The “Star-Spangled Banner” as sung remotely in 2020 for Commencement. Students from the University of Washington School of Music include Keoni Dilay, Sarah Fantappiè, Madeline Ile, Eric Jeffords, Sylvia Jones, Nicholas Klein, Mengshi Lin, Alexander Nguyen, Vivianna Oh, Will Schlott, Ariona Thompson, and Jared White.
Image courtesy of UW Video
Makes me tear up. Some still get it.
Share Share Share…….I did, on this Solstice Day………….
Stunning, Wonderful, chills all over……..Thankyou Young Ladies and Gentlemen
that was truly profound and wonderful!!!
Outstanding, there are some younger patriots, apparently they skipped the ” Woke ”
classes……………………… There is some light for the future !!