Convicted sex traffickers would support Montpelier legalization of prostitution, critic says

By Guy Page

“The oldest profession is actually the oldest oppression,” Maggie Kerrin of Waterbury told the Montpelier City Council Wednesday night as it considered a recommendation to legalize prostitution.

“You can’t really achieve equality between men and women while there is this gender-based oppression,” she added.

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Legalizing prostitution is a sex-traffickers’ dream, Michael Shively, a researcher with the National Center on Sexual Exploitation, told the council.

Kerrin, who lives in Waterbury but works in Montpelier, was among the people speaking out against Police Review Committee recommendations to legalize prostitution, which are part of a package of proposed policing changes presented to the Council Wednesday night.

Legalizing prostitution is a sex-traffickers’ dream, Michael Shively, a researcher with the National Center on Sexual Exploitation, told the council.

Shively said he has spent 30 years evaluating criminal justice policies and practices. For the last two decades he has done federally-backed research on issues including legalization of prostitution.

“What is being proposed is to legalize the most dangerous way to make money and to fully deregulate it,” Shively said. “It would allow any home, any salon … to becaome a brothel, and there is nothing you could do to stop it.”

Shively said he has interviewed 47 convicted sex traffickers and asked them if they would prefer their business to be illegal, or unregulated.

“They would laugh and say, ‘you’re kidding, right?’” Shively said. “100% of convicted sex traffickers would prefer to operate in an environment in which there were no prohibitions against prostitution.”

Seth Collins of Berlin also spoke out against legalizing prostitution because where there’s prostitution, there’s other injustices against women: “In my opinion, prostitution is a warning sign that there is some predatory dynamic.”

There were no other comments about the legalized prostitution part of the police study by members of the general public.

The committee is not advocating for decriminalization, Police Advisory Committee member Justin Drechsler said. State laws will still apply. (However, the advisory commission does recommend adopting proposed state legislation that advocate for making most prostitution legal.)

The city ordinance is old and sexist, Drechsler said. “In no way is the committee suggesting that human trafficking should be legalized,” he said.

Another committee member said ‘sex work’ is not necessarily as dangerous as suggested, and that legalization has benefits.

The council agreed to accept the policing report and discuss its recommendations at future meetings.

Guy Page is publisher of the Vermont Daily Chronicle. Reprinted with permission.

Image courtesy of Public domain

11 thoughts on “Convicted sex traffickers would support Montpelier legalization of prostitution, critic says

  1. 800,000 yearly average of disappearing children are linked to human trafficking – this is the goal – children not free-lance adult males and females. As illegals and other migrants are livestreamed into our neighborhoods this project will clear the runway for child trafficking bc they are the ones most males who want sex-on-demand are interested in the younger the better.

    Plot to legalize prostitution in VT will bring many types of traffickers – but the legislature doesn’t care bc they are evil and rotten to the core or would never have made it this far and is funded by traffickers them selves. Coming to your town: Pedovore shoppers
    *read at own risk it’s disturbing – you have been warned

  2. Since these sex workers will be professionals, I’m sure the Office of Professional Regulation will require them to get a license. The state will need it’s cut of the action. I wonder what the exam questions will look like? Where’s Mayor Watson on this? I’m sure there’s no organized crime in Denmark or the Philippines, Right? From the looks of things, maybe it the only way these council members can get relief and it’s not spelled ROLAIDS!

  3. I think this is sickening.
    The hypocrisy is mind boggling.
    Here we are all being forced to get vaccinated with experimental drugs to save grandma and yet look at this..
    How about someone start asking these women why in this day and age they feel they need to resort to prostitution and solve that issue.
    When in the heck will we ever address the root causes of things to permanently solve problems instead of putting band aids on the fallout of not having solved it at the root of the problem in the first place. When do we stop slapping paint on a rotted house?
    If we really truly want to solve problems, that is how it’s done. To not do it that way is to BS the public so that it *appears* that they have done something.
    *shaking my head* it’s disgusting.

  4. those who claim they are protectors of women and minorities are pushing for special legislation to legalize prostitution and drug dealing? Adds a whole new meaning to pimpimg for the New World Order.

    These “new” programs will surely elevate our brothers and sister!

    When are we going to start taking out beating hearts for the betterment of man kind? Hey didn’t that stop climate change for Olmec and Aztec? That’s what we can do to get our carbon footprint down! What was old is new again!

    Mankind is totally lost without wisdom and guidance from the good book. Funny how it seems to hold true more so today than yesterday.

  5. There is enough prostitution going on in “our” legislation now……yes?
    Isn’t that what is meant by the Progressive?

  6. Where are all the ” Pink Pussy Hat ” women libbers, they should be up in arms over this
    proposal ………. nope, crickets ……Why ??

    Oh yeah, it’s a liberal proposal……. hypocrites to say the least !!

  7. “Another committee member said ‘sex work’ is not necessarily as dangerous as suggested, and that legalization has benefits.”

    Pray tell which committee member said that, and what exactly are the benefits to legalization?

    “However, the advisory commission does recommend adopting proposed state legislation that advocate for making most prostitution legal”

    So which is it “not advocating for decriminalization” or “making most prostitution legal”?

    • Not only all THAT info should be demanded, but what “level” of “danger” should we Vermonters happily accept in terms of the trade of prostitution???

      As a woman (a REAL one, not a person with a three piece set sportin’ a dress) – I am appalled by the fact that purported “feminists” are advocating for this misogynistic and dehumanizing bill to potentially be approved.

      This is a CRIME against ALL women & girls as well as against all the men & boys who love & respect them.

      There is abject EVIL in Vermont and thy name is the VT legislature and judiciary – a number of them courtesy of GEORGE SOROS & his communist allies!

  8. Normalization of depravity, prostitution and deviancy.
    According to the CCP agenda.
    Right on schedule and in phase.

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