This commentary is by state Rep. Charles Wilson. He is a resident of Lyndon and the House member for the Caledonia-2 district.
Where to begin? I wholeheartedly tried every day at the State House to bring common sense and balance to the supermajority and their fierce drive to allocate money, infringe on rights, and make destructive decisions for others. It had to be said and it had to be done. My intention as a representative was to stand up for my constituents to ensure that their voices were heard, their current needs met, and that I had their best interests in the forefront of my contributions and votes. I apologize for the actions of many of the legislators.

Rep. Charles Wilson
Much of this session’s legislation was flawed and compromised and often unconstitutional, and therefore I voted “no” often, because many bills would not solve the problems we face today. S.5, the (un) Affordable Heat Act, and H.230 and its unconstitutional framework, were two of the more devastating bills to move through the House, as these infringe rights and will not serve the people of Vermont. The overspending is rampant and the allocation of the money consolidates and limits funding in a way that does not allow for communities to receive back their fair share. Instead, money is often held up in bureaucracy with more studies and reports versus that spent on the people.
Ensuring that Vermont has a sustainable and realistic budget wisely appropriated for the good of all the people of Vermont must be a primary goal. This did not happen this session as increased spending was the all-out drive to gather more money from the people through taxes and fees, which will be injurious and burdensome to those already struggling to make ends meet. All this directly conflicts with the oath of office we take as representatives and I will not support the proposed budget for these reasons. It remains to be seen if the governor will veto the proposed budget and how the supermajority will respond.
Currently there are many schools focused on indoctrination and training children, versus education. We have seen how these conflict with parents’ opinions on subject matter and age-appropriate material. Parental involvement in these conversations is essential for the support in moving forward to ensure sound and safe education of our children. Attacking schools outside the public school system depicts the problem with the power that the school lobbyists hold in the State House. Interfering with a family’s option to access and afford independent schools would have a devastating effect on educational opportunities for many students in Vermont.
The current emphasis on “news media literacy” is essential in order to teach critical thinking, but when it becomes politicized and based on personal belief systems — versus an unbiased approach and understanding of the world to help children decipher the truth from lies and fiction — then there is a problem which will bring long term damage to them and our society. Ensuring sound education for students is the best path, and necessary so that there is a place for all children to be successful.
Another concerning theme relevant in many aspects of Vermont currently is the drive for “equity,” which is negatively impacting our children and resulting in messages of shame, blame and division. Equal opportunity for all is certainly a priority focus and all should have access to support resources toward a path of success. However, recognizing that an equal outcome is not possible, is a necessary truth. A value system based on respect and constitutional law and godly reverence is the foundation of a successful society. Passing this on to our children and future generations will allow humanity to find its way through the difficult times and ensure that those in need are taken care of.
Vermont is a special state and there are so many good, hardworking people engaging and informing Vermonters to a solid path toward the future. The supermajority creates roadblocks in this path. They are not respecting their constituents and are acting as a swarm driven by ideology instead of being representatives and protectors of the people. It is my sincere hope that next session will bring common sense, real conversations and reason.
The “supermajority” doesn’t exist. Our Republican pols are more and more embarrassed by the death throes of their party; they are crossing over to be DINO’s in hopes that they can push through a GOP agenda undercover. One recent example of this was the “Democrat” who voted against censuring Trump for attempting the 1/6 coup. Another was the County Sheriff race pitting an incumbent who ran as a Republican and a Democrat, but who lost to the Republican who stated he was a Democrat. Count on them to promote what used to be a Republican agenda. They might not prevail, but they will be heard.
While we might feel conflicted about these people and their tactics, it is understandable that they would want to dissociate themselves from a dying party.
One party rule is as bad as dictatorial rule which is what the leftist pukes love. Their able to push thru unpopular legislation without fear of loosing their jobs as the stupid uniformed voters will keep on voting them in regardless of the cost to them. Shooting themselves in the foot is a mild comparison of what the ignorant voters are doing to VT.
Thanks for hanging in there at the nut house under the golden dome Charles.
Thanks for hanging in there and giving us the inside reports.
Wow I didn’t think there were any HONEST politicians left. Most politicians today have no sustainable vision of the future or do they care. They spend tons of money on studies and reports which just enrichen their cronies with taxpayer monies. I grew up on the notion that politician are to serve the people, not fill their bank account (Biden over 400 million in kickbacks from selling the US out to our adversaries along with many many others). It is disgusting to watch how politicians are blatantly robbing the people of America and others just sit and watch. WHAT A BUNCH OF CRIMINALS!!!!!!!!
He needs to run for governor. We need some common sense to lead us out of this hell that the liberals have turned my state into.
Even if he were Governor, anything that he would veto would still be over ridden. The problem stands with the leftists and progressives that are misusing their power and need to go or be forced to live like the rest of us and survive as we do.
“Much of this session’s legislation was flawed and compromised and often unconstitutional, and therefore I voted “no” often, because many bills would not solve the problems we face today.”
Thanks for your candor and honesty Rep. Wilson. It’s unfortunate that your colleagues in the party of the majority do not base their votes on the same philosophy of fairness, legality and effectiveness, but instead vote for bills that make them feel all tingly and warm inside. It’s too bad that while they often like to invoke the term “unsustainable” when discussing issues of climate and environmental harm, they do not want to admit that there are also unsustainable border policies, welfare policies, criminal justice policies and economic policies.