By Guy Page
The state of Vermont has two separate “90% by 2050” energy goals. A new law makes learning those goals a condition of licensing for many of Vermont’s building construction and service professionals.
S.220, signed into law yesterday by Gov. Phil Scott, requires electricians, plumbers and other skilled construction, installation and service professionals to take a course studying the state’s energy goals as a prerequisite for licensing.

Guy Page
Beginning July 1, 2021, architects, landscape architects, wastewater systems designers, real estate appraisers and brokers, oil and gas installers and servicers, and electricians and plumbers must take a two-hour course on state and utility incentives, and general information about the state’s energy goals, and how their professions may further those goals. The requirement applies to both initial licensure and renewal.
The 2011 Comprehensive Energy Plan sets the goal of meeting 90% of energy needs from renewable energy and increased energy efficiency by 2050. The Global Warming Solutions Act approved this year requires 90% reduction of carbon emissions by 2050 and allows third parties to sue the state for failure to achieve them.
S.220 is this year’s version of the annual “OPR” bill, in which changes to professional licensing are made. OPR stands for Office of Professional Regulation, the wing of the secretary of state administration responsible for recommending and implementing the changes. The bill also includes changes to licensing for health care providers, firearms instructors, private investigators, and other licensed occupations. A legislative effort to require licensure of all home builders and remodelers in S.220 failed.
The governor also signed S.187, transient occupancy for health care treatment and recovery; S.254, union organizing; S.237, promoting affordable housing. The Governor has now taken an action on all bills passed by the Legislature during the 2020 legislative session, administration officials said. To view a complete list of action on bills passed during the 2020 legislative session, visit
Read more of Guy Page’s reports. Vermont Daily is sponsored by True North Media.
Government indoctrination before overburden regulation… there’s one I didn’t see coming even from the regressive proggies…
Where did the free independent Vermont I grew up in disappear to????
Sounds like the communist manifesto, yet home builders are not required? It’s completely stupid to not license homebuilders.
Watch, the next step will be to make it impossible to sell a home without 30K of energy efficiency changes — which will never result in a 90% reduction in co2, because there will never be enough renewable electricity to power Vermont. — Its what happens when you vote for liberals. Vote Red to fix it.
I hate to say it but I bet you are absolutely correct.