspirators should contribute at least a million dollars to a super PAC that was supporting a candidate running for a United States Congressional seat and appeared to be affiliated with pro-LGBTQ issues, and selected [unnamed SBF business associate] CC-1 to be the contributor. A political consultant working for ‘SBF’ asked CC-1 to make the contribution and told CC-1, ‘in general, you being the center left face of our spending will mean you giving to a lot of woke s–t for transactional purposes.’ CC-1 expressed discomfort with making the contribution in his name, but agreed there was not anyone ‘trusted at FTX [who was] bi/gay’ in a position to make the contribution. At the direction of Samuel Bankman-Fried and individuals working for him, CC-1 nonetheless contributed to the PAC.”
As reported last year, On July 7, FTX software engineering exec Nishad Singh donated $1.1 million to the LGBTQ Victory Fund. The next biggest donor gave $10,000. The PAC then spent $991,000 on the Balint campaign. Simple arithmetic shows that the LGBTQ Victory Fund was just a pass-through from Singh to Balint’s benefit. In the final month before the August 9 primary, a plethora of mailers and advertising helped a surging Balint pummel Lt. Gov. Molly Gray.
The new indictment does not name Balint, nor does it expressly find fault with the gay congressional candidate who received the FTX funds via Victory Fund passthrough.
At mid-morning Friday, VDC emailed Balint spokesperson for comment. It will be published as soon as it is received. A Balint spokesperson told VTDigger she is cooperating with federal authorities on the matter.
Guy Page is publisher of the Vermont Daily Chronicle. Reprinted with permission.
If SBF wanted to fund “woke s–t” he certainly found the best candidate. Balint filled the bill. Of course she had no knowledge of the money pouring in. Neither did her campaign manager. Can I sell you a bridge in NYC?
This is a really good case to make an example with.
This woman should be stripped of her position that was entirely paid for by dark money- period.
The money that a candidate makes during the campaign is a vetting system.
How and if they can manage their campaigns and win or not win- this shows the voters a whole lot.
It prepares the candidate. The voters can learn a whole lot about the candidate watching how they manage this whole process. When people like them, they then want them to win and give them financial support because that is who they feel can best represent them.
None if this is what went on when a woman gets a million dollars thrown at her by a criminal (that she chose to take).
If this woman never got that money, she perhaps would have never won and that would be the results of the system working as it’s designed to work- which would be good because it means the better person won.
That she’s not returning the money and stepping down speaks volumes about her true character.
She should then be made to pay the entire figure back and then throw whatever fraud charges at her that you can make happen.
If you are not going to take a stand and play hardball with this blatantly corrupt case getting global attention that has fallen in your lap- then when will you?
If you don’t, you’ll get more of what you allow to happen- and this has a whole lot to do with why Vermont is being led by a band of crooks that turned Vermont into a corrupt failed state circling the drain. This has happened because the people have allowed this to happen- which then got you a whole lot more of it. And that right there is the bottom line.
“You get the government you deserve” is a very real statement.
I’d love to know what Ms. Balint has to say about this data. It does not surprise me. Ms. Balint was everywhere touting her qualifications to be a Congresswoman, which largely rested on that she is woman, and she is lesbian (let’s also not forget she’s an out of state Democrat activist, transplant)….SO?, according to the current WOKE rules & election standards, she is the best qualified? Have a look at the women’s prison population, for a chuckle:
“A recent study published in the American Journal of Public Health includes startling findings about the overrepresentation of sexual minorities in prison.… For women, the overrepresentation is much more pronounced: Researchers found roughly a third of incarcerated women identify as lesbian or bisexual, “a proportion that is about 8 to 10 times greater than the 3.4 percent of lesbian or bisexual women in the U.S. population.” When women who engaged in same-sex sexual activity prior to their detention are factored in, sexual minority women account for a staggering 42.1 percent of the female prison population and 35.7 percent of women in jails.”
If Ms. Balint refuses to give back her criminally tainted $1.1 million, to the “little people”, that got scammed……maybe she should join the rest of these gals 🙂
PS. I am not a sexist racist. I don’t care what people do behind their closed doors. It’s their life and none of my business.
If balint doesn’t have any idea where her 1,000,000 came from, first she is too stupid to be in congress, and second, too corrupt to be there.
Bidenski in a tough Polish hood in Pennvania
C’mon man, give me a break.
I have to kiss Zelinski’s ass, and eventually give him everything he wants, because he has the goods on me and my son, and Biden, Inc.
Belint is still an amateur.
Give her some time!
Bidenski has to run for a second term to protect the family’s, influence-peddling Biden, Inc., as much as possible from the Republican-controlled House inquisition.
We have an interesting sense of justice in Vermont.
Can Vermont state police listen to rap music? Is that legal?
So, some cops on their time off were playing a game whereby they write rap music and it’s a contest on who writes the best lines. Now they are being investigated and on paid administrative leave. How crazy can we get?
If a cop is caught singing rap music, should they be arrested for a hate crime?
We’ve gone very soviet……we all hear nasty music on regular basis…..everywhere….are we going to have music police in Vermont now?
At some point Ms. Balint must pay back the $1 million to crime victims. If she refuses, she is exposed as another Socialist fraud. But HOW can she raise $1 million? SIMPLE! Go to very rich out of state donors who got her elected in the first place. But I propose that Ms. Balint be forced to pay it all back…BUT BE BARRED FROM TAKING ANY OUT OF STATE MONEY. Since the VT population of equally ignorant Socialists voted for her…then these same brain dead Socialists must chip in their fair share to pay back her fraudulant crime money. Make VT Socialist VOTERS pay….But we all know the indoctrinated WOKE Socialists voting in VT have little or no money, and they are cheap.. Ms. Balint should be forced to have “Organic Chicken Pie Suppers”, Vegan too. I figure the Socialists might be able to raise $1,000 per supper. Which means if all they cough up $1k to save Ms. Balient, will take Ms. Balint 1,000 Organic Vegan suppers TO PAY IT ALL BACK…..It may take her 100 years to do that.
It would seem that Vermont could make a symbolic statement ( and symbolic is really all we can really do on our own regarding global warming) by banning crypto currencies. Crypto is not only incredibly consumes and incredible amount of energy but is ripe for fruad and hiding criminal funds.
This is business as usual, all across Vermont. See once again it’s the federal government that is bringing light to Vermonts corruption, now that just goes to show how corrupt we truly are.
It’s staggering.
How could so many people, be so wrong, most of the time? It happens frequently, when one looks back historically, you can see it frequently. We’ve given up being self reflective, we’ve thrown wisdom, out the school window.
Our representative in Vermont was bought by one person, and nobody seems to have an issue with that. Nope nothing to see here.
It’s not “vermont strong” it’s VERMONT government pride, arrogant, I can do no wrong, don’t question me or I’ll cancel you, I’m a democratic bully because I have indoctrinated a majority and I’ll do what ever the hell I want. Laws don’t apply to me. Science doesn’t apply to me. I’ll make my own rules and do as I please.
So here you have a Socialist Lesbian Activist, runs & wins for Congress…and she accepts $1.1 million in donations from an left wing LGBGTQ donor/group…who just happened to have stolen the same money from innocent crypto investors…and now the Socialist Lesbian Congresswoman is “slow rolling” giving the money back because she wants to keep it? It sure seems that way. An honest politician..Republican, would have made the “honor & integrity” decision (in seconds) to return the money, or raise back the same money if it was spent already…to get it returned to the crime victims.. Ms. Balint is typical of the Socialist Left…she is a fake. She is wont to return stolen money back to the “little people”? Yet, Socialists say they “fight” for the “little people”? She’s simply out for power, money & ego and she will give nothing up, easily. It’s her’s now – victims be damned. These are the very same people running Vermont….It will end up a near ruinous situation in the future.
Did she really spend that much?
An accounting is needed, not a stone walling
That money was stolen in a fraudulent manner from investors
It should be returned with a thank you, but no thank you!!