Editor’s note: This letter is by John Klar, a resident of Brookfield.
Sadly, several efforts this year to support Vermont’s law enforcement and first responders were interrupted by thugs in Montpelier and Burlington. This is unacceptable in a free society.
On Oct. 17, a rally for police was held in Barre that was not shut down by criminal protesters. This event was nonpartisan, extremely positive and patriotic. Hundreds of appreciative citizens beeped their horns in support. No one supports police brutality, least of all the ethical police whose reputations suffer when other officers fall short of high standards of service.
On Oct. 31, Vermonters are asked to again express support for their police state wide — from 10 a.m. to noon at various locations Vermonters will be displaying support for those who risk death and trauma to protect us from evil, whether they be Democrat or Republican. If you cannot attend a rally, encourage others to do so, or call your local or state police to just briefly tell them you care. Or drop them a card or note.
But in addition to supporting our police, these events have become about something else: the preservation of the constitutional liberties of assembly and speech. While the toxic leftists who demean and insult our law enforcement community invoke “free speech” as their “right” to silence others, Americans know this is a twisted perversion of liberty that arises from fascists, not the United States’ creed. Those who slander our good police have the right to defame and malign them: we have an equal right to stand up in their defense. Our well-established rights will no longer be abridged by thugs.
Vermont is a place of free liberties for all citizens. If opponents try to stifle those freedoms, they will show everyone their intolerance and hostility. But likely they won’t dare, because they’ve finally figured out that screaming at people and being uncivil is counterproductive.
Many supporters of our police have hesitated to show their support because they fear conflict with BLM thugs — not that they fear being attacked, but that they don’t trust themselves not to lose their cool in the face of such incivility. This Saturday will be a positive, celebratory event, as it should be. No one should be afraid to stand up for our police any longer. The rule of law, the Constitution, and liberty remain — and will remain — the foundation of American life.
We will positively praise our police on Oct. 31st, whether they be Democrat or Republican (or “politically non-binary”). This Halloween, please show your support for law enforcement in any peaceful, positive way you can. They deserve our vocal support in these dark times.
Please visit social media or other outlets to find out where there will be a law enforcement support gathering in your area. Or, contact me via email and I will direct you to an event, or help you host one in your town.
Thank you to our police and other able public servants. We are grateful for the good work you do! And we are blessed that we have the freedom to do so.
John Klar
Brookfield, Vermont