Despite self-congratulatory back-patting by Vermont’s Department of Health, Vermont’s response to COVID may not have been the stellar excellence presented. But there is no question that its response to the so-called “global threat” of monkeypox is nothing short of comically incompetent.
Monkeypox is a generally non-fatal disease that surfaced in the UK on May 7, and is now being labeled a global threat. As has been reported, vaccines are being offered to Vermont children under age 8, and pregnant women.

John Klar
The Vermont Department of Health doesn’t want to call the disease monkeypox “to reduce stigma,” yet they do not explain why it is stigmatized. Is it because 99% of those contracting the disease are gay? One wouldn’t know by virtue of the Vermont news media, as 8-year-olds and pregnant women are being advised to get vaccinated against a disease that impacts gay men almost exclusively, without ever explaining that basic fact.
This is a complete professional failure, indeed a farce — medicine and science are being sacrificed on the altar of far-left ideological tomfoolery. Most Vermonters do not support tomfoolery with the health of young children and pregnant mothers, just as many challenged subjecting young children to COVID vaccines.
Projecting inaccurate health information to protect political identities is not scientific, not professional, and not trustworthy. For starters, will every case of chicken pox or toe fungus now be a WHO global pandemic? There is essentially no risk of death from monkeypox.
It has not been explained how monkeypox threatens the world — is it because people with lesions can’t work and that might hurt the economy? That would be a novel consideration, given what transpired during COVID. But more, this non-lethal disease impacts almost exclusively gay men (and yet the hyperbole is being directed toward (uninfected) pregnant women):
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that 99% of monkeypox transmission is happening between men who have sex with men … At a news briefing Friday, public health officials stressed that few cases have been diagnosed in people outside the community of men who have sex with men, and even those outside cases have been related or adjacent. The first two children in the US who were recently diagnosed with monkeypox, for example, are believed to have contracted their infections through household spread.
Factually, the disease is spreading through gay men and those near them, not pregnant women. Instead of alerting the public to these scientific facts, there is a “don’t say gay” coverup — even as doses are to be distributed “equitably.” This hardly instills trust. The Vermont Department of Health cannot even competently dissemble.
When AIDS struck our nation, there was prejudice against gays. Some, like Anthony Fauci, raised alarms that everyone was at risk from even mild contact. AIDS took lives, there was no available treatment, and people died. Now we have a disease that does appear to be isolated largely in the gay community, that is not fatal, and for which there is a rapidly-deployed vaccine administered to pregnant women and young children without mention that they are a mere 1% at risk of getting a rash.
The Vermont Department of Health’s monkeypox protocols fail both gay men and the rest of us — gay men should be warned and protected, and resources directed appropriately. Instead, pregnant women and parents of young children are being unjustifiably made anxious, the government is promulgating laughably false information, and public trust is being eroded.
Will the Vermont Health Department advocate that all pregnant women take AIDS drugs as a preventive against AIDS? What possible side effects could be caused by inoculating children and pregnant women against a nonfatal disease like monkeypox? The ideologically-compromised Vermont Health Department refuses to utter the word gay at the expense of public health.
State Sen. Becca Balint claims that parents concerned about their children receiving gender hormone therapies or viewing graphic novels of fellatio in Vermont elementary schools are trying to “ban the word gay in schools.”
As Vermonters try to discern when it is OK to say gay or not, it appears that you can’t say gay when you disguise the truth about medical decisions, but you can say gay to stifle parents seeking to protect their children from surreptitious gender hormone therapy without their consent. It’s like a magic wizard word.
John Klar is an attorney and farmer residing in Brookfield. © Copyright True North Reports 2022. All rights reserved.
Monkeypox is the easiest disease NOT to get.
The supposed public health “professionals” are mishandling this the same way as Sars-Cov-2.
For instance, taking a long established clue from Sweden, they could have isolated susceptible populations, but no, they locked down the entire country, destroying small business and innocent children, all completely unaffected.
They could have re-purposed known effective drugs, but no, they refused immediate treatment and forced people to wait for treatment until the only alternative was terminal hospital care.
Thousands died because of this and millions more are handicapped for life by use of an experimental gene therapy drug.
Is there some strange reason why these monkeys are still on the public payroll?
I mean Federal, State and Local medical professionals.
You can count on one hand those who upheld their Hippocratic oath, to “First, do no harm”.
They should all be fired. We need them like a hole in the head.
I’m talking about YOU Doctor.
What is wrong with this picture?
I have probably exceeded my uncomfortable question list for the day.
I don’t use the term gay. They are homosexuals and lesbians. What happened to the term queer?
Referring to something as “monkey” is not racist. What could possibly be racist about a factual or whimsical reference to an animal? What IS racist is to declare it racist or racially insensitive to associate a monkey with any human characteristic in an act of virtue signaling. The supply chain breakdown has not resulted in any shortages of “racism”. Democrats and other leftists will always assure that the supply exceeds the demand.
Well said!
This is just another scare tactic by the Dems and will be another Dem failure.
Why is it gay men are so over sexed? Why is it they many times refuse to wear condoms while they have anal penetration or oral action. Why do they flaunt themselves so? My obesrvation is that gay women don’t at all act like gay men. And don’t forget how AIDS & HIV spread worldwide….gay man having anal/oral sex without condoms.. And even thoughh they later knew this was the cause, many STILL refused to wear condoms – because they enjoy “bareback”. I’ve no issue with anyone being gay, or gay marriage…but when you are so self centered and greedy that you insist on this overly sexed and unprotected sexual lifestyle, where you eventually put others at a health risk…then you are bad people.
Becca Balint has every earmark of a communist. And as far as monkey pox goes, there seems to be an outbreak in the homosexual and bi-sexual communities. Not the general population. They get it by skin to skin contact with the infected.
I am not worried about the pox. If one can believe the CDC most of us older folks have had the smallpox vaccine. We have some protection.
I went to chat with the pharmacist, but a younger man was there. I asked him if we were still giving kids the smallpox stick pricks. No he said it has been eradicated. I almost said something to him, but will to his boss.
I sent notes to both the VT health Department and WCAX on both the covid and pox issues but they like to keep thing in crisis mode. There is oodles of money to be pocketed.
As far as the state house and congress, the crap storm will continue to grow and eventually overwhelm unless we vote them out.
I;m thinking the Vt Dept of Health is heavily invested in the pharmaceutical industry…….cannot think of another reason to “trick” people into pumping yet another “vaccine” into children……
I’ve said it before and will say again, most of us adults…older adults, find a way to deal with whatever comes down from on-high (yes trickle down and party line) ..but, start messing with children and most Vermonters are going to boot you out of the position you have…….I know I am
This is certainly the woke version of situational ethics. Balint feels perfectly comfortable advertising that she is the first openly gay person to run for office in Vermont and gets huge endorsements from gay organizations due to it. We used to call people “two-faced” when they promote one thing and do another, but that’s probably not allowed these days….
What a disgusting situation. Can anyone explain to me where people like Balint get their sense of humanity. Trashing the rights of parents to demand answers of those you promote this religion of EVIL.
I am appalled at the callousness of so many of our representatives. Who the hell made them GOD ?