This commentary is by Paul Dame, chair of the Vermont GOP.
For nearly 10 years I participated in the Essex Memorial Day parade, first as a candidate, and then later as a party official, and I have to give an immense amount of credit to the Essex Republicans and Chittenden County Republicans for providing entries in the parade that have always been among the most honorable, thoughtful and stirring. Their entry has always put first the memory of our fallen soldiers.
Memorial Day is a unique holiday in that it is one in which the term “celebrate” never seems to quite fit. Wishing someone a “Happy” Memorial Day, is somewhat contrary to the purpose of taking time to remember the grave sacrifice that so many men and women have made in service of our country.
How can one repay a debt so immense as that which has cost someone their life? What can we say or do for those left behind without a son, daughter, husband or wife to show our sincere appreciation? How can a young child know that the loss of their father or mother was not forgotten or in vain? Memorial services, flag ceremonies and parades don’t even begin to scratch the surface, or put things right. But we still do them because we can, and however insufficient our attempts at gratitude may be to honor the cost born by those families, it is important to follow through and honor them where we can.
This is one reason why Vermont Republicans, led by Phil Scott have never stopped advocating for a full repeal of the Military Pension Tax. Last session, despite being outnumbered by the supermajority, we were able to make a historic movement to end the taxation of the first $10,000 in annual benefits to many of our veterans, or their families receiving survivor benefits, but the work is not done. A recent study by WalletHub shows that Vermont is still among the worst states in the country for military retirees, even after this inadequate relief. Only three states and the District of Columbia are worse than us.
But while Republicans, led by Rep. Lisa Hango and others, were working to make life easier for our veterans, the Democrat’s supermajority thought a better idea would be to make life easier for themselves. The Joint Fiscal Office estimated that to fully eliminate the military pension tax, would mean a reduction in state revenues of a mere $3 Million. But instead of giving that money back to our veterans, Democrat leaders crafted a plan to keep their money and instead voted to line their own pocketbooks with a $5 Million pay increase. All this while causing veterans, and every other Vermonter, to pay more to renew their driver’s license, register their vehicle, heat their home, pay their property tax, and collect their paycheck.
Vermont Democrats have proven this year that they are unwilling to compromise and work together. They could have taken the $5 Million and split the difference, giving the veterans their full benefits, untaxed (like most other states) and they would have still had room to give themselves a $2 Million raise or nearly a 50% bump instead of nearly doubling their pay. But it has been clear for over 20 years where the allegiance of the Democrat’s supermajority lies, and it is not with our hardworking men and women in the armed services. And this session has proved that they are completely unwilling to compromise.
Democrats continue to put themselves first, and their party’s ideological positions, ahead of the input of their electorate. It seems that the only way to ensure that our veterans will get the relief they need – the relief they have earned in nearly every other state in our nation – will be to help elect Republicans who have made some gains on this issue, and who will never give up fighting for those who fought for us, our country and our freedoms.
This is a good commentary with valid comparisons.
Thank you.
When you do not identify the adversary by correct terms, Vermont will never make any progress. Of course, this is part of the Uniparty Plan, to have us fighting each other, thinking that your neighbor is the enemy, when it’s truly the puppets in Montpelier, controlled by the puppet masters on a Global scale, ala Agenda 2030.
Paul, respectfully, if you can’t even state who the opposition is, how will you ever be able to effectively let the VTGOP out of the darkness?
They are not Democrats. We are not fighting our brothers and sisters. We are dealing with forces from outside of our state, controlling and dictating all that is done in Montpelier. There is no “local control”, there is lawlessness, do anything at all costs, such that we might “own nothing and be happy”.
What nobody asks? Who’s going to own everything?
Who will dictate your career?
Who will own your shelter?
Who will own your healthcare?
Who will own your school?
Who will own your church?
Who will own your police force?
Who will own your press?
Who will own your military?
Who will own your courts and judges?
Who will own your energy?
Who will own your Government?
Guess what, if they have any say, It won’t be YOU!…..It’s in their plan! They state it at ever political rally!
We the people are last and getting the shaft, on a regular basis, nationally and most certainly in Vermont….
Vermonters are last. Have been for some time. We need a change.
For your enjoyment.
And here’s another great video, its BOGO Tuesday!
I suggest the best way to help veterans is stop creating new ones “spreading freedom and democracy around the world.” Lindsay Graham helped a great deal with his shenanigans this Memorial Day weekend. John McCain was likely smiling up at him from below. While our country is being infiltrated and invaded from all sides, the military industrial complex is setting up shop everywhere else.