John Klar: Vermont once embraced eugenics; now it embraces puberty-blockers

By John Klar

America is being torn apart by a “scientific” dispute over the appropriateness of hormone-blockers for minor children. The safety of these drugs is in question, as well as whether children are being fully assessed for mental health issues that may underlie gender dysphoria. A number of responsible states have initiated legislation to ban their use, most recently joined by Tennessee.

Meanwhile, another group of states are rushing to shield these drug regimens for kids from parental or legal interference. Vermont, which eagerly embraced eugenics and forced sterilization a century ago, is aggressively creating a modern version of Underground Railroad for people in other states (with no age limits) to freely obtain hormone-meddling “therapies” in the Green Mountains.

John Klar

Vermont has been a frontrunner in providing abortions through all stages of pregnancy.  Progressives shrieked in feigned panic when Roe v. Wade was overturned, claiming that women’s “rights” to infanticide were thereby threatened — even though Roe acknowledged fetal viability and the existence of a second life meriting legal protections at some stage of development in the womb.  “Women’s rights” became the clarion call in Vermont’s 2022 elections, in which nearly 77% of Vermont voters voted “Yes” to a constitutional amendment (Proposal 5) enshrining abortion ’til birth.

Proposal 5 was also a Trojan horse to etch the “right” to puberty-blockers for children into law, using the vague language “personal reproductive autonomy.” Having regained a progressive supermajority in the election by this ruse, the Vermont Legislature has wasted no time pushing through novel extremist legislation to codify the practice of administering experimental puberty hormone–blockers to children. H.89 passed the House on February 10 by a resounding child-mutilating margin of 130-13 and is now in the Vermont Senate.

Progressives have led the shoddy pseudo-“scientific” path in eugenics, lobotomies, mRNA vaccines, and now puberty-blockers. All were untested initiatives launched with ideological bunk that eclipsed unbiased assessment. Meanwhile, the erstwhile leadership toward harmful, sterilizing puberty-blockers in the U.K. and Sweden have both reversed course in response to growing scientific awareness of health risks as well as the lack of sufficient research (much like for lobotomies, eugenics, and untested COVID vaccines).

But no such common sense has deterred Vermont. H.89 defines “legally protected healthcare” to include “gender-affirming care,” an oxymoronic perversion by those refusing to care about the risks of these drugs to others’ children.  Vermont’s callous ideological blunder goes farther, creating legal protections for these practices that include: a new cause of action for tortious interference against those who “interfere,” shielded from Vermont’s SLAPP statute; defining legal efforts to interfere with these practices as “abusive litigation”; prohibiting courts “from ordering a person to give testimony or a statement or produce documents or other things for use in connection with abusive litigation involving legally protected health care activity”; expanding access to the Address Confidentiality Program to permit patient anonymity; establishing a misdemeanor crime against persons (parents?) who “interfere” with these dubious practices; and defining insurance coverage for any of these procedures as a “protected practice.”

H.89 also extends specific shields for Vermont’s unscrupulous medical experiments against contrary legal requirements in other jurisdictions.  It prohibits:

A public agency from cooperating in an interstate investigation or proceeding seeking to impose civil or criminal liability upon a person or entity for obtaining or providing legally protected health care [and] prohibit[s] the extradition of a nonfugitive person in connection with abusive litigation in another jurisdiction [and] prohibit[s] a court from issuing a summons when a prosecution is pending in another state concerning legally protected health care activity or where a grand jury investigation concerning legally protected health care activity has commenced or is about to commence for a criminal violation of a law of the other state[.]

The contrast between Vermont’s effort and a multitude of other states seeking to ban these same practices predicts an eventual showdown over the eugenics-echoing absurdity of this headlong plunge into irreversible damage to young children that extends far beyond sterility and lifetime dependence. Recent studies suggest that these drugs dramatically increase risks of stroke and heart attack and that “easing access to cross-sex treatments without parental consent significantly increases suicide rates.”

In a circuitous perversion of logic, those who deceived the public regarding Proposal 5 now justify this bizarre puberty-blocker legislation by claiming that Vermonters embrace these practices as “reproductive liberties” for little kids:

“The Shield Bill (H.89) reinforces our ongoing efforts to protect the rights of Vermonters in making personal health choices,” stated Speaker of the House, Jill Krowinski, D-Burlington, following the bill’s passage. “Safe access to reproductive care has always been a top priority, and Vermonters showed their resounding support for reproductive rights last November when they voted to enshrine it in our constitution.

Twisted logic is familiar in Vermont, in its similarly “Progressive” eugenics history:

Though eugenicists claimed they based their views on science, the Vermont eugenics survey actually responded to increased immigration from Europe and Canada. … Then in 1942, another U.S. Supreme Court case, Skinner v. Oklahoma, raised legal questions about the practice and discouraged further sterilization. Vermont, however, continued sterilizing its people until 1963. In the end, Vermont sterilized more than 250 people it deemed degenerate — mostly women.

Time will tell how many children in the extremist 21st-century Green Mountain State will be subjected to damaging pharmaceuticals without parental consent. Perhaps the State will one day find the integrity to apologize to these children and their families, as it did for its foolhardy eugenics initiatives.

Vermont’s arrogant legislators are on the record in this high-stakes battle for the future health of children. In time, accurate science — and common sense — will prevail.

John Klar is an attorney and farmer residing in Brookfield. This commentary originally appeared at American Thinker.

Image courtesy of Public domain

6 thoughts on “John Klar: Vermont once embraced eugenics; now it embraces puberty-blockers

  1. Ukraine – how many parents have caught wind of Zelensky’s speeches that Americans will be sending their sons and daughters into the meat-grinder to defend the money laundering mat and biological weapon labs? So, all the Progressive, RINO, and Democrat kids put down your game controllers, Dorito bags, and Monster drinks – get prepared to defend the Ukraine for real – Uncle Zelensky needs you! The big picture is much uglier than what people can comprehend.

    • Melissa more on this:
      Yup, I heard Biden’s comment about the draft of men AND Women.
      And I read yesterday that there is a city right now in Ukraine where the life expectancy for the soldiers there is 4 hours.
      So yeah, to call this a meatgrinder is not an understatement.

      The CDC released information last week sounding the alarm about the high rates of depression in our youth- particularly girls.. well no wonder.
      The Communist Regime is killing people with experimental vaccines, they are mutilating and sterilizing young kids, they’ve had their education destroyed. Their sports have been destroyed, college degrees today are not worth the paper they are printed on. With the passage of the Unaffordable Heat Act, there will be a mass exodus of businesses out of Vermont- so what jobs will there be?
      Our younger generation is being told they’ll eat bugs, own nothing and be happy (as demanded to do).
      They want abortion up to 9 months because they feel so hopeless that they don’t want to bring children into this world. We are a nation that is extincting itself in reaction to what is being done to us.
      Now they can perhaps get drafted to go fight in the corrupt money laundering machine of Ukraine.
      We have been captured by people that are actually insane and are outright openly sterilizing our youth, killing people, driving them into poverty, addicting them to drugs- and destroying our states and nation to the degree that even China is calling out the Authoritarianism in America.

      • Boomerang incoming – Does Governor Scott have a comment regarding China’s biolab leak or was that covered in his meeting with the CCP representative February 2019 at the Golden Dome with Jim Condos and Dave Zuckerman? Americans are hostages on an airline, the engine is failing, and the pilots are passed out drunk.

  2. Liberals have destroyed the once great state of Vermont. We need to round them up and eliminate them as soon as possible.

  3. Correct me if wrong.. These actions in most cases are initiated, by children, are in fact much like the methods used by the Margret Sanger crowd. To remove defectives, of any sort from society. A child is by all science permanently damaged to a point of becoming sterilize by said procedures. Vermont has a long history of doing just that to people (yes, both boys and girls) for a verity of reasons. Well apparently they think they need to do it more. With laws being written to make VT a baby murder and mutilation destination w/ lots of great skiing, you get to murder and feel superior all in the same day.

    Where are the counseling services for these poor confused people that helps them understand boys and girls as they are born.
    In most cases, as you really dig, there are various underlying issues to any child feeling “confused “about their sex. This is the plot for the 500,000,000 world population these people want to happen…They have to do something to stop all the babies being born.

  4. Nice piece Mr. Klar. But your last sentance is a day dream: “In time, accurate science — and common sense — will prevail.”

    Honest, factual science will never, ever see the light of day in VT….VT is run by cultish-progressive-enviro-organic-doomsday-fanatics.. And a very large majority of VT voters are brainwashed to whatever they hoist. IMO, “common sense” is basically gone forever w/ the VT electorate. You will never see a “troika” again…of a real Republican Gov as well as a super majority of Repubs in both Legislative houses. Without that troika, you got squat. You are on this earth only once. So the only choice is stay (and suffer all consequences) or leave.

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