Roper: Senators don’t care what their constituents think about the ‘UnAffordable’ Heat Act

By Rob Roper

We have known for a long time that Vermonters like in theory the idea of reducing our carbon footprint. Judging the bill by its cover, the Global Warming Solutions Act sounds like a great read. But we also know that Vermonters have no interest in paying for the programs that come along with the fancy titles.

Ask a room full of people if they’d like to own a Ferrari, and most of the hands go up. Ask them if they want the monthly payments, insurance, and maintenance costs that come with owning a Ferrari, and all the hands go down. Nobody wants one anymore. The first reaction was childish and emotional, and the second is a reasoned, responsible, practical adult decision. There are other more important priorities for which limited resources need to be utilized.

This is where we are with climate policy in Vermont today. Want to save the planet? Yay! Want to pay an additional $0.70 to $4.00 a gallon for home heating fuel to do it? Abso-freakin’-lutely not. My heating bill is high enough already, and have you seen the price of eggs lately?

Citizens and voters are making their objection to S.5, the UnAffordable Heat Act, loudly known before an anticipated vote by the full Senate later this week (likely Thursday, March 3). Individual legislators are getting multiple hundreds, in some cases in excess of a thousand, letters, phone calls, and emails from constituents telling them — begging them — to vote “No” on S.5. We cannot afford it.

The typical response, both in public proclamation and in private correspondence from those who are supposed to represent us has been resounding: “We don’t care what you think.”

state of Vermont

Sen. Ruth Hardy, D-Addison

Senator Ruth Hardy (D-Addison) blasted out a message to her email list stating, “Over the past week since I told my constituents that I supported S.5, the Affordable Heat Act, I have received hundreds of emails, calls, and notes asking me not to vote for S.5. This is largely because fuel dealers also sent messages to their customers intentionally misleading you about how the Affordable Heat Act would work and what it would mean for Vermonters, and they told you to contact me to tell me to vote no on S.5.”

This is insulting and condescending on so many levels.

Hardy, along with many of her colleagues, believes Vermonters are simpletons incapable of understanding what S.5 does. Somebody tells you to send a letter and you just stupidly do it without any critical consideration of why you’re doing so. The opposite is true.

What’s actually happening here is that voters are paying unusually close attention to what’s going on and understand perfectly well that when you force fuel dealers to buy costly “carbon credits” in order to sell their products the cost of those credits will be passed along to customers. The end result will inevitably be higher home heating bills for the majority of Vermonters who heat with oil, propane, natural gas, and kerosene. Whether S.5 means homeowners end up paying $0.70 more per gallon, $4.00 more per gallon, or some other number more per gallon is irrelevant. The unacceptable and undeniable factor int this equation is “more.”

Hardy’s attitude is, I’m not wrong. You are wrong. And I’m not going to pay attention to you — despite that being my job to represent your interests in state government. This is what democracy in Vermont looks like today.

Hardy then goes into a list of highly misleading talking points Democrat Senators have been programed to regurgitate rather than engage in any sort of critical thinking or in-depth policy analysis regarding the bill. (See my previous article, Senator Says “Don’t Slop Lies” About the Clean Heat Standard, for a breakdown of those talking points.)

Similarly, Senator Martine Gulick (D-Chittenden Central) responded to a constituent’s email with, “I feel it is important to address all the points that folks are making against the bill. [This, it must be pointed out, instead of answering the constituent’s actual questions.] This bill simply asks for a plan to transition how we heat our homes and businesses over the next 25 years.  For Vermont’s economy and environment to survive, Vermonters need to reduce their dependence on expensive, price-volatile, and polluting fossil fuels.”

More subtle than Hardy, the message is the same: I don’t care what you think, I’m voting for the bill anyway. Gulik then cuts and pastes the same boilerplate Democratic Party talking points into her email in place of any real critical thinking or analysis, totally ignoring the constituent’s specific questions about those talking points.

Senator Andy Perchlik (D/P-Washington) responded to another constituent’s email request for a No vote on S.5 with, “I do agree with Sen. McDonald (sic) – and voting Yes for S. 5 just like he did.” Stick finger down throat, regurgitate talking points.

The constituent then followed up, “You said in your email, ‘There is not a tax imposed, despite what those that oppose it may tell you.’ Can you please explain to me the functional difference between mandating that an ‘obligated’ fuel dealer purchase a ‘clean heat credit’ per ton of CO2 emissions, the cost of which will be passed along to the customer, and imposing an excise tax on that fuel dealer per ton of CO2 emissions, the cost of which will be passed along to the customer?”

As of this writing, Perchlik hasn’t responded to the second email.

In another incident, a constituent of Rep. Kathleen James (D-Manchester) ran into her at a legislative breakfast where she warned him to disregard “misinformation” in opposition to S.5. A pretty clear indication she intends to disregard constituents’ very valid concerns about S.5 when it comes to the House, and will vote for it regardless.

According to these lawmakers, every criticism of the bill is “misinformation.” Everyone who opposes it is “misinformed.” Yet, ask lawmakers who are fully prepared to vote for the Unaffordable Heat Act to explain how the “carbon credit” system in S.5 is supposed to work, who an “obligated party” is according to the bill, if the mandates in the law are technically feasible, or, heaven forbid, how much it will cost to implement the bill, and they can’t answer the questions.

Here’s the news, lawmakers. It’s not your constituents who are misinformed by listening to misinformation — it’s you.

Rob Roper is a freelance writer who has been involved with Vermont politics and policy for over 20 years. This article reprinted with permission from Behind the Lines: Rob Roper on Vermont Politics,

Images courtesy of Wikimedia Commons/Irais Esparza and state of Vermont

27 thoughts on “Roper: Senators don’t care what their constituents think about the ‘UnAffordable’ Heat Act

  1. What I’m not hearing here from the comments is organizing against these Progressives and voting!! We need to protect our votes! Vote in person needs to return! You need to get involved! You need to get angry enough to do something! You need to protest! You need to be seen! When I was on the road promoting real Vermonters for office cars/ drivers drove by with blank states!! Blank stares created this mess! When are you going to get off your butts!!

  2. Liberals have ruined vermont, it’s time to run them out of my state. By force if necessary.

    • yes indeed Ethan and GM Boys would be loading the muskets and taking care of business of removing the leftist flatlanders

  3. First they took my vote away from me. Not once. Not twice. Over and over and over….
    Then they took away my medical freedom. I can’t get or do anything medically unless permitted. This from the state that promotes “My body My choice”?????????
    They have locked parents out of the schools. Apparently, parents are dangerous.
    They have even declared plastic bags ILLEGAL. You know, the very same bags they DEMANDED we use for years!!!
    And now they want me to “save the planet” rather than my own ass.
    So, to the great DICTATORS OF VERMONT: You have all but killed me. Buy my house and I will be gone tomorrow. BUY MY HOUSE DICTATORS.
    You have so successfully hobbled and suffocated me to the point where, despite my love for my home, if I had the money I would have been out of here by now.
    You are filth. You are slime. You are satan’s dung on the bottom of my shoe.
    And since you DID take away my vote, and have effectively taken over, again: BUY MY HOUSE DICTATORS and then you will never have to put up with me again.

  4. Corrupted to the core. When government turns into a cartel, this is exactly what it looks like and plays out.

  5. The true understanding of the scam that has been perpetrated by the solar lobby and wind We KNOW these people are being paid by someone to do this.
    This is directly addressed to them for all the public to see.

    You swore an oath.

    This is not following that oath, you should be fired. To say these things is an affront to not only the people but to our founding documents as well. You disgust me.

    Even those who don’t understand deserve more respect than your dismissive “let them eat cake” comment. We see in history how that turned out. You are pushing people to an untenable position in which peoples only decision whether person or business, is to pack up and leave. Is that what you want? and Who pray tell are your “selected” replacements? Why come here and be oppressed. I have said before, I refuse to be forced out by you and yours and those laws were done away long ago and it seems as if a new MO is in play to remove the remaining ” unselected” from the state ranks. Shame on you all.

  6. This bill will likely increase the cost of most services and goods in Vermont! Think about it! Any business in Vermont hit with higher heating bills will pass those costs onto the consumer, Any that choose to go the route of expensive heat pumps-upgrade insulation regardless of the States rebates will pass those costs to the consumer! What about apartment Building owners? Will rental prices go up! I would say Yes!

  7. We need psychiatric exams for all these lefty loons under the dome they defiantly have a Hitler mentality which isn’t healthy for VT citizens. My former rep (didn’t get reelected) said the same as all the current ones say, I don’t care what my constituents want I’m going to vote whats good for them. Of course the new ones will not be any better as their from the same club, they just won’t say it out loud. Elect a D/P you get a fascist commie.

  8. Voters can’t understand how S.5 works because there’s no one who can explain it to them. The voters are not the simpletons. It’s the legislators behind S.5. two reasons. First, because they’re trying to pass a law that they don’t understand how it will work and how it will impact the economy of the state and its citizenry. Second, they are parroting the ones who are filling their little minds with propaganda. They’ve sold their souls to the devil, so to speak. I have no idea how this will all shake out if S.5 passes, and in reality no one else knows either. One thing is certain, the Devil doesn’t care.

  9. All these in-favor idiots have left out the essential question; Is CO2 along causing any warming that will destroy the earth, or is it just natural. — So far we have zero evidence it is anything more then a natural cycle. And not one of these idiots can understand that fact.

    • CO2, at about 1.75 Watt/m2, is of no consequence regarding GW
      Any variations of CO2 have minuscule effects

      Cloud cover and water vapor, aka humidity, at about 120 W/m2, is the 800-lb gorilla maintaining the world temperature
      Any variations of cloud cover and water vapor have major effects

      Every physicist at UVM and other universities know this, but they are afraid to speak up, lest the lose tenure or their jobs.
      They would be blacklisted and unemployable

      The above statements are from a professor, who is now retired.

  10. This quote – “We don’t do things based on helping poor people. We do things based on saving the world.” – Sen. Mark MacDonald (D-Orange County) was found in a recent Daily Chronicle report. This is in keeping with his earlier comment – “Christ, give ’em a blanket.” when questioned what should be done when people can’t afford their heat bills.

    Those who agree with Senator Mac Donald are leading us down a road to New World Order – Communist dictatorial leadership – where it only matters what is best for those governing the world – not the people – especially the poor people. Gone are freedoms of speech, press, gathering together, bearing arms, to think and express your own thoughts…

    That last one is truly on the front burner at the World Economic Forum. They want managers to be able to monitor brain scans to know if workers are on task or not. This isn’t included here, but it mimics reports on about data mining children, survelliance tools in correlation with potent Artificial Intelligence tools on the horizon. It’s a 5 min. clip that could alter your perspective of the future. Disney’s Minions are rolling in our direction if we don’t stand up to the globalists – like Senator Mac Donald and his tribe.

  11. I used to be involved in trying to change how Vt operates. I remember when we were a conservative state that had legislators that would listen to people. I can’t beleive Sen. McDonald said we are not concerned with the poor in VT we need to save the planet. We had people helping people, neighbors who looked out for their friends. The stupper majority in Montpelier care about themselves. At this rate the people under the golden dome will have no one to legistlate. People are going to leave. After 43 years of loving VT I am ashamed of what this state has become “Vermontifornia”.

  12. Wake up Vermonters ! The only thing these “ legislators “ care about is getting your vote every time the elections come around. They do not care one bit if many people are going to have to leave their homes or go cold because they cannot afford to heat them come winter. There are many articles about Vermonters calling these politicians to tell them that this “ affordable heat act “ which is comedic in its name, only to be told that the people are being lied to and they will vote yes on this bill anyway. This is the way they behave with everything. The majority do not want these bills including their lies about gun ownership. A legislator takes an oath to act on behalf of his/her constituents. The people in Mont Pelier now do what their ideology dictates and not what is in the best interest of the voters. I urge you to give serious thought about who you will vote for in the next elections. The people are not being served when these legislators consistently pass bills that hurt Vermonters intead of helping them. They basically tell their voters that they will do what they want regardless of what the people want. These people in office hurt the voters more than help them. If we allow them to continue doing what they want what will the beautiful State of Vermont look like in another five to ten years.?

  13. None of these elected Democrats seem to care that the passage of the “Affordable Heat Act” will be the straw that breaks a whole lot of backs of Vermonters.

    This plan comes right on the heels of SNAP benefits being substantially reduced for many of the poorest people in the state- precisely as people struggle to pay for gas, heating fuel, as food prices soar. We read article after article about failed schools and how the kids are in crisis- what do you think that passing this bill is going to do for all these people, many with kids- that are barely making it?
    Have they seen the rates of relapse? of addiction and of suicides?
    Have they seen the rates of suicides and depression in KIDS???
    Credit card debt is soaring as people are forced to charge basic living expenses.
    There are a whole lot layoffs now.
    Car repossessions are going way up.
    Housing and interest rates are higher than we’ve ever seen it.
    There are tons of people today that are sick from the fallout of the Covid Vaccines.
    Geez, I wonder why there is a mental health crisis !!

    And THIS is the time that they plan on doing something like this to just tens of thousands of people in these dire situations?

    THIS Affordable Heat Act seems be yet another attack launched at us by the people that believe in DEPOPULATION.
    Because ultimately what is going to happen here is that a whole lot of Vermonters that cannot escape will die from this.
    Is that how they aim to save the planet?

    These elected “Betters” have no idea what it’s like to live one hour at a time, one day at a time- trying to survive today and this is how a whole lot of people live now.
    These people do not have the Luxury to worry about the planet.. they are trying to figure out how they’ll feed their kids supper tonight and get to work in their old car tomorrow.

    The government of the failing state of Vermont is cruel and abusive as they obsess over saving the planet as the people in their own backyards suffer.

    Another issue that no one is thinking about is what is going to happen to every single other issue in your town that needs money thrown at it?
    The taxpayers are going to be utterly tapped out.
    So how are you going to fix the schools, the roads, build the new fire stations that are equipped to put out the fires in the electric cars…
    How does ALL THE REST Get Funded now when the majority of the people cannot afford to vote “Yes” on a single thing in town requiring more tax dollars?

    I predict that there are going to be lines of Vermonters fleeing the state seeking actual Political Refugee Status wherever they get too- and good luck winning elections when that is what you’ve caused.

  14. This is what democracy in Vermont looks like today.
    I think she needs to be educated on what democracy means.
    It sounds more like dictatorship to me.

  15. Front Porch Forum is a great place to respond to your representatives. Ruth Hardy has been posting in Addison County and I just sent a response to the Ferrisburgh FPF. She has a lot of nerve criticizing fuel dealers for spending their hard earned to get the truth out to their customers, while VPIRG, VNRC, CLF have spent even more trying to pull the wool over peoples eyes.
    Remember, the carbon credit system is baked into the law if it passes. Even if the PUC says the scheme is unworkable, after 2 years and $1 million studying the “feasibility, cost/benefits, workforce availability, and affordability”, as Commissioner June Tierney named her concerns about the bill, the legislature can ignore the PUC’s report and decide for itself what the price of a “carbon credit” shall be.

    • ms. hardy’s hubris is astounding. Apparently she honed her elitist skills and attitude in the Ithaca NY area, before becoming a resident in the Middlebury area. To ignore constituent letters, calls and emails is one thing, to cast her constituents as under some spell of “big oil” is beyond the pale. Caught in emotionalism and perhaps graft, she cannot acknowledge fact?
      Here, ms. hardy is a fact you can bank on:
      Even Vermont used no fuel of any sort, had no emissions of CO2, for a hundred years- the net effect on the global environment is still zero.
      In the battle between physics and platitudes, ms. hardy- physics remains undefeated.

  16. subterrfuge and lies. Pass a big new tax, to force people to do what they cannot afford.
    Make a choice to go universal electric heating – despite bulldozing the Vernon Nuclear Power !!

  17. subterrfuge and lies. Pass a big new tax, to force people to do what they cannot afford.
    Make a choice to go universal electric heating – despite bulldozing the Vernon Nuclear Power !!

  18. People, your legislators really don’t care what your concerns are with this “Affordable ”
    Heat Act or what financial difficulties you will inherit under this boondoggle !!

    Keep calling and keep sending notes, but don’t wait for a response the title says it all
    ” ‘Unaffordable ” Heat Act and it sitting in your lap…….wake up people, they don’t care
    and this proves it, agenda, agenda, agenda !!

    • Off topic but nonetheless, I contacted my reps re: ‘jab’ mandate for children. I was appalled at either the willful ignorance and/or misanthropy of Anne Watson. The idea that she is still pushing the bio weapon on the babies and children when there is ample evidence now to suggest otherwise.

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