By John Suayan | The Center Square
Recent reports indicate New Yorkers frustrated with high taxes and fearing for their safety during the COVID-19 pandemic are flocking to New Hampshire.
Chris Sununu, New Hampshire’s Republican governor, said Empire State expatriates to his state are at the forefront of an exodus in the Northeast.
“You’re in New York, you have a mayor who doesn’t know what he’s doing,” Sununu told CNBC. “You have years of terrible policy out of Albany. People have choices, and 2020 is driving them to those decisions. It’s like they put a big sign on the Brooklyn Bridge that says, ‘The last one out, turn out the lights.’”

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio have both faced criticism for their handling of the coronavirus crisis after the city and state served as the epicenter of the outbreak in the spring. The state of New York was facing a multibillion budget deficit even before the pandemic.
Sununu credits the influx for New Hampshire’s real estate boom, but a major problem remains: New York, Massachusetts, and other states continue to tax out-of-state workers whom the coronavirus forced to telecommute from home.
For example, Massachusetts Gov. Chris Baker earlier this year announced his intentions to continue taxing workers from New Hampshire – even if they were working remotely, The Boston Globe reported.
Massachusetts’s Department of Revenue still taxes homebound out-of-state workers, with plans to do so until the end of the year. Under Baker’s policy, a day in which a New Hampshire employee clocks in from home is classified as in an office day.
Angered by their southern neighbor’s actions, New Hampshire leaders, including Sununu, took certain courses of action. The governor directed his attorney general to review the taxation rules of New Hampshire’s neighbors while two state senators wrote Massachusetts revenue commissioner Geoffrey Snyder criticizing that state’s plans to impose taxes on New Hampshire residents forced to telecommute through the end of 2020 or whenever Baker lifts the state of emergency.
Sununu vowed to stand up to states he accused of “pickpocketing” his residents.
“They’re coming after our citizens, and we’re going to put up a fight,” the governor told CNBC.
Keep them up north is all I have to say. We don’t want and left wing Yankees down here. If you lean to the right you are welcome with open arms however. The word “progressive” is essentially a four letter word down here and I’m fine with keeping it that way.
Concord NH is loaded with the same people that live in Chittenden Co. and Montpelier VT. It will not be much longer beforethe rest of the state falls prey to the crazies.
At first look, one could say that the outcome in NH with NY ‘ers moving there has already been practiced in Vermont, with outcomes we are dealing with today and the state headed for bankruptcy. But N H has twice as many residents and citizens of it’s own making, going back into the 80’s this was true.
Massive influxes of people can be game changers for the home state, we are living proof of that here in VT.
The only thing I can say is good luck. DO NOT REPEAT A VT EXPERIENCE!!!
Gov. Sununu is doing a wonderful job for New Hampshire. His handling of our ongoing Covid life has been thoughtful and fact-based. Good for him for pushing back on the those states that take advantage of our citizens!
We are not that pleased with him.
It was very clear what was going on with this virus about a 3 and 4 weeks into this and we wanted to modify these plans.. we pushed him very hard and yet he didn’t listen to us (his base) at all.
Guess who is happy with him, the scared Democrats!
A great deal of us are backing his challenger, Karen Testerman- who is a fantastic candidate with a degree in microbiology. This lady truly knows her stuff about all of this virus baloney.
I heard her recently and she said “The State of Emergency is THE STATE OF EMERGENCY!!
And we are certainly not wanting to be flooded with New Yawkers that voted to destroy their own state- and now need to flee the mess they created.
You’re spot on Laura. Out west, formerly red states like Idaho, Colorado, and Arizona, among others, are seeing influxes of so called dissatisfied Californians. They move to these states due to the disastrous policies people they have voted into office have enacted. What do they do then? Vote for the very same types of pols that built the situation that drove them out of Cali. You just can’t make up this level of abject stupidity. Those states’ destruction is well underway. As a very disgruntled soon to be ex-Vermonter watching the inward migration of the same types of people here due to the COVID response, you need to be VERY concerned for your still great state.
Oh believe me, we see it. Us natives here have been watching and dealing with this Leftward lurch over the course of our lives. I don’t recognize my own state.
And in fact, I’m now very concerned about how even further Left that VT, MA,NY, CT, RI, NJ.. even Maine, have all gone. Because these are a lot of the people that wind up here- and you get them too.
We’ve got so many Vermonters over here now that I was moved to start reading about what the heck is going on in Vermont that is driving the people out so bad.
I’m just devastated about what is going on up here in all of our states.
Because although I’m from NH, I consider myself a New Englander- as I think many of us do. We all spend a whole lot of time in eachothers states, have friends and family all over up here, and I’m as sad for your state as I am my own.
We are all in various stages of the same mess is the real hard truth here.
We’ve got to really get to work to take back the reins here from these people that, by the day, appear to be actually crazy people.
And for crying out loud, the last thing we should be doing is inviting more in.
Chris Sununu is a RINO for the most part, maybe a little less than yours, but he still is one. These people are not on our side.
It is the foremost job qualification.
Doing a good job in microbiology does not apply to being a GOVERNOR.
Yes, I understand.
We are fully aware that Karen Testerman has a very hard job in unseating Sununu. But we are furious about what he has done here and many of us will not vote for him. Period. (and there are A LOT of us that feel this way).
She is a very good candidate for where we find ourselves today.
Her degree helps- given that much of what we are going to be dealing with is about virus and science. This lady will be no victim of the these Department of Health people that are destroying our economy.
She also does have a lifetime of good experience.
Karen is wanting to end this scam and turn things around..Sununu is saying none of this and it’s clear he’s just fine with this mess. We are not.
She’s doing quite well and getting some great endorsements.
So we’ll have to see.. we should not be re-electing these people that have done this to us.
I was going to write in someone if that was all I could do, so I’m grateful to have someone good.
Laura, You have two democrats who now represent NH in congress and they are women. They do not support President Trump and appear to be pawns for Nutty Nancy. If your challenger is a democrat you are doing the same as Vermont. Be careful what you wish for. NH does not need any more democrats especially NY democrats.
Oh no, she’s not at all.
She’s a Christian, Conservative Republican.
Her husband is a lifer in the Military and all three of her kids are on that path too. She’s very impressive.
We’ve got two candidates giving old Jeannie a good challenge.
Corky Messner is backed by Trump and Gen.Don Bolduc is doing quite well.
I think that will be a tight race between the two men and then with her.
We are done with Jeanne.
The solution to the problem is for the company to establish a remote office in New Hampshire. Don’t think that the governor will win this as stated. Consider that when you take vacation you are still taxed on vacation pay even though you are out of the state.