By Guy Page
On October 14, the New York Post published a story with this lead paragraph:
“Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by the Post.”
If the story is true, then Joe Biden has been lying to the American public by vehemently denying any involvement in any such influence-peddling efforts by his son. In support of its story, the Post printed screenshots of the emails, reportedly recovered from a laptop computer owned by Hunter Biden which had been left at a computer repair store and apparently forgotten. The computer was recovered by the FBI, the Post coverage said. A copy of the hard drive found its way into the hands of presidential advisor Rudy Giuliani, who then took it to the Post.
After the story broke, Facebook and Twitter both blocked attempts to report this story by the Post, today’s paper said. Twitter froze the accounts of President Trump and White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, according to a White House and media reports.

Hunter Biden with Joe Biden
Here in Vermont, the media has been virtually silent on this potentially explosive news story. As of 11 a.m. Thursday, 30 hours after the Post story hit the web, Vermont Daily’s perusal of printed and online news found no “local angle” stories on Hunter Biden’s computer emails nor on the social media suppression. It’s already the second day of the 24-hour news cycle, and we have found no stories soliciting comments from the governor, Democratic elected officials, or the Man On The Street – nothing.
Normally, bombshell stories published just weeks before a presidential election elicit local coverage. For example, most Vermont statewide news outlets have published locally-sourced news about data from Donald Trump’s tax returns, Bob Woodward’s book on Trump’s comments about the virus, and Trump’s SCOTUS nomination of Amy Coney Barrett. Yet the same outlets as of mid-day today had produced no local coverage discernible by Vermont Daily.
Even headline links to national news stories are lacking. VPR, the Burlington Free Press, WPTZ, the Times-Argus/Rutland Herald, and WCAX, for example, often carry headlines about national news. Yet today none of their highlighted national headlines mention the Hunter Biden computer fiasco, or the social media censorship. However several national headlines trumpet Biden’s fundraising success and his scheduled appearance tonight.
Most Vermont news outlets rely on CNN and/or the national Associated Press for national headlines. CNN seemingly has published nothing. Not so AP, which over the years has earned a deserved reputation for down-the-middle, “just the facts” reporting. However, today’s national AP story on Hunter Biden isn’t about Hunter Biden at all — it’s a hit piece on the Post. It calls the account a “tabloid story” full of “bizarre twists” and “unfounded claims” that “raises more questions than answers.”
It cannot be said that Vermonters who don’t watch Fox News are under a total news blackout about Hunter Biden’s computer. The New York Times enjoys a fairly strong Vermont readership, due to its historical pre-eminence, Vermont’s large population of older transplanted New Yorkers for whom reading the Times is one of life’s essentials, and VT Digger’s offer last year of a NYT online subscription for $20/month (that’s how Vermont Daily signed up for the Times).
Like the AP, today’s New York Times did not ignore this story. On the bottom of Page 17 of Section A, a subhead to the story reads: “Joe Biden’s campaign rejected assertions made in a published report that were based on unverified material from Trump allies. Facebook and Twitter found the story dubious enough to limit access to it on their platform.”
“Assertions.” “Unverified.” “Dubious.” The angle isn’t about possible deceit and corruption by the leading presidential candidate. It’s more of a campaign spokesperson denial, barely even mentioning what (either) Biden supposedly did.
Vermont Public Radio relies on NPR for its national headlines. According to our web search at 11 a.m. Thursday, VPR last ran an NPR story mentioning Hunter Biden in late September.
Vermont talk radio? Vermont Daily reached out to a prominent current affairs talk show host. Maybe tomorrow, he said.
There has been one Vermont social media mention of the Hunter Biden computer scandal. Twitter handle NewsDoneRight wrote today: “Let’s get this straight. The #Democrats nominated a guy whose guilty of the very things they tried to impeach #Trump about. The ole’ #Ukranian #Corruption boomerang. Throw in the towel @JoeBiden.”
If the buzz about Hunter Biden’s computer has appeared elsewhere in Vermont news media without Vermont Daily’s knowledge, we will happily publish any heretofore undiscovered hyperlinks. But so far, we’ve come up empty. What does that say about Vermont media coverage?
Read more of Guy Page’s reports. Vermont Daily is sponsored by True North Media.
Exclusive — ‘This is China, Inc.’: Emails Reveal Hunter Biden’s Associates Helped Communist-Aligned Chinese Elites Secure White House Meetings
by Peter Schweizer and Seamus Bruner 16 Oct 2020
Re China Entrepreneurs Club… by Breitbart News
“CEC’s leadership boasts numerous senior members of the Chinese Communist Party, including Wang Zhongyu (“vice chairman of the 10th CPPCC National Committee and deputy secretary of the Party group”), Ma Weihua (director of multiple Chinese Communist Party offices), and Jiang Xipei (member of the Chinese Communist Party and representative of the 16th National Congress), among others”
— Warning! includes actual copies of emails lol 😉
Just as Clintons’ did – ushered Chinese Communist Party officials to highest echelon of US Government – they should all hang SHAME
True North Reports: Please consider keeping this article and thread up there at the top.
This is a very important situation and the lack of media coverage means that we have to cover this ourselves here to get the story out as it unfolds. Or at least attempt too.
Thank You..
Hear. hear 😀
Bongino provides even more detail on the scandal:
For once I would like to see these white collar criminals go to trial and if guilty go to jail.
— Breaking —
DNI John Ratcliffe says info on Hunter Biden laptop isn’t Russian disinformation
By Mark Moore October 19, 2020 | 9:33am
Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Monday said the information contained on Hunter Biden’s laptop revealed by The Post last week “is not part of some Russian disinformation campaign.”
October 19, 2020 | 9:33am
October 19, 2020
Hold on to your hat: Hunter’s hard drive roll-out this week is going to unleash a whirlwind
By Thomas Lifson
“If the social media and MSM grandees think they can keep this bottled up, they are mistaken.
— Joe Biden’s world falling apart. I dare you to ask any swing voter in Midwest what they think of this story.
— Wayne Allyn Root (@RealWayneRoot) October 19, 2020″
October 19, 2020
Things may soon get a lot worse for Hunter and Joe Biden
By Andrea Widburg
“The first reference to child pornography on Hunter’s hard drive came from Chanel Rion of OAN. A day after the New York Post story broke, she tweeted that, having seen some of the contents on Hunter’s hard drive, there were disturbing indications that he is obsessed with underage girls:
Just saw for myself a behind the scenes look at the #HunterBiden hard drive:
Drugs, underage obsessions, power deals…
Druggie Hunter makes Anthony Weiner’s down under selfie addiction look normal.#BidenCrimeFamily has a lot of apologizing to do.
So does Big Tech. @OANN
— Chanel Rion OAN (@ChanelRion) October 15, 2020”
Hi Stardust.
Joe DiGenova was on Howie Carr tonight and he said he is working with Rudy and together they are trying to figure out how to get this stuff, of a very sensitive nature, out there. Howie Carr has tweeted this interview out there and it’s a MUST HEAR.
This interview was tonight, about 5:00 or so.
Joe said that a lot of this stuff is so bad that things of this nature have never even happened in this country before.
He made another good point: Hunter had a drug problem, a prostitute problem, look at the dealings he was involved with, can we even imagine what amount of assets that were needed to protect the VPs kid that did all of this?
(the cost of this for the taxpayer!)
Omg that one bill alone would send us over the moon in anger I bet.
Yesh Laura preach it 😉 we need more ppl like yalls on Hunter’s Laptop, the FBI and more – 10.19.20 – Hour 2
By Grace Curley On Oct 19, 2020
Apologizings for any dupes
Steve Bannon brings it:
EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden’s son emailed shop owner about hard drive to ‘get it back’: Former Trump chief
2,535,524 views•Oct 18, 202
The traditional US, Europe and Vermont media have decided not to mention the grafting and grifting of the Biden clan in Ukraine, Russia and Moscow.
The NYT, WSJ, WaPo, LAT, etc., mentioned NOT ONE WORD about this EXPLOSIVE NEWS.
They are in cahoots with the DEEP STATE folks at the FBI, “Justice” Department, State Department, intelligence agencies, etc.
Is that the way the US people are allowed to elect their PRESIDENT?
This makes the RUSSIAN HOAX-1, instigated by Hillary and her discredited, DNC-financed Steele report (even the FBI has stated the report is bogus), look like a Sunday school picnic.
Giuliani says the hard drive originally came into his possession after the Mac shop owner created four copies to distribute to his friends, because he feared for his life.
It is likely, the Mac shop owner distributed copies to his friends, to make sure it would become public, after he had been HARMED, OR OTHERWISE DEALT WITH.
The Mac shop owner handed the original, physical hard drive to the FBI in December 2019, and after almost 9 months, handed over the copy in Giuliani’s possession to Robert Costello, Giuliani’s attorney.
According to Giuliani, the Mac shop owner attempted to give copies to other Republican operatives, but no one would take them.
Are we living in a free country, or what?
Read the URL
Yes, the DEEP STATE and FBI/Obama holdovers, who are still around, have been HIDING Hunter Biden’s computer in secret FBI vaults to protect Joe Biden (Hunter calls him The Big Guy in his emails), since DECEMBER 9, 2019, more than TEN MONTHS.
Wray, FBI Chief, likely knew about the computer, but kept it a secret.
He should be questioned by the US Senate ASAP. What did he know, and when did he know it, and why did he keep it a secret?
Barr, Attorney General, was kept in the dark, even though the FBI is a part of the US Justice Department!!!
Barr would have immediately told Trump.
An Oct 17, 2020, Bloomberg article, by Chris Strohm, states, the FBI had probed if the hard disc info was part of a “Russian disinformation operation”.
That looks like a red herring to divert attention. A Russian Hoax-2?
Russian Hoax-1 was Hillary’s. See below.
NOTE: Bloomberg is spending $100 million in Florida to sway Florida into Biden’s column.
Senate Investigation: On October 17, a letter from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs requested the FBI provide information regarding the computer to compare its hard drive and the New York Post copy. The FBI refused to provide the information, likely to run out the clock to protect Biden.
The hard drive and copy comparison likely will prove them to be identical, i.e., no Russian Hoax.
The FBI had the computer during the impeachment process, which was about a phone call during which President Trump asked Zelensky, Ukraine President, to provide information regarding Biden’s dealings in Ukraine.
Trump smelled a rat and was right ALL ALONG.
According to emails, the hard drive contains info that would have supported Trump’s position, i.e., influence peddling by Hunter Biden, which was fully known by VP Joe Biden.
Hunter Biden complains in one email he has to share 50/50 with “the Big Guy”, i.e., VP Joe Biden.
Hunter arranged for a top Burisma executive to meet with VP Joe Biden; such a meeting likely would not appear on any OFFICIAL records.
Sure enough, the Biden campaign is claiming “the meeting is not shown on OFFICIAL records”.
Joe Biden still claims he never discussed business dealings with Hunter, his son, even though the Hunter emails prove otherwise.
Why did the FBI not speak up during the impeachment process that it possessed EXONERATING EVIDENCE?
Was the FBI shielding “the Big Guy”, who shows signs of dementia while running for President?
It appears, the US Media, VT Media and Facebook and Tweeter are colluding with the FBI, i.e., interfering with the election by preventing the free exchange of information between voters.
Are you kidding me? Right here in the USA?
Hunter Biden Mac Computer: The computer had been brought to a Delaware Mac repair shop, owned by John Paul Mac Isaac, in April 2019, according to shop records.
No one had picked up the computer after Hunter Biden was billed $85 and notified several times.
By law, the Mac shop becomes the LEGAL OWNER of the computer after a certain time period.
If the owner of the Mac shop had not LEGALLY made a copy of the hard drive, NO ONE WOULD HAVE EVER KNOWN. NO ONE WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO CONNECT THE DOTS.
The FBI confiscated the computer on December 9, 2019, and nothing happened for almost 9 months.
The Mac shop owner realized the FBI was just going to hide the computer (loaded with Joe Biden’s multiple deeds of malfeasance while VP of the US (tens of $millions of grafting and grifting collected by the CORRUPT Biden clan over the years!).
The Mac shop owner finally decided to contact the Senate HSGA Committee on 24 September, 2020, and also give a hard drive copy to Giuliani, former Mayor of New York, in September 2020.
Giuliani, after verifying with the Mac shop owner, immediately gave it to the NEW YORK POST.
A statue should be erected for the courageous Whistleblower!
Hunter Biden was using “the Big Guy”, meaning VP Joe Biden, for influence peddling.
According to THOUSANDS of Hunter’s emails on the hard-drive, he had to share 50/50 with “the Big Guy”, i.e., Joe Biden was an active participant and beneficiary of Hunter’s shenanigans.
Crime boss Joe Biden keeps repeating: “My son did nothing wrong”
Hunter had a seat on the board of Burisma, a major gas trading company in Ukraine, at $50,000 PER MONTH, FOR FIVE YEARS (2014 – 2019).
Hunter had zero experience in the energy sector. His usefulness to corrupt Burisma was being close to “the Big Guy”
Here is a video of Joe Biden bragging about pressuring Poroshenko, president of Ukraine, to fire the Ukraine prosecutor, who was investigating corrupt Burisma, as otherwise Ukraine would not get $1 billion in aid.
At one point, Joe Biden says, if you think I am kidding, call Obama. Poroshenko fired the prosecutor and got his $1 billion.
There are many photos with Hunter and Joe Biden grinning and smirking, with Obama, in a knowing fashion. Obama may have been a “beneficiary” as well.
Hunter gave up the Burisma job in 2019, after “the Big Guy” decided to run for President
Similar shenanigans went on in Moscow, Russia, and China, which netted the Biden clan, and Associates, tens of $millions EACH YEAR.
China has “the Big Guy” in its pocket.
US factory workers will get no relief from being screwed-over by China, with the help of the likes of Biden.
A hunter Biden partner confirmed the authenticity of a March 13, 2019 email discussing “renumeration packages”, in a deal involving CEDF, a Chinese energy firm.
The CEDF “meet and greet” payment was $5 million, of which Hunter was to get $1 million (20%), of which $500,000 (10%) was reserved for “the Big Guy”, i.e., VP Joe Biden, according to the email.
I spend a lot of time checking and cross-checking before I write anything.
I try my very best to be accurate.
Excerpt from the URL:
“One of the recipients on an email chain with Hunter Biden that was published earlier this week has authenticated the document, Fox News reported.
The email in question, which is dated March 13, 2017, purportedly shows a business partner of Biden’s discussing “remuneration packages” for participants in a deal involving CEFC China Energy, a Chinese energy company that was owned at the time by Ye Jianming.
The New York Post published portions of the email on Thursday as part of a series of stories based on documents purportedly from Biden’s laptop.
Some Democrats have questioned the authenticity of emails published by the Post. But according to Fox News, a person copied on the March 13, 2017, email confirmed that the published document is authentic.”
Others may come forward to corroborate/authenticate other emails within the next few days.
It is best not to prejudge the developing news.
I can assure you, I do not like this disappointing news about Biden.
I always thought he was one of the good guys.
Biden was doing this while VP, an impeachable offense (emoluments?), similar to the insider-dealing of Spiro Agnew, the VP of Nixon.
Agnew resigned, with Nixon to follow later.
I am old enough to remember; 83
There is no way crime-boss Biden can continue to go before voters to be President.
He likely has to hide in his basement.
The Democrat party will have to replace him.
I realized the US Media was not going to cover his criminal scandals.
Tweeter and Facebook are still blocking accounts and URLs.
It looks like George Orwell has come to pass.
Therefore, I decided to prepare my own write up.
It has been widely distributed.
As additional news comes in during October through February, the write-up gets revised and augmented.
Mr. Freitag: Will you consider answering the following questions?
Was Hunter Biden paid as a director of Burisma Holdings Limited, a Ukranian Energy company?
Was Hunter Biden’s father the U.S. Vice President at the time?
When did Vice President Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion of U.S. foreign aid unless Ukraine’s leaders fired the country’s top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, who had been conducting an investigation of Burisma Holdings Limited?
Do you consider these questions a ‘fascination with endless conspiracy theories’?
I recently sent out to the listserves in the towns where I am running as an Independent against the two Democratic incumbents a post which started with a favorite saying of my late neighbor and friend William Sloane Coffin: ” Keep me in the company of those seeking the truth and preserve me from those who have found it”. I then went on to talk about how although well intentioned, we need to be concerned with those who feel all our problems can be solved under the golden dome in Montpelier. Specifically, I mentioned sweeping laws like Act 46 the school consolidation bill which has done more harm than good, and the recently passed Global Solutions bill which if implemented will have the same negative results. I went on to suggest that the best Montpelier could do was to help provide the infrastructure and opportunities so that individuals and communities, which are the heart of Vermont , can thrive.
If at times I am a bit annoying to my more conservative friends, rest assured my more liberal friends have just as hard a time with some of the things I bring up. The fact is that I am not a fan of group think. The violence at some left wing demonstrations, the
“lock her up” chanting at Trump rallies and fascination with endless conspiracy theories, left and right, smack for me too much of the mindless excesses that led to the such tragic results in the French Revolution. My political heroes tend to the more modest. Included in these are Vermont Senator Ralph Flanders, the first to speak out against McCarthyism, George Aiken, Robert Stafford, and most recently Phil Scott. If this makes me too moderate for some, that is O.K. as I figure I am in good company. I do appreciate being able to say my piece on this website. Something not currently available on more liberal sites like VTDigger, Seven Days or VPR.
Ya know Mr. Freitag, I dare say that most of us here are old enough and informed enough to have seen many “conspiracy theories” turn out to be quite true..and we fully understand the game of labeling things as that to try and discredit them and belittle the believer to demoralize them in an attempt to weaken the Will of the opponent.. we get all of this, believe me.
Of course, Bill Clinton and his intern are in the immediate forefront of my mind.. and it was Hillary Clinton herself that called that whole notion “A Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Theory..”
Not only was it very true, it was a whole lot more sordid than we knew, as the nation would learn in vivid detail.
Looking at how this flat out lying media operates, seeing your own media right in Vermont not cover this story, to see this glaring example today! how on earth can you assume so much is nothing but conspiracy theory and write it off so quickly when you see this with your own eyes?
I hate to tell you this Mr.Freitag, but we live in a world now where there are no more secrets and those to seek to hide things look like damn fools. Transparency is now a click away, whether you like that or not.
A high school level kid can do stunning amounts of digging and research and go to deep dark places on the web and learn whatever is there-nevermind someone with much higher levels of intelligence and sleuthing abilities.
This day of ignoring things, attempting to spin things and then calling us nutjob conspiracy theorists, this is long over.
People who don’t understand this look like utter fools.
The Media at large has totally discredited itself because it lives in the past and operates on by an old out of date game. The People cannot and will not be censored and denied truth.
There is simply too much out there and we are way too smart and well equipped now as humans
The jig is up and we are on to them like fur on a bear.
As an old soul myself, I can admire someone that unabashedly holds firm to their values system, knows their roots and heroes and keeps one foot in the past. But if you want to represent the people, you had darn well better be able to also keep a finger on the pulse of the world we now live in today.. if you want to be taken seriously and win the votes of the people of all ages.
This is a mountain of a story that is only just beginning.
And consider what everyone that has already voted is going to feel when they learn all of this.
It’s no wonder that they were so pushed to vote early!
An Independent candidate is basically a person who can’t decide where his/her moral compass lies. Our political parties are driven by the ideologies of their members. To claim to be of no allegiance to either ideology, is the same as a person standing at a folk in the road unable to decide which road to take. This same person has no loyalty to either party or the people represented. It is also a person who is unable to be proud in their conviction. A fence post turtle!
Mr. Freitag: Will you consider answering the following questions?
Was Hunter Biden paid as a director of Burisma Holdings Limited, a Ukranian Energy company?
Was Hunter Biden’s father the U.S. Vice President at the time?
When did Vice President Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion of U.S. foreign aid unless Ukraine’s leaders fired the country’s top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, who had been conducting an investigation of Burisma Holdings Limited?
Do you consider these questions a ‘fascination with endless conspiracy theories’?
More endless facts:
The Biden family ‘is a criminal enterprise’
307,768 views•Oct 18, 2020
Nice try, Freitag. In an attempt to defend your positions, you further validate all that was said about you and your kind. You reveal your self-righteousness while deprecating conservatives. That makes any of your claims to be at odds with liberals unbelievable. They find too much in you with which to agree. Interesting that you would scramble to come up with these extra comments after being refuted. As the adage goes: “the truth hurts.”
You have yet to answer Mr. Eshelman’s questions and I urge you to do so, to which I will add 2 of my own. If you are paying more than lip service to the ideals of Edmund Burke et al (according to your homage), then do you fully support the sustaining & enforcement of both the federal and state Constitutions as the ultimate and final authorities, even in the face of any emergencies? And do you advocate the God-given right to life of all humans, even those unborn?
Earth to John Freitag – following your answer to Jay Eshelmans mild-mannered queries and Mr Lizottes two pls explain how you can be running in the general when you never entered the primary..or did I miss something lol:
John Freitag
October 18, 2020 at 6:45 am
“I recently sent out to the listserves in the towns where I am running as an Independent against the two Democratic incumbents…”
Progressive Liberal do-gooders are clueless to the Leftwing media’s manipulation of this country. They lap up every ounce of BS spoon-fed to them.
Here’s some catch up reading for John F and anyone else who might not be up to speed on the Biden crime family.
I’m compelled to point out that this story of Hunter Biden’s tawdry foreign sexual and drug exploits is reminicent of the Steele dossier nonsense about Trump’s alleged exploits in Moscow. Reading about it simply makes me want to go and take a shower.
While, if true, it does open the Bidens up to extortion schemes….there is far less substance in these Liberty Daily allegations than those from FOX, The Epoch Times and the NY Post on Hunter Biden’s emails. So, for now at least, I put little stock in the Liberty Daily story. That’s my opinion.
I just watched a *stunning* Steve Bannon interview on OAN.
Some points he made:
-Biden is so compromised by China that he doesn’t even see how he could get a security clearance.. this alone disqualifies him to be the President (and we know that Kamala is not qualified either).
-The companies that they were dealing with are of the dirtiest companies in the world (China Energy).
-This was about selling access to Joe Biden.
-This is a huge national security problem.
-As far as what the Left is saying about “proof” (LOL that he said this, where have we heard that before?)
He said that the NYPost is owned by Rupert Murdock, one of the most sophisticated media moguls in the world, his lawyers do their homework.
If this is not true then go on and sue him Biden and then Rupert Murdoch will countersue and tear them apart in Discovery. THIS is why FB and Twitter is trying to just block this story, because it’s that bad and there is no beating this.. this is a massive treasure trove of information, there are over 1000 photos, there dozens of tapes, many are sex tapes. There is 5 hours of audio. Over 40K emails and texts.
What we are seeing is just the beginning.. there will be much more and other media companies are now getting in on this as well.
-He said that the FBI should have gotten this out there before the Primary so that the voters could have decided what to do, who else to pick. If this had happened there might not have been an impeachment and then the nation would have been more focused on the Covid situation brewing and not the sham impeachment.
That was quite an interview.. there is piles of stuff coming out now too by the way.
Don’t ask me how they think they can keep hiding this.
If that stuff gets out there like Bannon is saying will happen, that will go viral instantly.
Zerohedge: “Senate Homeland Committee demands answers from FBI over Hunter Biden Laptop.”
Clearly, they found some “Proof.”
Okay, just like Steve said.. stuff is pouring out now in this Saturday night barnburner. (which is also banned because they tell too much truth)
is reporting that the CCP themselves copied Epstein’s methods for blackmail and there is a Hunter Biden sex video that shows him engaging in extreme sexual abuse of under age Chinese teenagers..
The CCP set this up so that they’d have leverage against a Biden Presidency.
*This sheds a lot of light on something: How many times has Donald Trump said that Biden is China’s President?
Just like Steve just said, Biden so soo compromised.. and Trump knows this. And now we are going to see how and why.
In case you missed it.
“The NY Post was established in 1801 by Alexander Hamilton and became a respected broadsheet in the 19th century under the name New York Evening Post. It is currently owned by Rupert Murdoch’s NewsCorp and, in 2019, it’s distribution ranked 4th in the US.”
Well Jay, we all have opinions and yours is as good as the rest of ours. However, you previously disavowed the opinion of John Freitag then turned around and did the same thing to the Liberty Daily Web page, not one story but many. Then I read further down and you plant your own story from the Epoch Times. While I enjoy most of your comments you are not the arbitrator of truth and it would be better for you to post your stories and allow others to post theirs and we can all decide for ourselves what we as individuals chose to believe based on their past reported stories.
Hi Dano..
I watched this story explode last night.. there is now more out there than you can even follow.
The websites are all getting on this, there are youtubers now making videos of people with aspects of the story..
The comment sections are now full of links as the people are also out there digging!
There is a whole lot now that makes sense.. all the dots are being connected.
I wondered what the heck Rudy was onto with all that Ukraine talk a while ago.. now we know.
And further, I’m even thinking of that last election in Ukraine where the man that ran specifically on cleaning up corruption won.. now we know what even he was talking about, and this was a couple years ago now.
How is dissing a sourced link necessary. Unfortunately the foreign exploits are tawdry bc tawdry exploiters engage in disgusting, criminal or reprehensible behavior – shooting the messenger doesn’t change this. And fair to point out there was never any proof that Trump paid Russian prostitutes to pee on the bed Obama slept in while in Russia tho if so would be tame by comparison to other ‘exploits’.
Liberty Nation has the only source of info out there for this story which are the copied hard drives as other networks while simply providing different details which a website can do but a tv or other network may not due to family-friendly programming guidelines.
Children supplied by Chinese Communist Party being sexually assaulted on a US government official visit is certainly newsworthy no matter how unpalatible along with the rest of thousands of videos which were on the hard drive most certainly placed there by Biden the younger or with his knowledge and us such should be exposed – China and North Korea do similar things in this regard and are leaders in the most barbaric practices on the planet and should be exposed often imho.
Hi Stardust, nice to see you.
This is exploding faster than I can follow it.
I just read at Zerohedge that Steve Bannon is the architect of the information roll-out.. (this is how they put it).
If I were a Democrat, that statement by them would have me drinking the big bottles now.
I have no idea how the Vermont media thinks they will ignore this.
I’m not seeing much in my NH media either- ours are Left too of course.
But we are up to speed on it all.. all of us on the Right that read news online.
No one has mentioned all the people that have already voted.. no wonder they were so pushing for early voting!
I also have an article here at that says be prepared for Kamala to be challenged about her eligibility..
Howdy howdy from the VSSR Laura 😀 Yeah quite a bombshell – astonishing and breathtaking amount of new info. What will we ever do w/o Donald Trump – very likely the most energizing and memorable person in a lifetime and the litmus between light and darkness.
Has raised a standard where there was none and now bears it – and a wrecking ball to status quo which lives loudly in its supporters – it’s the Democrat and leftist religion serving as platform for their dark and evil worldview whereby they control everything and everyone primarily by gutting LE and bringing on their prison-planet.
Bannon is riveting and another genius plus a voice of truth and justice – bright light in a very dark place – our wicked world.
Also – some of the prostitutes Biden the younger was consorting with appear to have been trafficked from Russia and Ukraine according to a senate report and investigators want the info contained in laptop for possible links to other sex-trafficking rings – my he does get around lol:
Senate report links Hunter Biden to ‘prostitution or human trafficking ring’
By Bruce Golding September 23, 2020 | 12:46pm | Updated
“Hunter Biden allegedly sent “thousands of dollars” to people who appear to be involved in the sex industry, according to Wednesday’s report released by Senate Republicans…The report claims unspecified records show that Biden “has sent funds to non-resident alien women in the United States who are citizens of Russia and Ukraine…“The records also note that some of these transactions are linked to what ‘appears to be an Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring.’ ”
Fox News Commentator Juan Williams has a piece today in “The Hill” that provides some counter points to the many comments here. check it out at: https://the
Whether you agree with his analysis or not, it is always helpful to consider the another side of the story in our search for what is true. I have often found my more conservative friends better at this than some of my more liberal ones, who can be at times pretty intolerant when challenged.
The Hill is a left wing news outfit and Juan Williams, please! Juan is the water carrier for the liberals who watch Fox news. When he talks, I shut it off. The man is paid by Fox to be the resident idiot now that Shep Smith is gone. They also have Chris Wallace who is a registered democrat just like his dad and is a major disappointment because of his blatant bias. No wonder you are confused if you read The Hill and listen to Juan Williams.
The point is we should look at differing perspectives and opinions on issues and judge them on their merits. If we are truly interested in finding the truth of the matter and not simply reinforcing our own preconceptions this is incredibly helpful. It is one reason why I read both VTDigger and True North and often find areas of agreement and disagreement in both.
By the way Juan Williams departed company from NPR not too happily due to his disagreements over his conservative take on things. Hardly a water carrier for liberals, his two sons work for Republicans on Capitol hill. Speaking of the “Hill” while you correct in that this non-partisan news service initially started by liberals in recent years it has tilted right with the publisher a Trump supporter and his wife serving as an unpaid advisor for Melania Trump. Again, not that this matters as much as the actual content that they print and how well it speaks to the issues of the day.
Differing perspectives?
The pictures are now out there. There are over a thousand pictures.
There is video, the emails and texts are now making their way out there.
The Senate is involved.. I read last night that Wray was called to the Oval office..
You are in deep denial or woefully behind on all of this.
I’ve been following this stuff for years now, there is piles and piles, years worth of information. But clearly you don’t want to look at all of this. Ukraine has mountains of information about it for crying out loud, even their people voted to clean up this corruption.Because even THEY knew what was going on.
And you are saying to look at other perspectives?
Good Grief..
Juan Williams was fired by NPR for being conservative?
“Williams was fired by the nonprofit media organization because of remarks about his anxiety over seeing people dressed as Muslims on airplanes, remarks made during an interview on Fox News’ “. So making a comment about his fear of seeing Muslims on an airplane makes him a conservative? I suppose that no liberal ever has felt anxious under the same circumstance especially knowing that Muslims have hijacked airplanes and flow them into the Trade Towers in NYC. Juan is no conservative and you are trying to hard to dig yourself out of your initial comment. It’s embarrassing, for you. The Hill is a left wing rag and all you have to do to prove it is read the comments section.
No he didn’t depart NPR for being a conservative sympathizer but bc he was a regular on NPR verboten list: Fox News – as a reliable leftwing hack – NPR was loathe to Williams pimped as lure to liberals using celebrity for entertainment of Dems on Fox. Comment which had plenty of context Williams made to O’Reilly about being nervous when Muslims appear on flights was merely the straw.
Williams op-ed is deceptively sourced – the only way the left can shoehorn their slanted opinions into the news stream – preferring op-eds as facts are not necessary for ‘my-truth’ club.
That Trump ‘falls flat’ is news – quite a stretch – Executive does not control Judicial and vice versa so what Trump expected to be done re the ongoing toga dance of criminals paraded in plain sight from the highest echelons of government and extending to judicial is echoed by all who expect no less than truth and justice for all rather than the two-tiered justice system installed by Mancurian Barry Hussein by poisoning the well of justice and LE as he attempted to scorch our earth with his legacy of lies and liars.
The Biden dominos are falling, one after the other.
Elvis and aliens. I wonder if these recent allegations will even be discussed by the biased media.
Should we expect anything but silence from the vermont media? They are so biased it’s not worth the price to buy a paper.
What news source carried a story about the GWSA and what it means for Vermont? I’m beating it to death probably but it is without a doubt the most destructive bill in Vermont’s history and no coverage that I’ve seen. VT Digger won’t publish a commentary I’ve sent to them twice but they did publish one about Trump and fascism and a number of fluff commentaries.
Basically we have a media lockdown in this state and I only see it getting much worse.
Here is what GWSA means for Vermont.
Phase 1
26%+ below 2005, i.e., (1 – 0.27) x 10.22 = 7.46 MMt, by Jan. 1, 2025, to “meet Paris”
The Council would take about a year to develop plans, which means most of 2021 would have elapsed before any action.
The actual CO2 reduction would be from 9.02, at end 2018 (latest numbers) to 7.46, Jan. 1, 2025, or 1.56 MMt, during the years 2022, 2023, and 2024, effectively a 3-y period.
The turnkey capital cost would be about 1.56/2.28 x 13.70 = $9.37 billion, or $3.12 billion/y
The CO2 reduction appears to be a physical and financial impossibility.
See table 1 and Note.
EAN listed the measures required to reduce CO2 from 9.76, in 2016 to 7.46, in 2025, reduction of 2.28 MMt.
EAN proclaimed $800 million in savings over the 5-y period, i.e., $160 million/y.
EAN does not show detailed calculations of these savings
The EAN CO2 reduction has an estimated capital cost of at least $9.25 billion.
See table 1
Capital Cost Estimate of EAN Plan, Based on EAN Artificial/Political Assumptions
I made a turnkey capital cost estimate of the EAN plan, because EAN did not, but should have.
EVs: 90,000 x $40000/small EV = $3.6 billion; installation rate 18000/y vs about 750/y, at present
In-house fast chargers: 90,000 x $2000 = $0.18 billion
“Deep” retrofits: 90,000 x $30,000/housing unit = $2.7 billion
ASHPs for space heat: 90,000 x $5,000/housing unit = $0.45 billion; installation rate 18000/y vs about 2900/y, at present
ASHPs for DHW: 90,000 x $3,000/system = $0.27 billion; installation rate 18000/y vs about 1000/y, at present
Wind turbines: 250000/(8766 x 0.30) x $2.5 million/MW = $0.095 Billion
Solar systems: 700000/(8766 x 0.14) x $3.5 million/MW = $0.57 Billion
Expanding/augmenting of the grid: $0.1 billion
Fortress Vermont to deal with excessive DUCK-curves, due to midday solar surges.
Energy storage: $0.9 billion
Curtailment payments: $0.3 billion
Hydro power plants: 50000/(8766 x 0.40) x $6 million/MW = $0.086 billion
The turnkey capital cost would be exceeding $9.25 billion, during 2020 – 2025, about $1.85 billion/y.
You are all mean people! Everybody Knows Joe Biden became rich because he saved his money by taking the train to and from Washington to go home and be with his family. Especially to be their on Sunday to attend mass and pray for all the babies he helped Planed Parenthood abort.
Well, you hear about the deep state or swamp and think…….well !!
Then this pops up, after three and a half years of posting everything about the
President verified or not, mostly ” NOT ” and then you get this info on the Biden
family, especially Joe and the media is complete crickets……. appalling.
I hope blue color Democrats and independents see the light ” Truth ” about the
Biden Family and real corruption………and security concerns for the US.
Wake up people, the swamp in DC is deep, very deep………………….
The DC Swamp is so deep that it goes straight down to China.
The New York Post, isn’t this the tabloid most well known for it’s headlines of Elvis and alien sightings?
Sorry to be skeptical a computer hard drive suddenly discovered a few weeks before the election to have possibly incriminating evidence seems more than a bit of a stretch. There is fact no actual evidence of any meeting with Joe Biden.
While people should vote for Trump if they feel he has done well or better represents their views and there is a clear choice between Trump and Biden on issues like abortion and how to handle the Covid-19 pandemic, unverified and highly suspect stories such as this do not merit that much attention and in some ways do a disservice to the process of selecting a President.
May we suppose that’s why the wholly fabricated Steele dossier (purchased by Hillary Clinton) received so little press attention in 2016 and after?
The FBI took possession of the Mac computer In December 2019.
There has not been one peep about it from the FBI for more than 10 months!
A Senate committee has demanded the FBI provide the computer so the hard drive and the New York Post versions can be compared.
I think they will prove to be identical.
Stay tuned.
The FBI had the computer during the impeachment process.
According to emails, it contains info that would have supported Trump’s position, I.e., influence peddling by Hunter Biden, with full knowledge by Joe Biden.
Hunter Biden complains in one email he has to share 50/50 “with the Big Guy”, I.e., Joe Biden.
Why did the FBI not speak up during the impeachment?
Facebook and Tweeter are interfering with the election by preventing the free exchange of information between voters.
I think that we are looking at the reason that this old man with dementia is running for President; to attempt to shield him from all of this.
They know what they did in Ukraine. Hunter said he was “giving the big man” half of the money.. they had a lot here going on, this is for sure.
Don’t forget, they will protect Biden to protect Barry.
Again, while people have good reasons they can vote for Trump, this half baked October surprise conspiracy theory with little hard evidence of where it actually came from seems best to take with a hefty grain of salt.
Never any proof – just more empty defense of the indefensable. Got a link Mr Freitag or just more of you and fellow deeply dishonest Dems protecting deeply dishonest Dems. If you cannot back up your wildeyed accusations they are false – period.
Unending accusations of supposed ‘conspiracy theories’ when in fact all of the exposes of Democrat criminality complete with trail leading to Manchurian Barry Hussein – the Bigger Guy – display glaring prima facie and now become Dem version of Tin Foil hattery.
And here’s another question. Why are Barry and Valery running a shadow government from Washington DC? Seems Mr. Obama came into tons of money being able to buy a multi-million dollar mansion on Martha’s Vineyard (wasn’t worried about the rise of the ocean due to global, cough cough climate change) and another multi-million dollar home in DC where Valery also lives with the Manchurian family. How is it that all this money just floats around DC while the rest of the country scrapes by. They don’t talk in thousands or millions anymore it’s billions and trillions now but owned by the Washington establishment (deep state players) who are fighting and lying like hell to save the inner workings of pay to play and get paid if you are a good influence peddler or important person, the big guy and the bigger guy and those in high places assigned to protect it through any means. And of course, a criminal media!
Please stop embarrassing yourself.
It is not possible to defend the indefensible, I.e., blatant, rank-amateur criminality by Hunter and Joe Biden.
After the FBI-confiscated hard drive is compared with the copied version by the Senate committee, the case is closed.
Just gnash you’re teeth at how stupid both these characters were while executing their grifting and grafting.
How utterly stupid can one be to leave the computer with all your incriminating dirty linen on it at the repair shop?
At least Hillary was smart enough to use a hammer to destroy HER computer.
However, the State Department will release her emails soon.
Having grown up in a family with a father who was an accountant and Republican and a mother who was a school teacher and Democrat I learned at an early age that neither side had a lock on the truth and there was much to learn and admire in both parties as well as in the case of my parents, that people can disagree on politics and still love each other.
The Republican party offered a vision based on the thoughts of Edmund Burke, Adam Smith and more recently Oakeshott, Hayek and Robert Nozick. Grounded in reality, it provided the rational for an alternative to big government.
If I am embarrassing myself because I would prefer voting on principles rather than buying into conspiracy theories based on “people being stupid enough to leave a computer with all your incriminating dirty linen on it at the repair shop” than so be it. I can live with that.
The guy has a serious drug problem.. he probably brought it there when he was baked out of his mind and never thought of it again.
More whistleblowers are coming forward – an astonishing deluge of damning evidence of deeply diabolical Democrat dirty deeds yet your continued refrain is ‘conspiracy theorists’ are to blame? Uh huh.
Aand – predictably no proof or any type of factual refutation – just another lame ‘nothing to see here’ *facepalm* Again – pls provide some context or a link to back your claims sir – I won’t hold my breath.
Obama, Clinton, Biden and Brennan will “hang for treason” when this evidence comes out… BOMBSHELL recordings prove they had Seal Team Six EXECUTED to cover up deep state crimes
Tuesday, October 13, 2020 by: Mike Adams
As a defender of all crimes Democrat and loyal party apparatchick – act as operative to slam every bit of evidence as false using a veneer of respectability which has nothing to do with issues at hand or topic – is deeply dishonest and woefully disingenuous.
Not simply ‘incriminating dirty linen’…video proof of Biden violently raping Chinese minors – Chinese Communist Party using Epsteinesque methodology of filming politicos in damningly dirty depictions using audio and video which hopefully we can both agree is irrefutable.
Gee wonder what they have on consummate gropemaster Uncle Joe – always going after kids in plain sight – affectionately known as Beijing Biden. He is unfit for office and compromised to the point of refuting every claim of Chinese corruption.
Chinese whistle blowers discuss what is on the hard drive copies even mailed to Nasty Nancy and others to show that they now know of complicity of other US politicos. I turned down volume as I do not understand Mandarin but watched the text translation:
Sept.24th Lude’s broadcast: 3 hard drives, provided 3 hard drives to the DOJ of America
344,439 views•Sep 30, 2020
Need salt, John??
Ben Shapiro has a whole boxload for ya. Kosher yet.
Cannot open in Explorer but found this about Ben:
October 20, 2020
President Trump just got a very important endorsement
By Andrea Widburg
Opened link in Firefox – encourage everyone to take a look – fantastic 😀
Oh you make me laugh.
Rudy is singing like a bird and pictures are now coming out from the hard drive.
Don’t you remember that Rudy was looking at Ukraine a long time ago?
This stuff has been out there but it’s all coming to a head. All the dots are getting connected now.
I mean good grief, look at what a mess that Hunter Biden is, does any of this surprise you?
They are all a buncha crooks.
There you go again. Elvis sightings… Really?
Several major networks, including VPR/PBS, are promulgating the conspiracy theory rationale to explain the Hunter Biden corruption exposé too. And it appears now Mr. Freitag is either buying into that theory (curiously with zero substantive evidence), perhaps because it supports his personal cognitive bias or because he’s one of the misinformation operatives.
‘Sorry to be skeptical’, Mr. Freitag. But your assessment of the NY Post couldn’t be further from the mark. If anything, it’s the NY Times that now portrays the role of the National Enquirer, which originally began as the NY Evening Enquirer in 1926.
The NY Post was established in 1801 by Alexander Hamilton and became a respected broadsheet in the 19th century under the name New York Evening Post. It is currently owned by Rupert Murdoch’s NewsCorp and, in 2019, it’s distribution ranked 4th in the US.
We’ll find out the veracity of these reports soon enough, despite Mr. Freitag’s protestations, conspiracy theory claims, or the censorship by Facebook and Twitter.
After all, ‘Elvis has left the building’.
There is nothing for which you need to say “I’m sorry,” Mr. Eshelman. All of your comments have been on the money. Freitag doesn’t believe what he’s saying; his purpose is to defend the positions of the socialists. After all, he is an apologist for Chairman Phil and has been a politician.
I’m not sorry – at all. I was facetiously quoting Mr. Freitag’s non-apology apology.
I am, however, continually astonished at the psychological projection of operatives like Mr. Freitag. He once said: “when I was young, I was wrapped up in the political heat of the moment. Now that I am old, I am more concerned about the process itself and the longer-term health of our democracy” and that “Now… is the time and the place for a vigorous exchange of ideas and to allow people to choose the direction they wished our state to go in the future.” Really? What’s this about aliens and Elvis then?
Mr. Freitag is the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing. He has long been active in civic and town affairs. Clearly, in Mr. Freitag’s world, our democracy is healthy as long as everyone agrees with him. His logic smacks of the puritanic inquisition of the New England witch trials of the late 1600s, which were, interestingly, the precursor to our ‘town meeting’ form of governance…. designed to require all citizens to publicly disavow having “wickedly, maliciously, and feloniously engaged in sorcery” …. i.e. indulging aliens and Elvis.
All psychobabble on his part, as well as misinformation, as you so aptly observed. But Freitag is not alone. Another of my comments on this page outline the mass attack on the Vermont Republican Party that has commandeered the organization and alienated the true Republicans.
Keep up the excellent observations & refutations, Mr. Eshelman. You are a real & informed patriot. And I enjoy reading your comments immensely.
Strength and Honor!
They play these games on the Left.
We should ask him to define for us what his idea of “Proof” is.
Because that too needs to be what he feels it is- or he will not accept what we present as proof.
It’s the same thing as “There is no voter fraud” that they all always say. Well that is because we call it voter fraud and they don’t call it that. It’s rarely prosecuted as that. It’s often called Forgery, and who connects those dots?
Then we have Barry’s “Most scandal free administration” ever, well, that is because they don’t call what they did ‘scandals.’
That was not scandals, that was just Fundamentally Changing America! -silly us for not seeing it that way.
They’ve stolen our language and weaponized it is what it all boils down too.. and here we see the results of that.
I think we could give Mr.Freitag a photo of Xi handing Hunter a wad of cash and he’d say “Well this proves nothing..”
LOL, nothing we can do will pass his test and be “approved of”.
Once you can see this, you see it everywhere, they all do this same thing.
Unverified? Where have you been? There are smoking guns all over the place, mostly in this week’s news.
Delaying this news to the people is a part of fake news work; just as bad or worse than reporting stuff that is not true. Fake news is a fact of life, John, get with the program!!!!
The point is not that we swallow whatever the NY Post says uncritically.
The point is that the entire web of connections among Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Chris Heinz, Devon Archer, Burisma, Victor Shokin, Ukraine, Russia, China, and others needs to be unraveled because it’s increasingly hard to believe that there’s no “there” there. $3.5 million from Moscow to the Biden/Heinz/Archer firm? For what, exactly? $10 million for Hunter to set up “introductions”? Why was the blatant conflict of interest ignored when Hunter was on the board of a Ukraine energy firm while his father was in charge of Ukraine policy? Why was General Prosecutor Victor Shokin fired– under direct threat from Joe Biden, who bragged about it!– just before he was going to interview members of Burisma’s board?
We the people deserve to know exactly what went on, we need to know what Joe Biden knew and when he knew it, and we need to know what the FBI, in possession of a significant hard drive, has apparently known for some time.
In this comment, Freitag has confirmed all that I and others have asserted about “moderate” Republicans. They are, in reality, Democrats who have infiltrated and suborned Vermont’s GOP for the purposes of marginalizing conservative ideals and advancing socialist agenda. They have no regard whatsoever for the lives of anyone, adult or unborn, they are power-hungry totalitarians, and they demonstrate psychopathic tendencies. They are not the “voices of reason”; they are the minions of destruction and tyranny. One only need look to the history of Ruth Dwyer’s candidacy up to the present for further validation, which they are even now engaged in against our current President. We need to make every effort to drive them from the GOP, back to the Marxist enclaves, where they belong, and take charge of the GOP once more. That is the only way to reverse this course of slavery to which they’ve already resigned us.
You really should check your facts a little more. The FBI has had the computer for months and there are a high number of emails that implicate Biden to this scandal. My question is why have they sat on this information so long? This is more important than the fake story of Trump having peed on a mattress that the dems leaked.
I just hope that win (or God forbid lose) Trump’s DOJ prosecutes the people involved in the conspiracy to destroy Trump’s 2016 campaign by illegal surveillance and false charges of Russian collusion.
Sure, Joe Biden’s whole family became millionaires by their own hard work. You obviously do not view any news sources other than those disputing this news. What’s more disgusting is that people will vote for a man who has been a closet criminal his whole life as well as a racist supporter of past KKK members of the senate (Strom Therman and Robert Byrd). How do you amass millions of dollars working for $174,000.00 per year government pay?
This may be a surprise in October – however completely unplanned. If evidence weren’t so damning Twitter and FB would not have *completely blocked all communication* even shutting down Twitter while Tucker Carleson delivered own damning expose so that no user comments could be made as they would not have had enough censorers to stop them:
HUGE! TWITTER SHUTS DOWN After Tucker Carlson Announces He Will Release NEW HUNTER BIDEN EMAILS on His Show Tonight — Updated
By Jim Hoft Published October 15, 2020 at 5:12pm 1047 Comments
Biden the younger had laptop dropped @ repair shop and never went to pick it up – becomes property of said shop due to nonpayment of services – and now a ‘conspiracy’? Uma Abedin uses child-sexting hubby’s laptop for State Dept business – Anthony Weiner sends selfie of bulging tighty whities w/their baby napping feet away on same bed to an older female child – another ‘conspiracy’? Wow just wow.
Exclusive: Larry C. Johnson Interviews John Paul Mac Issac — The American Patriot Who Was Hired to Fix Hunter Biden’s Computers and the Rest Is History
By Jim Hoft Published October 17, 2020 at 7:50am 665 Comments
There is a good reason to be skeptical about this story:
Very funny sir. Comment and source BI serve to provide cover for Democrat positions. And there is good reason to be skeptical of the source you provided – all examples are Democrat talking points down to using sourced info from Talking Point Memo in other slanted stories. But you didn’t know that – right?
Media Bias/Fact Check rates them as exhibiting left-center bias using factual information which tilts to leftwing bias lol:
“These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes) to favor liberal causes. These sources are generally trustworthy for information, but may require further investigation.”
“…Politically, Business Insider leans left through both story selection and wording. Here are some examples of stories that have a leftward tilt:
◾ The odds that a gun will kill the average American may surprise you
◾ Mollie Tibbetts’ death is being used to push debunked ideas about illegal immigration and violent crime
◾ Big oil companies were forced to lay out the science of climate change today in a court hearing that was compared to the Scopes trial on evolution
◾ Ocasio-Cortez burns Mike Huckabee after being mocked: ‘Leave the false statements to Sarah Huckabee. She’s much better at it.’
This last story about Ocasio-Cortez and Mike Huckabee comes directly from the strongly left-leaning Talking Points Memo.”
I can confirm.. we all know BI leans Left.
Not a good source.
OMG, the Russians are coming. The Russians are coming. Again.
1) Yes, the DEEP STATE and FBI/Obama holdovers, who are still around, have been HIDING Hunter Biden’s computer in secret FBI vaults to protect Joe Biden (Hunter calls him The Big Man in his emails), since DECEMBER 2019, more than TEN MONTHS.
The current FBI Chief may not have known about it. He does now!
Barr, the Attorney General, likely was kept in the dark as well, even though the FBI is a part of the US Justice Department!!!
Are you kidding me? Right here in the USA?
If the owner of the computer repair shop had not LEGALLY made a copy of the hard drive, NO ONE WOULD HAVE EVER KNOWN.
When the owner realized the FBI was just going to hide the computer (loaded with Biden multiple malfeasance IN OFFICE; tens of $millions of grafting and grifting collected by the CORRUPT Biden clan over the years), he decided to give a copy to Giuliani, former Mayor of New York, who immediately gave it to the NEW YORK POST.
A statue should be erected for the courageous Whistleblower!!!.
The NYT, WSJ, WaPo, LAT, etc., mentioned NOT ONE WORD about this EXPLOSIVE NEWS.
They are in cahoots with the DEEP STATE folks at the FBI, “Justice” Department, State Department, intelligence agencies, etc.
Is that the way the US people are allowed to elect their PRESIDENT?
This makes the RUSSIAN HOAX, instigated by Hillary and her DNC-financed Steele report, look like a Sunday school picnic.
2) Giuliani says the hard drive originally came into his possession after the Mac Shop owner created four copies to distribute to his friends, because he feared for his life.
He passed along the original, physical hard drive to the FBI in December 2019, and finally handed over the copy in Giuliani’s possession to Robert Costello, Giuliani’s attorney, months later.
The Mac Shop owner attempted to give copies to other Republican operatives, but no one would take them.
It is likely, the Mac Shop owner distributed copies to his friends, to make sure it would become public, after he had been assassinated.
Are we living in a free country, or what?
Read the URL
3) The traditional US, Europe and Vermont media have decided not to mention the grafting and grifting of the Biden clan in Ukraine, Russia and Moscow.
Hunter Biden was using “the Big Man”, meaning Joe Biden, for influence peddling.
According to Hunter’s emails on the hard-drive, he had to share 50/50 with the Big Man, i.e., Joe Biden likely was an active participant and beneficiary of Hunter’s shenanigans.
Hunter had a seat on the board of Burisma, a major gas trading company in Ukraine, at $50,000 PER MONTH, FOR FIVE YEARS.
Hunter had zero experience in the energy sector. His usefulness was being close to “the Big Man”
Here is a video of Biden bragging about firing the Ukraine prosecutor that was investigating Burisma.
Hunter gave up the job in 2019, when “the Big Man” decided to run for President
Similar shenanigans went on in Moscow, Russia, and in China, which netted the Biden clan and Associates tens of $millions EACH YEAR.
China has “the Big Man” (soon to be President?) in its pocket.
US factory workers will get no relief from being screwed over by China, with the help of the likes of Biden.
Congratulations on a well-researched OpEd.
It is utterly astounding Vermont Media is playing dumb on the grifting and grafting of the Bidens, which has been known in Washington, DC for decades!
It started well before Obama.
There are many photos with the Bidens grinning and smirking with Obama in a knowing fashion.
Good-very old, touchy-freely Biden is about to “involve” the entire US, if elected.
Thanks, Willem
I agree, great article.
It’s about time someone called out the fake news media of Vermont.
I’m in NH and I read over here and it looks like ya’ll are behind the Iron Curtain judging from the lunacy that the Digger tells people. I used to read over there and think “My gawd, what the heck planet are these people on?”
Sheesh, whatta outfit they got going on over there.
Do they think people can’t find this stuff and see the truth?
I’m really glad that Vermonters have this site now. Great job here reporting for the people.
It’s time to rise up and fight back Vermonters, take back your state!
The VT Media has been acting dumb regarding the Biden decades-long grifting and grafting, as if nothing has happened.
It is treated as a non-event to help touchy-feely, smiling/grinning, conniving Biden.
Nothing to see here folks.
Just move on.
Had this involved Trump, it would have been written about all over the place for days.
The NYTimes still has not released the source of Trump’s tax returns, but had full-page write ups about them for days, making statements that no one could VERIFY.
It stinks to high heaven.
Things are not looking good for The Donks.
Wait until we see Kamala’s eligibility challenged.
Laura, I grew up in NH. VT does not have a lock on fake news. When I visit my sister, I get to read the Concord Monitor, What a biased rag.
Oh we know it too lemme tell ya- it’s why they are all failing.
My own local paper is not much bigger than the grocery store flyer these days.
Yes, you are correct.
We have this same problem too.. Fake News is surely not exclusive to just Vermont.. Nor are News Blackouts as well. It’s the same machine all across the country that does this to us- afterall.
We have our though for our online news.
That place has more traffic than all the papers and is nipping at the heels of our only TV station WMUR (which is also Left Leaning)
in terms of they do very well at keeping us up to speed on all that we need to know- and when we need to drop everything and show up screaming in Concord.
The Union Leader is also a mere shadow of itself too, that was a very good paper back at one time too.
I think The Boston Herald is the only paper left up here that is Right Leaning and doing okay.