This letter is by Gregory Thayer, of Rutland.
Dear Editor,
Kudos to the Chamber & Economic Development of the Rutland Region (CEDRR) leadership teams for pulling together a very good and high energy Business and Trade Show event this past week at the Rutland Community Center, the first public show since 2019.
There was a good mix of business and non-profit organizations at this year’s show. There were many vendors showcasing their business or organizations and marketing their products and service. Many had treats at their tables and a table of raffle items for all attendees.
The Rutland Young Professionals had a presentation and a Q&A for employer’s. They talked about recognizing young employees’ needs in the 21st century and retention to keep employees. CEDRR President Lyle Jepson talked about how many of the young professionals could take their skills to other markets, but that Rutland is a great place for them to put down roots and to build a future. RYP President Amy Laramie talked about flexible schedules and the opportunities that Rutland has to offer. She moved here in 2009 for a career opportunity and has made Rutland her home raising her family. One RYP member said that she moved to Burlington, then to Rutland, and today this is her home — and she is here forever now. She added, “I love Rutland!”
For 25 years I have said that Rutland is the best place on God’s green earth to live, work and play. I raised my four children here, and I was very involved in the community. My children attended many Chamber events with me. It is so nice that today my son sees the value in the Chamber and its many events. He was a vendor his year; both his Leighton’s Landscapes and Thayer Transport operations were a vendor. And his mother-in-law made delicious mini cupcakes for his booth.
Checkout the Chamber at and events page.
Gregory Thayer