Vermont sex education policy erases biological differences, says all genders can be pregnant

The sex education policy from the Vermont Agency of Education now strongly discourages the use of any language that identifies or recognizes biological differences between males and females.

The “Full-Spectrum: Educators’ Guide to Implementing LGBTQ+ Inclusive Sex Ed” is a 14-page appendix to the state’s “Essential Topics in Sexual Health” document that outlines which phrases and words are now acceptable when dealing with sex education-related subjects.

Michael Bielawski/TNR

GENDERLESS SOCIETY?: Vermont public schools have been advised to avoid any language that defines gender or acknowledges biological sex distinctions.

The document is filled with examples to help educators implement the changes in schools.

Teachers and administrators are to use gender-neutral language such as “folks, friends, y’all, everyone” rather than “boys and girls” or “ladies and gentlemen,” the document states.

It’s also now correct to say “people with uteruses” instead of “girls,” and to say “people with penises” and “people with vaginas,” not boys and girls.

When discussing birth control, the recommended terms are “external condom” and “internal condom,” not “male condom” or “female condom,” the document states.

Genders are to be understood as potentially different from “sex assigned at birth.”

The appendix provides other highly controversial changes in how children are to be taught human sexuality, and offers side by side comparisons of “exclusionary language” versus “inclusive language.”

One concept from the guide notes that sex educators must use “body-first language to teach about reproduction, pregnancy and parenting.” It makes reference to sex between a man and a woman as “penis-in-vagina sex.” It’s not OK if educators discuss pregnancy only in relation to straight students.

Programs also must recognize “that LGBTQ+ students may also need to know about pregnancy prevention,” and acknowledge that individuals of all genders can become pregnant.

The document notes that all these changes in terminology can be expanded and included for other topics in health education classes, including mental health, harassment, and substance use.

The new LGBTQ+ material was written by Andrea Nicoletta, education program manager of Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, and Mara Iverson, director of education for Outright Vermont.

Michael Bielawski is a reporter for True North. Send him news tips at and follow him on Twitter @TrueNorthMikeB.

Images courtesy of Wikimedia Commons/Michael F. Mehnert (cropped) and Michael Bielawski/TNR

31 thoughts on “Vermont sex education policy erases biological differences, says all genders can be pregnant

  1. You could voice your concerns by writing to the Dept of education. There is strength in numbers. Email these a-holes.

  2. Finally, thanks to heroic efforts in the Vermont legislature, life is fair. Men can get pregnant! The world of make belief is a wonderful place … until you wake up in the mess it creates.

  3. Not to worry your State Government has all bases covered. (So to speak).

    Oct 14, 2020 · Vermont will become the first state in the nation to make free condoms available in public middle and high schools next year after Gov. Scott signed a bill last week that expands access to contraceptives across the state.

    Now your 14 year old sons can safely experience the joys of anal sex as they are educated in all the various gender options available to them.

    • Let these “educators” have their vapid “sex ID’s” for themselves
      ONLY If they sawed off their sexual id’s and DNA, then they could be real neuters

      Our family is husband, wife, son, and daughter,
      and nothing short of a bullet or a knife can change that !!

  4. Here’s true science with regard to gender: You either have a “Y” chromosome or you don’t. How simple can it be? ‘nuf said?

  5. It is time to cut these organizations off of their fuel, money. Without money, they cannot operate. If people do not accept these plans to twist children’s heads into mental pretzels – stop the funding, stop the money flow.

  6. I can’t believe that my property tax dollars are paying for this trash. Something needs to change and should start with starting a parallel school system that is not controlled by a union. No unions allowed and let the parents approve the curriculum for their children.

  7. Look at what’s happening:

    Of course, this new sex education will cause parents to revolt in disgust. That’s the point: divide and conquer. Confuse the people, give them lots of things to handle: assault from all sides.

    We’re now beginning to hear that children aren’t our own to educate, that children are a collective responsibility. This is exactly what Hitler said: children belong to the state.

    Protesters against childhood indoctrination have been called “domestic terrorists.”

    Doctors and nurses who object to forced medication are being purged from the system.

    Vaccine passports are being pushed throughout the world.

    My basic thought about conspiracy theories is to not focus on “why” something is happening, but on what’s happening. Once we start looking toward “why” then we get thoughts like “that’s impossible” and “that can’t be.” These thoughts then keep us from looking more closely at what’s happening (or has happened.) By focusing on what’s happening instead and facing the facts, we can come to some conclusions regarding the facts. Some of these conclusions will be speculative and we have to recognize their speculative nature, but some conclusions will be fairly solid based on the facts.

    Those who resist thinking that we’re under attack with a detailed plan years in the making need to see what’s happening, put the pieces together, and understand that this really is an assault on all sides to destroy kindness and decency and humanity and compassion and common sense, and to replace them with rigid control from the central authorities: it’s everywhere. It isn’t pretty to look at. But, we need all hands on deck. We need everyone to see.

  8. How in the world do those few people get to decide anything without the citizens voting upon it? Why are the children being put under such pressure with masking and now this.

    It has been foretold…. when evil is called good and good is called evil.

    It’s just disgusting.

    • And suddenly on the same month across the entire nation, all our children 3-6 years old are subjected to drag Queen story hour?

      Just a coincidence?

      And if you object, you are a bigot, closed minded, mean. Maybe we should be taking them into strip bars for career education?

      Hello, Brandon doesn’t have any clothes on!

  9. If the head VT agency isn’t going to BELIEVE THE SCIENCE, how’s the kiddies in school supposed to learn the science to believe in???

    This crock of nonsense, genders, pronouns, crap is all anti Science and has no place in the teaching curriculum being taught in public funded schools for a minute fraction of the populations feelz… only one gender has the built in tools to go thru child birth and it’s a FEMALE not a trans. not a trans queer, not a female want a be, and not a bug in the rug only a FEMALE can give birth…. PERIOD… sounds like this is another agency we can do without..

  10. Reading Michael Bielawski’s article about the polictically correct utterance from the Vt Agency of Education and its redefinitions of male and female filled me with disbelief and not a little disgust.

    All of this takes me back to my batchelor days living with two other guys and a dog (a beagle) named Sam. The dog would soon be renamed: Sam Jam the Jazz Man for reasons that will soon become clear.

    Sam had an insatiable taste for home brew that was brewing away in an open 25 gal. crock. Yup, Sam was three sheets to the wind much of the time. He also had a peculiar sexual appetite mounting everything that moved and some that didn’t. He was never fussy about what gender anything was, and, as time went on he wasn’t particular about what species he was dealing with. Pussy cats were his favorites.

    I really believe this comment should be entered into the Vermont Sex education curriculum so as to give the kiddies a look at an alternative behavior.

  11. One of the major efforts in subverting a country is to confuse the populace about their sexuality. Seems odd at first blush huh?

    Sex is such a strong glue, is so powerful that it sticks people on a path based upon physical interactions, much like geese imprinting a person as their parent if first exposed to people and not other geese at hatching.

    This is backed up by, science, anthropologists, Christianity, nature and historically. It is perhaps one of the most insidious ways to tear down the family structure. I’m sure it hasn’t changed from the beginning of the pandemic, all the porn sites were promoting interfamilial sex. Why?

    Young men are becoming impotent in their 20’s from over stimulation via pornography.

    This is a very effective powerful and sinister way to rear up a nation and family structure. It is being done on purpose, it is part of the plan used by the KGB in subverting nations.
    This is way more I depth than most anyone would ever think.

    • You are right Neil on that last part..:this way deeper than people understand.
      Eventually all that porn isn’t enough..
      Next, kiddie porn, beastiality, pedophilia, sexbots and who the heck knows what else..
      No wonder they wanted all this legal weed.
      The future looks worse than bleak- it looks impossible to survive in.

  12. I’m so glad my kids are out of the Vermont school system. As a tax payer it makes me livid.. as a parent it would make me sick to my stomach.. Parents PLEASE stand up to this indoctrination or our kids will end up wearing vagina hats at some freak show protest somewhere.. This state needs a complete makeover in Montpelier..Very sad.

  13. Come -on , the Vermont Agency of Education, didn’t actually state ” All Genders ” can
    get pregnant, did they ?? And this agency is in charge of education, sounds more like
    more indoctrination for an agenda !!!

    There are only two ( 2 ) genders and the female of our species is the one that can become
    pregnant, if a ” real ” male does become pregnant they better find a circus to work at with top
    billing as a freak of nature………

    Pathetic fools that are in charge of the education of our children !!


  14. From a concerned MALE. Wake up people. This is what this State and the country is becoming. I’ve never seen more screwed up people making our laws. Since when do we follow Planned Parenthoods guidance.
    We are either born male or female. If you want to be something else, that’s your business but don’t be confusing our kids with all this complicated jargon. Don’t worry. They’ll sort it out on their own.

  15. If a woman can claim to be, can identify as a man and the Progressives accept that she’s a man, then yes, men can become pregnant. The conclusion is logical; the premise on which it’s based, however…

  16. If parents don’t get their kids out of these schools now, they have only themselves to blame for the dystopian dysfunction to which their children are being subjected. Just voting, or expecting other voters to see the light, has been, and likely will continue to be, an insufficient expectation. It’s up to parents now. Do what you must to protect your children.

    • And do not let the state government stick poison into their bodies. If you love your children, it is your duty to protect them. Get them out now, no excuses!

  17. At some point, the children taught this stuff will be very confused. They will, later in life- realize that the people whom dictated these edicts be taught are mentally ill.

    • “later in life?” I don’t recall with clarity exactly when, but I think by third grade, fourth at the latest, kids have a pretty good idea of who’s crazy and didn’t really think Superman could bend railroad tracks or lift a locomotive. About adult Progressives, I don’t know: It defies belief that they believe they can increase corporate taxes, cost of producing a product, distribution (fuel) costs, and the costs won’t be reflected in the product price. Or that Biden can defy the rules of economics without negative consequences.

    • See their suicide rates.. that alone should have ended this insane idea.
      I’m ready to build walls and balkanize..the day is here where these thinkers that are promoting this are dangerously mentally ill and good people should shun them and steer clear.

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