By Guy Page
Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman on Thursday led a small group of Progressive legislators calling for national legislation to expand the U.S. Supreme Court by four seats.
Due in large part to President Donald Trump’s appointment of three conservative justices to the nation’s highest court, the current SCOTUS has issued rulings on abortion, gun rights, the accountability of the federal administrative state and other issues that are anathema to many progressives.
“We are seeing the traditional institutional norms and balance and respect for the system being completely upended by a tyrannical minority,” Zuckerman, a progressive who ran and won as a Democrat in 2022, said.
The Constitution gives the authority to change the numbers on the court, Zuckerman noted. “Expanding the Supreme Court by four seats will re-establish the balance for many, many years,” he said. Zuckerman also called for term limits to ensure the high court is invigorated by new blood.
Sen. Tanya Vyhovsky (P-Chittenden) also spoke in favor of expanding the court at the noontime, outdoor press conference. Inside, Sen. Ann Watson (D-Washington) said she supports it too. By contrast, Sen. Terry Williams (R-Rutland) said he opposes the idea, and Sens. Irene Wrenner (D-Chittenden) and Ruth Hardy (D-Addison) both said they haven’t yet formed an opinion.
Vermont U.S. Senator Peter Welch sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Zuckerman said he plans to reach out to Welch to discuss his proposed legislation.
Guy Page is publisher of the Vermont Daily Chronicle. Reprinted with permission.
“We are seeing the traditional institutional norms and balance and respect for the system being completely upended by a tyrannical minority,”
It’s always the false dichotomy.
Lt. Governor Zuckerman’s logic is pathetic. He is precisely what he claims others to be. If not in his deportment, then in his honesty. What’s the difference between a tyrannical minority and a tyrannical majority? Tyranny is tyranny.
Zuckerman’s claims are dishonest by his own measure. On one hand, the left claims that Trump’s allegation, that the 2020 election was stolen, is baseless. Nonetheless, and given what we know today, for certain, that the Russian interference on Trump’s behalf in the 2016 election was fabricated by the Clinton campaign, Zuckerman still proposes that Trump’s SCOTUS appointments were ‘stolen’. Zuckerman’s words.
So, what are Zuckerman’s concerns? Never mind that eighteen previous Presidents made as many or more SCOTUS appointments as did Trump. Reagan made four appointments. FDR made nine.
Clearly, Zuckerman has fallen back into being a light-weight political hack. I had thought better of him.
The timing of Zuckerman’s statement have anything to with this coming out?
SCOTUS Justice Samuel Alito – April 28, 2023 – Wallstreet Journal
“Justice Samuel Alito: ‘This Made Us Targets of Assassination’
The author of the Dobbs abortion ruling answers attacks on the court’s ‘legitimacy.’ He says he thinks he knows who leaked the draft and is certain about the motive.”
“Justice Alito says the marshal “did a good job with the resources that were available to her” and agrees that the evidence was insufficient for a public accusation. “I personally have a pretty good idea who is responsible, but that’s different from the level of proof that is needed to name somebody,” he says. He’s certain about the motive: “It was a part of an effort to prevent the Dobbs draft . . . from becoming the decision of the court. And that’s how it was used for those six weeks by people on the outside—as part of the campaign to try to intimidate the court.”
That campaign included unlawful assemblies outside justices’ homes, and that wasn’t the worst of it. “Those of us who were thought to be in the majority, thought to have approved my draft opinion, were really targets of assassination,” Justice Alito says. “It was rational for people to believe that they might be able to stop the decision in Dobbs by killing one of us.” On June 8, an armed man was arrested outside the home of Justice Brett Kavanaugh; the suspect was later charged with attempted assassination and has pleaded not guilty.”
Another regressive who thinks we should have total one party control of all 3 branches of government. How UN American… Apparently the pretend farmer missed the history lesson on why the government was set up with checks and balances and not a fascist rule state. Looking at the last 3 picks by democrats they shouldn’t be picking court justices at all. The wide latina Kagen and Sotomayor are the least knowledgeable of Law of the land and the last pick couldn’t define what a women is… The also vote with the left side of the spectrum regardless of what the law says where as a couple of the conservative picks will wander back and forth. The decisions of the SCOUS need to be on ONLY law, no politics involved. Stick to your organic veggies Zuc cause at governing you suck..
This idiot is not even a Vermonter!! This is just another short-sighted Progressive power grab. Unfortunately, his parents have enough power and money to prevent his returning to CT. where he belongs.
Yeah, let’s all listen to this mastermind Zuckerman, he really knows and understands
the SCOTUS…………..Go back to growing potatoes and breeding sheep !!
Where do we get these clowns, look at me, I’m relevant again.
If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.
Brunson vs. Adams on the Supreme Court Docket.
I think this case is causing great concern to all Democrat/Progessive Liberals. SCOTUS rejected this case 4 times, but it is now on the Supreme Court Docket. If you’re not familiar, please read up on Loy Brunson vs. Alma S. Adams; et al. The case is predicated on the fact that 388 lawmakers violated their oaths to their office, and the U.S. Constitution by not investigating election fraud in the 2020 election within the 10 day period outlined by the Constitution, therefore negating the 2020 election. If the case is successful, 385 Congress members and Senate members, as well as Biden, Harris and Pence would be removed from office IMMEDIATELY and not ever be able to hold public office again. It would also push the entire 2020 election back forcing the Senate to choose the President. Each State would get ONE vote. Prior to the 2020 election, there were more Republican Senators than Democrat Senators and without a doubt, Trump would be installed as the interim POTUS, to serve out the remainder of the presidency (2 years), AND be able to run in 2024. Also, every politician named in the suit could be charged with multiple election crimes. This case is a massive threat to the Democrats. I believe that is why there is now talk of stacking SCOTUS to prevent a judgement for Brunson. Research this case, and there are some incredible stories behind it. This would be the greatest case ever heard by any Supreme Court. Pray for our country!
Trump fulfilled his Constitutional duty to appoint 3 Justices as it was necessary. If, during Biden’s presidency, a Justice dies or retires, he will appoint a liberal justice. Then the balance will shift from 5 conservative and 4 liberal Justices to 5 liberal and 4 conservative Justices. The very word “balance” means equal weight on either side. When Zuckerman speaks of “balance”, what he means is “power”. With adding 4 Justices, under Biden, they would most certainly be liberal Justices. That would be a POWER shift, having SCOTUS be 8 liberal Justices and 5 conservative Justices. That is NOT balance. That is very clearly obvious as a lust for power. “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” These liberal politicians want complete and total power. The framers and founders safeguarded against this in our U.S. Constitution, but the liberals would completely ignore it to gain and retain power.
How about we wait until a republican is president and majority in senate and do this, let’s see what the worthless liberals think then.
Not too obvious.
Why would we need 4 more justices when 2 more would restore that “balance” that deep down in his heart he knows America needs right now? Is it because 6 to get a super-majority would be a bit too obvious?
Be very scared of this man. Because Phil Scott is about 65 now. How long does he want to be just a eunuch, powerless puppet Gov in the face of a climate insane, Eco-Enviro agenda, ruled with a super majority. NONE of VT’s serious fiscal issues are being addressed…all you get is higher spending and more taxes. VT will face serious fiscal issues within a few years. Free gov’t billions are GONE and being pissed away now on all “feel good”. IMO? I don’t think Phil stays around to have it on HIS watch (to fix) and for him to take the blame as CEO of VT? Which means mr. pony tail progressive Socialist takes over…and then the Socialist Progressives rule all of VT. That is when you panic…heed my advice….”VTGON”
Not sure why Zuckerman has to be condemned here for who he is.
He is condemning the structure of the U.S. Supreme Court, to make it more whatever.
But that is not what the Founding Fathers, aka sperm carriers, had in mind, and that is not what 50 SOVEREIGN states, including Vermont, ratified.
It says something, Vermonters rather vote for a RINO, than for an extremist/socialist/CSA subsidy-sucking out of stater
Pony-tailed, community-supported agriculturalist, CSA, Zuckerman, aims to destroy the U.S. Supreme Court, because the Dem/Prog party does not command/control it, thank God.