This article by Tiffany Tan originally appeared March 5 in the Bennington Banner.
ARLINGTON – The voters have spoken: Arlington is getting a town administrator.
Residents voted 391 to 114 by Australian ballot Tuesday in favor of creating the position, an idea local leaders pitched as a way to help the town grow and improve.
The administrator would handle most of the municipality’s day-to-day operational affairs, allowing the Select Board to focus on long-term strategic planning.
Select Board member Cynthia Browning welcomed the news, which came around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, describing it as an “important next step” for Arlington.
“I’m happy, but I’m also nervous because now it’s on the Select Board to manage this process and hire somebody really good,” said Browning, who concurrently serves on the Vermont House of Representatives.
Read full article at the Bennington Banner.
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