By Tara Ross | The Daily Signal
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez loves to hate on the Electoral College. Once again, she has the nation up in arms about America’s unique presidential election system.
The Electoral College, the New York Democrat said on Instagram last week, is a “scam” that “effectively weighs white voters over voters of color.” Then on Friday afternoon, she doubled down, tweeting that the Electoral College is nothing more than “affirmative action” for rural voters.
In her view, rural areas are too white — and too powerful in presidential elections.

U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.
Perhaps Ocasio-Cortez should take a step back in time. Civil rights leaders once had a different view, and they came out in force to argue for the preservation of the Electoral College.
Appearing before Congress in 1979, National Urban League President Vernon Jordan said, “Take away the Electoral College, and the importance of that black vote melts away. Blacks, instead of being crucial to victory in major states, simply become 10% of the total electorate, with reduced impact.”
Indeed, he and other civil rights leaders noted benefits of the Electoral College that tend to be ignored today.
First, the winner-take-all allocation of votes in the Electoral College prevents third-party extremists from succeeding at the national level.
In 1968, segregationist Gov. George Wallace of Alabama struggled to make a good showing, even though he had strong regional support. Civil rights leaders at the time noticed—and they even praised his defeat in congressional testimony.
Second, the concentration of black voters in certain large metropolitan areas can be an advantage, at least in some states.
“[T]he real issue,” Jordan told Congress in 1979, “is not only one of how many black voters are located in which states, but where blacks can reasonably expect to build coalitions with other minorities and whites to achieve true justice and equality.”
In other words, shared concerns within urban areas lead to coalition-building. Jordan called this “the empathy factor.” In those parts of the country, coalitions can swing a large metropolitan area—and thus an entire state.
Perhaps New York voters outside of Ocasio-Cortez’s district can feel this pain: Upstate New York voters are constantly outvoted by New York City. Voters in that metropolitan area swing the state’s entire block of 29 electors, regardless of what the state’s rural voters prefer.
Rural New York voters are surely puzzled to hear Ocasio-Cortez describe them as “too powerful.”
Jordan’s testimony must be bewildering to Electoral College defenders who argue that the system gives small states and rural areas a leg up at election time. Who is right?
Somewhat confusingly, both sides are right. Urban areas are not always as powerful as Jordan hoped. They might be able to swing certain states, but they can’t swing the whole country, either.
On the other hand, urban areas aren’t as weak as Ocasio-Cortez says. Rural voters in California, New York, and Illinois would surely testify to that.
In short, the Electoral College creates balance in our political system in many ways—and this unexpected balance of power between urban and rural areas is just one of them.
At the end of the day, charges of racism in our presidential election are simply silly. The Electoral College serves everyone. It does this by creating a careful balance between large states and small, urban areas and rural.
Ultimately, and as a matter of history, the Electoral College rewards those presidential candidates or political parties that do the best job of listening to a wide variety of voters. Those who decided to double down with their base and ignore the rest of the country usually end up losing. That’s a blessing for everyone in our country.
Recent close elections have come about because everyone keeps forgetting these important underlying purposes of the Electoral College. Many have neglected to build coalitions. Both parties are instead catering to their bases.
Consequently, the first party to reach out to create broad coalitions will also start winning presidential elections in landslides.
Perhaps Jordan summed it up best when he told Congress many years ago that the Electoral College “forces candidates to deal with a broad variety of issues and thus requires a degree of responsibility that direct elections would weaken.”
Here’s hoping that our political parties decides to take his wise advice.
Pretty RACIST comment by Chakita Khrushchev assuming black people only live in big city holes. She could only be in power because of the stupidest of voters which NY has a abundance of.. Look at the total dufus they elected for mayor and gov’ner.
The fathers of the country weren’t stupid they didn’t have degrees from Boston College…. They knew NOT to have a equal vote of all area’s would instill the same totalitarian rule we were escaping…They saw the writing on the wall with the few population centers trying to determine what we would have for a government and Boston idea’s didn’t work for rural farmers. The dunce O’crazio shouldn’t be allowed in a government that works “For the People” as she’s obviously out of touch with ALL The PEOPLE….like different planet out of touch…
If a few states with large cities were allowed to decide who is President, it would become a call to revolution for all the people with no practical vote.
AOC wants to insure that New York, California, Illinois and Mass. elect the president. So typical of those who have little use for fly over country. Rots of rock idiot.
How stupid is this woman anyway?? Even more stupid is the people that voted her into office.
My God, what is this country becoming?
Affirmative action: she must be the poster child for that! What an idjit.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, states The Electoral College, is a “scam” that “effectively weighs
white voters over voters of color.”, you talk about race-baiting………… what an Idiot !!
Apparently, this so-called elected official needs to understand why our founding fathers made
this part of the Constitution, even back then they could see how a large volume of voters in
a state could sway an election for the whole country.
So if Liberals could have it there way and ” abolish the EC ” California & New York liberal
agenda would run the country, now that’s scary………
Wake up, people.
The only purpose of the electoral college is to give each state in the senate an equal vote.
This avoids a few states with a lot of people, New York and California, etc., from becoming power centers and run the country, like centralized government in the hands of the few, as it was in Europe during the 1750’s. Remember the Sun King and his Versailles Palace?
The Socialist Bernie’s of would like to have nothing more than centralized government a la Soviet Union, which ultimately became dysfunctional.
Bernie says we will do better Socialism than the Soviet Union.
I think the wise US people are not giving him even the tiniest change to realize it.
China and Russia and Europe would laugh in their fists.
Prior to that the centralized government of the czars also became dysfunctional.