Schoolchildren across nation made to celebrate Black Lives Matter Week

Michael Bielawski/TNR

Outside Montpelier High School, the flag of a controversial political movement waves next to Old Glory.

By Rob Shimshock

“Black Lives Matter at School” week hit K-12 campuses from Feb. 5-9, and students nationwide read poems, drew pictures and sang about the issue, according to a Thursday report.

School boards from Pennsylvania to Washington state have endorsed “Black Lives Matter at School” week, according to The Washington Post, though it’s unclear just how many schools participated. 

RELATED: Black Lives Matter flag raised at Montpelier High School

“This resolution makes the unequivocal declaration from the School Board that the lives of our black students matter, as well as the lives of all of our students of color,” said the Seattle School Board. “This week is being recognized by educators nationwide as an opportunity to promote racial justice and identity safety in classrooms.”

Schools and teachers participating in the week pull curriculum from lists of resources, such as this one from the D.C. Area Educators for Social Justice.

The organization assigns themes that deal with not only race, but also gender, sexuality, etc. to each day of the week. On Wednesday, the day assigned to “Queer Affirming, Trans Affirming, Collective Value,” students are recommended to learn from an “I Am Jazz” introduction, which teaches vocabulary like “nonbinary,” or “having a gender identity that is neither ‘boy’ or ‘girl.’”

The guide instructs teachers to say “the only way to really know if someone is a boy or a girl is to ask them!”

Another diversity lesson includes a play in which children from a family of snakes and a family of frogs play together until their parents tell them they can no longer play together. A vocabulary list includes the words “racism” and “prejudice.”

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Image courtesy of Michael Bielawski/TNR

6 thoughts on “Schoolchildren across nation made to celebrate Black Lives Matter Week

  1. It’s more than a little disturbing that a public school is flying the flag of a political hate group over a taxpayer funded public school. This particular group has chanted favorably about killing police officers. These same schools don’t allow Christmas trees or Christmas parties. Perhaps a better way to learn about prejudices and racial injustice would be to hold School on MLK day and learn then.

    • MLK plagiarized his doctorate thesis,nobody said anything.
      MLK had children out of wedlock(while still married)as well as being known for adulteress affairs,still he is held in the highest regard.

      I don’t understand what hypocrites the media can be?

  2. Insanity. Why isn’t the Sec. of Ed. doing something about ending this stupidity? Public schools are a disgrace. They no longer service a purpose for the public good. They are rotting our kids’ minds.

  3. Someone should have worn a t-shirt with a Confederate flag on it to one of BLM rally’s. That would have made them go beserk. State sponsored brain washing.

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