Letter: Election aftermath

Editor’s note: This letter is by James Hall, a resident of Center Rutland.

It is one thing to elect a president and then find there are numerous legal and very possibly criminal issues surrounding the individual’s recent past as the tenure of office-holding goes forward. It is another thing to know of very questionable legal and possibly criminal conduct during the 2-3 week period prior to Election Day, with virtually zero discussion, especially by the media, including The Herald.

Just imagine the furor and print space dedicated to this type of situation should it have applied to a Republican. We have seen enough over the last four years, in the skewering, the burning at the stake of President Trump — in particular the last 2 1/2 years. To the people on the other side, the end justifies the means and there is no limit to that concept. With this kind of a mindset, anything can be accomplished, and it has been.

The next steps will need to deal with the aftermath of election illegal activity and beyond, the illegal procedures and conduct of some leaders in the current election, and the very questionable activity of the Biden family during Joe’s former tenure as vice president.

We are either a nation of laws with standards of conduct being applied to all or we are not. If we are not, when did that concept become acceptable? If it is acceptable to one party, why is it not acceptable for the other? Is it “one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all,” or does that mean something else?

We have some work to do, and that applies to everyone who holds that the rule of law and standards — and application of such — apply to everyone equally going forward. It applies even to the Democrats and their wholly owned subsidiary, the media.

James B Hall
Center Rutland

Image courtesy of Public domain

15 thoughts on “Letter: Election aftermath

  1. I believe with certainty that Bidens, Old Joe and Hunter, will never face the music of the grifting they did with countries who are our military, political and economic enemies.

    Bobulinski? will disappear into the ether- with his solid evidence and firsthand knowledge
    of the Bidens lengthy and gross Dishonesty, criminality.


    Ballots should be numbered, as are lottery tickets.
    All ballots must be run through a machine on or before Election Day.
    No ballots are valid, unless post-marked on or before Election Day.

    With a proper computer system, immediately after the polls close, it will be known which ballot numbers are missing, such as someone died, moved away, or did not bother to vote.
    Those numbers would be declared void, to avoid printing on the sly.

    There would still be many smaller ways to game the system, but at least the barn door would be closed before the horse got out.

    Before the present election, truckloads of ballots were printed, and filled out, for Biden, and distributed, as needed, to tip the various races in favor of Biden; a pre-meditated plan hatched in Democrat-run cities.

    Trump litigating would not catch enough fraud to make a difference.
    Changing the rules?

    Will never happen, because power and control folks like losey, goosy rules.

    • Correction:

      Ballots should be numbered, as are lottery tickets.
      All ballots must be run through a machine on or before Election Day.
      No universal mail-in of ballots.
      All absentee voters must request ballots.
      If absentee, no ballots are valid, unless properly notarized, and post-marked on or before Election Day.

    • We need to get rid of Condos.

      Mitzi – Ditzy was shown the door, the same can happen to J. C..

      It will take hard work and a lot of constant pressure.

      • James,

        That is easy to do.
        Just urge the voters to only vote for the opponent.
        That way the ingrown leadership of the Dem/Prog party gets decapitated, one after another.

  3. James,

    UNIVERSAL mail-in voting leads to all sorts of abuses.
    Late counting and blaming it on the post office, is one of them.
    Having turn-outs that are off-the-charts higher than historic.
    Having people over 90 years old, many in nursing homes, voting at 80 to 90% participation

    It is down right criminal to SUDDENLY place a huge extra burden on the already-stressed US Postal Service.



    All is not lost.

    If both US Senate runoffs go Republican, Schumer will still be minority leader, and McConnell will still be majority leader, and any Dem/Prog agenda will get stopped in the US Senate, or the US Supreme Court.

    Based on evidence and testimony, presented in lawsuits, the elections of a number of states may be ruled, by the US Supreme Court, as tainted and void, i.e., not suitable/illegal as a basis for electing a US President.


    In Vermont, a blank ballot was mailed to each active registered voter, dead or alive, moved away or not.
    From the VT government website:
    Registered voters 506,312
    Votes cast 372,366,

    Those who received a ballot, but lost it, could obtain a new one on Election Day by signing an affidavit at their polling place.
    When I arrived, early morning, on Election Day, there already were boxes with signed affidavits.

    Spare Ballots:

    That means an extra quantity of blank ballots were printed, and available at each polling station.
    Some of these ballots could be used by polling station insiders to tip close races one way or another.
    It is likely, an extra quantity of blank ballots was kept “in reserve” elsewhere, to be distributed, as needed, to tip close races one way or another.

    Swing States:

    This would especially be the case in swing states, in, such as in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina, Nevada and Arizona.
    Various irregularities have been reported in five Democrat-Big-Machine cities, such as Detroit, Mich.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Atlanta, Ga.; Milwaukee, Wis.; and Las Vegas, Nev.

    The Coup d’Etat:

    As if orchestrated, facilitated with cell phones, ballot counting was halted or slowed down, at about the same time, in a number of key states, starting late Tuesday, November 3, and early Wednesday, November 4.
    Panic! Trump was too far ahead!
    More Biden votes were needed to be distributed to polling centers for counting on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

    A few hours later, starting about 4 am, there were steady influxes of Biden votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, etc.
    Trump saw what was happening, and wanted to stop the counting. All to no avail.
    Poll station monitors were not allowed to watch, or were allowed to watch from a distance.
    Windows were being boarded up.

    Call the FBI to investigate?
    The FBI would be of no help, because it has been actively undermining Trump, with help of the Media, which is 93% anti-Trump.

    The allegations are:

    1) Mysterious ballot drops that seem to show tens of thousands of votes for Joe Biden and zero votes for President Trump,
    2) Inexplicable record turnouts in late-counting counties (all Democrat-dominated) that far surpass turnouts in counties in other states where the votes were counted on a timely basis; and
    3) The illegal banning of election observers in those very counties where the most outrageous anomalies were reported.

    In all these states, Trump was ahead, then using the mantra “all votes must be counted”, Biden votes were appearing from various places.
    Counting went on for days after the election, until Trump ended up behind, and was not elected.

  4. Vermont
    343,000 registered voters
    355,000 votes counted
    88% reporting 12,313 extra votes
    sounds and looks like Fraud to me…

      • Study ALL the numbers and cross reference – skewed they are – media reports had percentages that did not match the tallies reported – keep digging from one site to another – the reporting is set up to confuse and discourage – that’s part of the game – can’t win if the game is rigged and boy has it been! Can’t tell people – need to show them and the show is before us right now!

  5. The corrupt media does not determine who wins the election !! Trump has said right a long that there will be fraud with this mail-in ballot deal. I think Vermont should be investigated too. My husband died in 2004 and he got a mail-in ballot. Vt media declared Biden the winner before the polls even closed. They said only 30% voted for Trump. BULLS–T.. One of the crooks in office here in Vt is Condos. He was sooo determined to have these ballots mailed out. Sorry bucko I voted in person. There is fraud here in Vt has been for yrs..

  6. I have been saying for 20 years now how blatantly biased the vast majority of media in favor of the Democrat party. Not sure why it has taken so many people for so many years to figure this out?
    When was the last time the polls predicted a Republican to win the White house? Why are people so blind not to see this?

  7. James,

    Here is my take on the voting situation, after a lot of googling.


    In Vermont, a blank ballot was mailed to each active registered voter, dead or alive, moved away or not.
    Registered voters 506,312
    Votes cast 372,366,

    Those who received a ballot, but lost it, could obtain a new one on Election Day by signing an affidavit at their polling place.
    When I arrived, early morning, on Election Day, there already were boxes with signed affidavits.

    Spare Ballots: That means an extra quantity of blank ballots were printed, and available at each polling station.
    Some of these ballots could be used by polling station insiders to tip close races one way or another.
    It is likely, an extra quantity of blank ballots likely were kept “in reserve” elsewhere.
    They likely were already filled out, to be distributed, as needed, to tip close races one way or another.

    Swing States

    This would especially be the case in swing states, in, such as in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina, Nevada and Arizona.
    Various irregularities have been reported in five Democrat-Big-Machine cities, such as Detroit, Mich.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Atlanta, Ga.; Milwaukee, Wis.; and Las Vegas, Nev.

    The Coup d’Etat:

    As if orchestrated, ballot counting was halted or slowed down, about the same time, in a number of key states, starting late Tuesday, November 3, and early Wednesday, November 4.
    Panic! Trump was too far ahead! Biden votes were needed to be distributed to polling centers for counting on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

    A few hours later, starting about 4 am, there were steady influxes of Biden votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, etc.
    Trump saw what was happening, and wanted to stop the counting. All to no avail.
    Poll station monitors were not allowed to watch. Windows were being boarded up.
    Call the FBI to investigate?
    The FBI would be of no help, because it has been actively undermining Trump, with help of the Media, which is 93% anti-Trump.

    The allegations are:

    1) Mysterious ballot drops that seem to show tens of thousands of votes for Joe Biden and zero votes for President Trump,
    2) Inexplicable record turnouts in late-counting counties (all Democrat-dominated) that far surpass turnouts in counties in other states where the votes were counted on a timely basis; and
    3) The illegal banning of election observers in those very counties where the most outrageous anomalies were reported.

    In all these states, Trump was ahead, then using the mantra “all votes must be counted”, Biden votes were appearing from various places.
    Counting went on for days after the election, until Trump ended up behind, and was not elected.

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