By Guy Page
Gov. Phil Scott supports Vermont joining California’s ban on the sale of new internal combustion engine cars and light trucks by 2035.
A 2006 Vermont state law requires Vermont adopt any air emissions regulations first adopted by the State of California. When the law passed, it was seen as a way to reduce smog levels more quickly than less aggressive federal emissions standards. But earlier this year, Gov. Gavin Newsom decided California will ban sale of new ICE vehicles by 2035, with a ‘ramp down’ beginning in 2026.
In response, the Scott administration has pushed similar regulations into the state regulatory approval pipeline. The move to non-gas powered vehicles is seen as a major step to achieving carbon emission goals.
At his press conference today, Vermont Daily Chronicle asked Gov. Scott: “By law we are committed to follow California emissions standards. A rule to follow California’s decision to ban sale of new ICE cars by 2035 is now in the interagency and legislative administrative rules process. Do you support Vermont banning the sale of new ICE cars in Vermont by 2035?”
“I’m a big proponent of EVs,” Scott answered. “I do believe we have to wean ourselves off internal combustion vehicles as soon as possible.”
He also supports Vermonters buying more vehicles powered by hydrogen-powered fuel cells.
Hydrogen-powered cars are available for purchase in the U.S. market. The Toyota Mira, the Hyundai Nexo, and the Honda Clarity all sell for about $60,000. Electric cars also cost significantly more than ICE cars.
Other New England states are backing away from going along with the CA ICE ban. New Hampshire has never been part of the multi-state pact. Critics of the proposed ban say it would drive Vermont car buyers to New Hampshire. Scott added that carmakers such as Ford and GE may not be selling ICE cars by 2035.
Earlier in the press conference, a reporter asked Scott how he likes the new EV pickup truck the State of Vermont bought for transporting him.
“It really is amazing in a lot of respects,” the retired professional race car driver said. “It has incredible torque, pickup, quiet. No complaints thus far.”
Scott was asked if he’s concerned that making Vermont reliant on electricity for transportation would worsen the impact of a widespread power blackout. He said the same problem would exist with ICE vehicles if gasoline becomes unavailable, and that hydrogen vehicles wouldn’t be susceptible to power blackouts.
Guy Page is publisher of the Vermont Daily Chronicle. Reprinted with permission.
ICRE cars burn gasoline. Electric cars, to a significant extent, burn coal. Banning sale of new non-electric vehicles may have an interesting effect – like Cuba, where people are still driving mid twentieth century cars – because it’s all they can buy. I don’t know what it does for their environment – or what keeping ancient gas cars on the road in Vermont will be. How will this affect car sales in neighboring states? Could buyers drive a car for a few hundred miles in New Hampshire and sell it at a profit as used in Vermont? Just go to Maine to buy your car?
Worry about electric cars….
Fuel oil will likely cost $5 a gallon this winter. Typical furnace burns nearly a gallon an hour in cold weather.
If your furnace burns 10 hours a really cold day, that is $50 a day – a staggering cost.
Typical fuel tanks are 275 gallons. refills happen at half a tank for safety = near $700 each fill.
Have you had enough with global freezing – as Biden shuts down of much of the fuels we so desperately need
So, Vermont has until 2035 to complete building a nuclear power plant. That’s the only way Vermont is going to consistently and reliably produce sufficient electrical power to run those electric cars. Don’t forget…the industry does not yet have the technology to store electricity long-term or the smarts to “fill ‘er up” in the short term. Perhaps plans are already underway to have a Denny’s next to each public EV station while drivers wait the 60-90 minutes required today for a recharge. EV is not ready for prime time and we can’t be forced to “holding the bag” until it is. Where’s Homer Simpson?
There’s no downside to Scott for taking this position. Might get a few more votes now, and he’ll be long gone before this is ever an actual issue. Typical pandering poitician.
Let him eat cake.
Can you spell idiots?
Satellites and balloons measure temperatures of the Troposphere, which starts at ground level, and has an average height of 59,000 ft at the tropics, 56,000 ft at the middle latitudes, and 20,000 ft at the poles. Above those levels starts the Stratosphere.
Balloons directly measure temperatures. Satellites measure radiation, from which temperatures are calculated.
Both consistently measure much lower temperatures than the average of 102 computer-generated graphs.
See Appendix 2 and 3. See URL
The data in the images (See URL) is for a 43-y period:
1) Satellite and balloon readings increase from 0.00 to 0.5 C, or, or 0.116 C/decade
2) Computer-generated graphs increase from 0.00 to 1.20 C; or 0.28 C/decade, about 2.7 TIMES AS FAST
NOTE: Behind the 102 computer graphs are hundreds of organizations that likely receive a significant part of their revenues from governments and subsidy-receiving wind, solar, battery, etc., businesses. The livelihood and prospects of the people creating these graphs is more secure, if they aim high, rather than low.
The image shows more details of 43 years of satellite data.
The temperature data by satellites and balloons are more accurate than land-based measurements.
See Appendix 2 and URL
Satellite measurements are made many times during every day and systematically cover almost the entire world; +/- 85-degree latitude.
The satellite data is vastly more complete, and accurate than would be gathered by ground stations (See Appendix 2)
Balloon measurements, made on a sampling basis, are vastly less complete than satellite measurements, but they serve as a useful crosscheck on the satellite measurements.
Let’s remember that the entire Covid debacle started with the faulty Ferguson computer model. Computer models will always reflect the bias of the one entering the data. Garbage in—-garbage out.
Hey Vermont, you voted for this feckless fool and I hope you have seen that he is no
conservative, just another liberal under the GOP banner………… pathetic.
Hey Vermonters, maybe Feckless Phil will sell his gas-guzzling race car or all the heavy
equipment he owns, I can’t wait to see the state highway plows ” all-electric ” along with
all the other state vehicles parked and running at every job site…… fools in charge !!!
I guess Scott, thinks the California Energy Plan, from Gov. Newsom, is a good idea and
you voted for clown……………. wake up people !!
Dem/Progs also vote for him. They see him as a cohort, because, he often acts as their spokesman, on most issues they care about.
Willem, you are correct and that’s how he holds his office, Scott is just a
puppet for Vermont’s Progressive DemocRATs, we deserve better on the
conservative side………………
We simply don’t have anywhere near the electric capacity, no where near what is (not even being projected) to be be needed for how many 100,000’s of cars
If we have brown outs from home air conditioners, how the hang can we replace 10 gallons of gasa week that
common cars need.
Nobody is thinking – nobody is planning – they are all just wishing and day dreaming
Vermont is copying the GWSA of the failed state of California?
People are escaping California at a rate of about 350,000 per year, including Tesla’s Elon Musk to Texas, who found the regulatory regime “oppressive/anti-business”, and the entire 18-member branch of my wife’s family, (grandparents to grandchildren) to Idaho.
That on-going exodus is opposite of a long trend of people moving INTO California.
No incentives and mandates and goals are needed for EVs
If Vermonters thought electric vehicles were:
1) more useful (especially during winter when they loose a lot of range),
2) less expensive,
3) last longer,
4) less prone to catch fire,
5) less costly to insure, etc, than gasoline/diesel vehicles, they would automatically, as if guided by the invisible hand of market forces, gravitate towards EVs.
No government actions would be required.
Private companies would add charging stations at their convenience stores, and supermarkets
All the faux bureaucratic angst regarding “zero-carbon transportation to save the world” would disappear, would not be talked about.
The divisive fear-mongering would cease.
Numerous CO2 studies have shown:
1) EVs are driven only about 8,500 miles/y, for various reasons
2) Any analysis of CO2 reduction of EVs versus gasoline/diesel vehicles, should be based on 8,500 miles/y for both type vehicles.
3) LIFETIME CO2 of an EV is about the same as for a gasoline/diesel vehicle, if calculations are for:
– Mining materials, to production, to delivery of the vehicle to the end-user, and
– Based on 8,500 miles/y and 8 years of service, and
– Disposal of vehicle, including the FOREVER storing of toxic batteries as hazardous waste
What are they going ton do with all the gasoline engine cars and trucks?
Vermont is copying the GWSA of the failed state of California?
I can’t understand why anyone would still want to live in California. Yes, there are lots of high paying jobs and the weather is mostly nice, but crime is completely and utterly out of control.
A new report is warning violence in the state has now reached “epidemic” levels.
The police are doing what they can to try to contain the violence, but at this point they are vastly outnumbered by the predators.
Sadly, this is the end result of literally decades of cultural rot, and what is happening in California is going to happen to the rest of the nation, if we do not take urgent action to turn things around.
When the first EV bus with people on it has a battery fire which fry’s the passengers
will scotty change his mind? There have been many buses and car fires so it’s bound
to happen not only when charging but also when driving… demanding the citizens of
a cold climate limit their choice to inefficient in the cold batteries is a fools choice..
Conn. suspended their fleet of 12 after one exploded in the bus garage… their all ticking time bombs..
No polite way to say it: Phil is an idiot. He’s failed us on gun regulations, on Act 46, spending huge amounts on housing instead of fixing the problem, the lockdowns, the large increase in government, and now this? Good thing the GOP wanted to get a republican in office don’t you think?
BTW Phil hydrogen cars would probably be a fail here. I saw a video where the nozzle freezes up in warm weather and would probably freeze solid in winter.
I’m glad to see he cares so much about average Vermonters.
Do politicians have any foresight at all?
Politicians have only one foresight: $$$ and power.
When government intrudes into the free market picking winners and losers the result is always the same; Competition declines, the best products never reach the market, the customer needlessly suffers…”and we all fall down”. What a shameful waste of liberty and common sense. Never forget.
Amazing Political Pablum. Where will the lithium come from for batteries in 2035? It might be ten times more expensive? Where will ALL the electricty come from, if all VT is renewable? Washington Electric just stated a week ago that 70% of their electricty comes from Coventry dump and it is declining!. In the last few years Wash Elec has asked for 2% increase, 5.9% increase and last week filed for AT LEAST a 10% increase! When will it end? And GUESS WHAT Wash Elec states that one huge factor is, to raise at least 10%? Net metering scam….and WHAT will EV cars do when it is 15, 20, 30 below zero? Hummm? WHO will jump start the dead EV car battery if there are NO gas powered ones to jump it?
If you haven’t thought of leaving VT, now is the time…while you can maybe get some value for your house. It is downhill from here. No more FREE $3-$4 billion covid money (soon pissed away) Know how much the VT pension assets (stocks, bonds) are down this year? ID’d say DOWN at least 15% total.Only way out to pay probably $5 billion is raise your taxes, bigly.
It’s simple
We can charge our electric vehicles overnight with our solar panels > no problem!
Lunar panels!
Governor: why not let the market decide, unless this is only another feelgood measure like the one that declared Vermont would be 90% renewable in heating and transportation by 2020. That was based on nothing but unicorns, rainbows and wishful thinking. Henry Ford found a market for and built his affordable cars only AFTER the infrastructure was in place to fuel them. California is promoting battery cars and also suggesting you not charge them during certain weather conditions…that does not do a lot to market the cars when the government can order the switch shut off at any time. Charging stations are still few and far between in Vermont and if everyone did what the legislature wants…drive electric and heat with electric air-exchange heat pumps, our electric infrastructure would crumble like California’s. It needs to be built out BEFORE mandates create havoc for people of limited means. Remember Governor, AFFORDABILITY was your campaign pledge.
Governor Phil obviously doesn’t understand the principle of “supply and demand” and needs an Economics 101 refresher course. Should his pipe dream of total EV dependence come to pass, the increased demand for electricity cannot be met by solar and/or wind power alone. The sun shines only for a limited amount of time (significantly shorter in the winter at this latitude) and the winds blow only intermittently. There must be sources of electrical power generation that are capable of producing the supply needed to meet the demand at any given time. (There’s a site in Vernon, with some modifications, that could help with this.) Further, there is no demand for the supplies of accumulated solar panels that no longer function, windmill blades that have become damaged and must be replaced, or batteries that no longer hold a charge. Vermont needs someone in the corner office with some common sense and some real concern for the viable future of our state.
Except the people don’t want them Phil. And ya know, there is that We The People thing.
Re: ” “I do believe we have to wean ourselves off internal combustion vehicles as soon as possible.”
A typical political obfuscation. Sure. Almost everyone is for weaning ourselves off internal combustion vehicles. But people like Scott never explain how that’s to be done. Why? Because they have no idea how to do it. At best, they say, do what CA does.
Unfortunately, CA politicians don’t have a clue either. So they all propose knee-jerk polcies that have more unintended poor consquences than anyone can imagine.
There is a way to pull this off. And, as over-simplified as it may seem, the ‘way’ has been working well for more than 200 years. It’s called ‘The Market’.
So, as Phil helps row the boat of the Globalist agenda down the river to our demise, he loves his tax payer funded EV truck!
The same truck (Ford F150 Lighning) that can’t pull a medium sized camper more than 115 miles, yet the brochure says 320 miles. Remember, brains are not required to hold office in Vermont. You just need to get elected.
I was at WalMart.
Started talking to a driver who was charging his Ford F-150.
He told me it has a 130 kWh battery, EPA travel rating 320 miles, but he never got more than 280 miles from 90% full to 10% full; Ford recommends never to go to more than 90% full and to go to less than 10% full, to preserve battery life.
He gets about 0.4 kWh/mile, which appears about right for such a heavy vehicle with poor aerodynamics.
He said, once you start hauling some plywood and lumber, about 600 lbs of it, and some shingles and roofing paper, and driving on dirt roads to get to a job site, with a crew of 2 on-board, with tools, in the extended cab, he gets about 0.75 kWh/mile.
I forgot to add, he paid about $75,000, including all taxes, fees and surcharges.
When I came back from shopping at WalMart, he was still at his vehicle and still charging.