By Kendall Tietz
The U.S. reached a grim milestone Tuesday, surpassing 600,000 COVID-19 deaths according to data collected by Johns Hopkins University.
Despite the increased vaccination rollout and decrease in deaths and overall case numbers, the death toll is about how many Americans died of cancer in 2019, the Associated Press reported. The worldwide death toll is around 3.8 million as reported by Johns Hopkins University.
Over 52% of all Americans have had at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, while almost 44% are fully vaccinated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Demand for the vaccine in the U.S. has dropped off significantly with just under 65% of adults at least partially vaccinated, according to the CDC. The Biden administration previously outlined plans to have 70% of all adults vaccinated by July 4, although it is unlikely they will meet that goal.
Despite a slow down in the vaccine effort, states like California and New York who were among the first to lock down have announced they will be reopening for the summer.
“We are here today, June 15, to turn the page,” said Gov. Gavin Newsom at an event from Universal Studios Hollywood as reported by The New York Times. “To move beyond capacity limits, to move beyond these color codings, move beyond social distancing and physical distancing, and — yes, as you saw me walk up to the stage — to move beyond mask coverings.”
New York hit a 70% adult vaccination rate Tuesday, which means “we can now return to life as we know it,” Governor Andrew Cuomo said to an invitation-only crowd at the World Trade Center.
In mid-April the U.S. was averaging about 3.3 million injections per day, but CDC data as of a week ago said the country was now averaging about one million injections per day, according to the CDC as reported by the AP.
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It’s interesting to see what amounted to a pandemic in 1918 vs now.
In 1918 there were 1772 deaths in Vermont with only about half as large of a population with much less travel compared to today. These numbers did not include the deaths from pneumonia (masks) either.
In 2020/2021 there have been 256 deaths with double the population and this number per CDC reporting requirements would most likely include pneumonia as well as other deaths.
I’m sure you can make your own opinions…
*It’s important to note that finding the flu/pneumonia numbers for Vermont is quite difficult now. They have all of these statistics and numbers but don’t report the numbers of deaths plainly or easy to find. I did see that in 2018 we had about 87 deaths from flu and pneumonia (from a non verified site), but it’s unlikely that was a suspected flu and pneumonia.
I wonder if any of the people responsible for the health departments web page were told to hide those numbers? Seems the CDC has done the same….
You’ve been swindled.
THESE NUMBERS ARE A DAMNED LIE……The real number is about 30,000… or less than a normal flu season…..
I read something about how it’s considered felonious behavior to lie…when the liar is a Health Commissioner in particular.
Plandemic would be a better description of this gov/media event… after all they both don’t have Trump to fill their every hr awake with purpose. At the 30,000 covid only deaths you have 11 categories with double more deaths. The real pandemic would be Heart disease at 690,000 deaths per year and suicide the nearest at 45,000 dpy.
This scamdemic also gave us the most controversial voting system with advent of voting by mail that apparently was widely abused, and now the failing economy and country run by a Alzheimer ridden retard hell bent on America’s destruction as we knew it is the result..
600,000 deaths however only 5% (30,000) were from covid alone. All of the other 570,000 deaths were from those with 4 or more other serious diseases or comorbidities.
To further the pandemic the CDC also in March of 2020 put out new directives to count any death as covid if it was even suspected (This was not prior guidance for a death certificate). This means all flu, pneumonia, or respiratory deaths are now covid deaths. This is where your flu deaths went.
To make sure that the doctors and hospitals did this They incentivized the hospitals by paying $19,000 for every death that was considered a covid death, and I think it was $29,000 if they were put on a ventilator.
( – I don’t like to quote USA today and there’s a lot of errors in that document including the payout which has changed over time but even the fact checkers have to admit that this is true)
To make it even worse ~80% of those deaths were over
age 65 and ~57% were over the median age of life expectancy in the united states.
You have been swindled.