NH state Rep. John Sellers: Get your kids out of government schools

This commentary is by New Hampshire state Rep. John Sellers. It was originally published in GraniteGrok.

After seeing the Democrats kill SB272, the NH Senate’ Parental Rights bill, last Thursday, I strongly, strongly, strongly suggest that parents get their children out of the public government schools. These schools have become a black box of the unknown and allow staff to keep secrets and openly lie to parents.

A study shows 78% of NH people wanted Parental Rights. SB272 stated a parent must inquire, has a right to know, to opt-out, to consent to, the right to exempt, the right to be advised, the right to be notified, to have access to, and the right to inspect. As you can see, parents must now take action to activate their rights. These disgraceful incompetent Democrats don’t trust you to be good parents.

You have options to teach your child: private schools, charter schools, or home school.

Homeschooling takes about 12 hours a week to teach your child the same as a public school in a week to do and about an extra hour for each additional child. The other nice thing of homeschooling is the older child helps the younger child and you need less time to teach older children. Also, there are many home school meet-ups and activities and by Law you can still use the public school for a specific class, sports, music, and drama, clubs; after all you are still paying taxes to the school. There is a wide range of curriculum, online material, conservative, Christian and everyday curriculum and the cost is inexpensive. You can teach at night, weekends or a few days a week.

Contact john.sellers.grafton18@pm.me or the Children’s Scholarship Fund for more information. If you qualify for the Education Freedom Account (EFA) you could receive about $4,500 per child per year. Start now so you are ready for the fall!

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

4 thoughts on “NH state Rep. John Sellers: Get your kids out of government schools

  1. If i could get my kid out of public school i would. I cannot so i ran and was elected to her school’s board of directors. Now i can confirm its even worse then i thought. If you can, get your kids out. While the current public school system may be beneficial for promoting statehood and one particular party and political mindset; it is absolutely detrimental to the intellectual and social/emotional development of all children enrolled.

    • Saying you can’t, is like saying you threw your kid into a tree chipoer, cause you “had no choice”.
      You can, as soon as you decide it’s important enough to you… apparently other things are right now more important than your childs well being.

  2. Thank you Rep. Sellers. We very much wish that more legislators in the Vermont State House were like you!

  3. Best thing I ever did was to pull my son from the Public Indoctrination System. He wasn’t getting any semblance of a real education anyway. Did it a full year before all this nonsense started. My only regret is that I didn’t put my argumentative wife in her place and do it a lot sooner.

    My only issue with the bill, Parental Rights. SB272, is that it’s asking permission from the legislature to have rights as a Mother/Father… Just another thing we don’t need our public servants involved with in any way, shape or form. We have these rights already, start enforcing them!

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