This article by Mark Rondeau originally appeared Jan. 30 in the Bennington Banner.
BENNINGTON — Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington Bishop Christopher Coyne took on directly some of the most controversial issues facing the Catholic Church during what was billed as a town meeting Monday at Sacred Heart St. Francis de Sales Church.
Issues discussed included abortion-related legislation pending in Vermont, the ongoing clergy abuse scandal, and outreach to divorced Catholics and the LGBT community.
More than 100 people packed a double-classroom space in the parish hall at the church on Monday night. This town meeting and others being held around the state grew out of the diocesan synod process, which is winding up. The three focuses of this statewide consultation effort are evangelization, building vibrant parishes and communication, Coyne said.
“One of the communication points was that people felt that there wasn’t enough two-way communication,” Coyne said, “that they were getting letters from me or videos, but they didn’t have an opportunity to talk to me and to talk with the diocese.
RELATED: Statement of Reverend Christopher J. Coyne regarding H.57
Read full article at the Bennington Banner.
(Fair use with written permission from the New England Newspapers Inc.)
Thank you Bishop Coyne.
Catholics in Vermont vote, as a block, Democrat. They vote for the very people who promote the evil that they seek to end. I ask them ‘why?; they respond…. oh, some garbage about ‘the greater good’ and that they will ‘pray’ for these Democrats … THAT THEY ELECT…. to see the light. THIS! When a candidate is available who is adamantly AGAINST abortion… already on their side! And yet they choose the side of evil. Amazing.