A global equity and justice organization has granted money to EmpowR to hold community discussions on race and identity, largely with the goal of encouraging white women to share their thoughts on race, equity and other social justice themes.
On June 8, July 12, Aug. 10, and Sept. 13, four “White Women Accountability Circles” will be held for white-identifying women. According to a press release, the purpose is to have “women (cis/trans), femmes, and non-binary/trans people who were socialized as women to support staying engaged in transformative justice and processing emotionally charged racialized situations without putting labor on People of Color.”
Hosting the events will be Plainfield, Vermont-based EmpowR Transformation that aims to “co-create cultural conditions of belonging, equity, and collective liberation.” The organization received a $2,000 grant from Washington State-based The Circle Way to hold a total of eight community dialogues over the summer months.
The events will be held at the Grandmother Cherry Sanctuary in Plainfield.
Sarah MacDougall, a board member of The Circle Way, states that EmpowR is focused on numerous justice-themed efforts that align with the group’s own mission.
“EmpowR Transformation and The Circle Way are aligned in how we make a stand in our world — to uphold racial, ethnic, gender, disability, economic, and environmental justice. We are pleased to support EmpowR’s efforts to make this vision and commitment become reality,” she said.
Men’s Community Evolution Circles
Men will not be left out, however. EmpowR also will host four “Men’s Community Evolution Circles” to foster community building among men “and to shift away from mainstream cultural norms that promote unhealthy expectations of masculinity,” the press release states.
Blame capitalism?
The release cites another work for those who want to learn more. In a blog post titled “The ‘personal work’ of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging readers are informed that capitalism is a root cause of a “hierarchy of injustice in the formation of this country.”
The blog post writer, EmpowR Transformation founder Rae Carter, continues that her body encompasses the experiences of her ancestors.
“For the past five years, I have been excavating what it means as a white-bodied woman with a definite set of identify advantages and a mix of oppressor and oppressed ancestry in my body to ‘do the work,’ writes Rae Carter, the organization’s founder.
Carter continues: “The personal work can only go so far as an individual inquiry. Part of the process is to be able to communicate with other people in shared identity groups to encourage accountability, practice radical empathy, integrate unlearning and relearning, and build the muscle for discomfort, deep listening, and perspective shifting.”
A receptive attitude
According to The Circle Way website, effective circle meetings are ones in which participants should shift from “opinionated discussion into a receptive attitude.”
“What transforms a meeting into a circle is the willingness of people to shift from informal
socializing or opinionated discussion into a receptive attitude of thoughtful speaking and
deep listening that embodies the practices and structures outlined here,” the website states.
Michael Bielawski is a reporter for True North. Send him news tips at bielawski82@yahoo.com and follow him on Twitter @TrueNorthMikeB.
It’s so encouraging to see such a noble undertaking. Self scrutiny seeking to correct wrongs has some history. It’s similar to the devotional exercises that bloomed after the apparitions at Fatma, and gave rise to the family rosery to combat communism. Perhaps this will have similar impact on our insight into “justice issues”.
The cool aid offered during the meeting will ensure a complete brainwashing of the vulnerable
non-opinionated attendees.
So I don’t understand how these folks that are anti-capitalism earn a decent living and pay their fair share of taxes?
These progressive lunatics will say and do everything for attention. They’re like a constant toothache. I’d donate my wisdom teeth to them if I thought it would help.
I was checking to see if this story was from one of those parody sites. Nope, it’s for real, I guess. All this “sis-trans-LBGXYZ+£~non-bindary etc etc” gobbledygook would be funny if it wasn’t so sinister. “Progressive” Left-wing Marxists have taken over the public school system in America, and driven traditional religion and morality into the shadows. They’ve replaced it with an “Earth-based” values system that seeks to divide Americans into capitalist victimizers and the Alphabet-Mafia, permanent victim class. This “crop-circle” nonsense is just a symptom of a far more deep-seeded evil.
The Weather Underground. They rebranded and repackaged their agenda to subvert the civil rights of all races, creeds, and religions based on communist/marxist doctrine. Don’t let the carefully worded social justice script fool anyone – they intend to brainwash and activate violent discourse among society. They fully intend to further divide and conquer to advance a bloody civil war. They fully intend to reap profit by destroying a free and open society as granted by our Constitution. They are nohting more than demonic spiritual beings with pure evil intentions.
Well the white liberal whiner women who stick their nose in everyone’s business should be held to account and the ones who allow Mentally ill trans freaks to compete against women and pass themselves off as women also need a rude awakening. I’d say conservative women are doing a good job getting involved in politics and making the perverse nature of the left known to all. As far as equity that’s as much a bunch of bull like the racist bull crp.