By Guy Page
A bill to create a study group “for the purpose of modernizing Vermont’s prostitution laws” was introduced Wednesday into the Vermont House. It alleges state law prohibiting prostitution is steeped in racism.
H.268 is sponsored by Representatives Selene Colburn of Burlington, House Judiciary Chair Maxine Grad of Moretown, Kate Donnally of Hyde Park, John Killacky of South Burlington, Emilie Kornheiser of Brattleboro, Jim Masland of Thetford, Bill Notte of Rutland City, Barbara Rachelson of Burlington, Taylor Small of Winooski, and Rebecca White of Hartford. Grad, Colburn, Donnally, Notte and Rachelson all sit on the House Judiciary Committee, where the bill has been sent.
A virtually identical bill aimed at legalizing prostitution in Vermont, H.568, passed the House last year but was stalled in the Senate.
The bill alleges that current prostitution laws are rooted in white supremacy: “The majority of Vermont’s laws on prostitution were adopted more than 100 years ago and have remained largely unchanged since that time. … A section of law codified in 1910 pursuant to ‘An act to prevent what is commonly known as the ‘white slave’ traffic,’ prohibits transportation of persons into and out of the State not only for the purpose of prostitution but also for ‘any immoral purpose.’ Historically, these types of laws were used to prosecute men of color for having relationships with white women.”
H.569, a companion bill to H.568, maintained penalties for coerced prostitution but legalized consensual prostitution. Critics of legalization say the practice is inherently oppressive and that few women freely choose prostitution as a career choice.
H.268 also would provide limited immunity for people reporting information about crimes when the information was gained while engaged in prostitution.
For more information on human trafficking in Vermont, contact New Englanders Against Sexual Violence.
Read more of Guy Page’s reports. Vermont Daily is sponsored by True North Media.
It will be another source of taxes for Montpelier. The money is more important than morality.
I figured racism had something to do with it and sure enough it does.
The bill alleges that current prostitution laws are rooted in white supremacy: “The majority of Vermont’s laws on prostitution were adopted more than 100 years ago and have remained largely unchanged since that time. … A section of law codified in 1910 pursuant to ‘An act to prevent what is commonly known as the ‘white slave’ traffic,’ prohibits transportation of persons into and out of the State not only for the purpose of prostitution but also for ‘any immoral purpose.’ Historically, these types of laws were used to prosecute men of color for having relationships with white women.”
This bill is a good measure of the moral integrity of the liberals that are voted into office.
Lack of…
Welcome to Chaz Zone East!
Legalized prostitution !!!
The first question that needs to be answered. How much will the legislators be making???
Sec question. How many of the legislators will be getting it free.???
Third Question. How/who will pick/hire the prostitutes???
What is wrong with these legislators ? With people pouring over our boarders without medical records and coved-19 what loco weed in their coffee makes them think that this is a good idea for Vermont. Also,geniuses tell us how you propose availing yourselves of the services of a prostitute while everyone is under orders to social distance. We should be fighting for a way to sue these ” lawmakers ” for their stupid decisions especially when they cause harm to our citizens. Phil Scott, PLEASE veto this beyond ridiculous idea before these children kill us all.
The WORST thing that could EVER happen to women since being a woman in 18th century America.
And brought to us by the lunatics who proclaim every value, every moral, every tenet of decency within our culture and our society is:……..”RACIST”!!!
Are these “essential workers?” We CAN’T have Thanksgiving dinner with family but we CAN get a hooker? How will they socially distance themselves? Asking for a friend.
LOL Vermont. Here we go embarrassing ourselves again.
Anything to get more money to fund Vermont’s nanny state.
Mark…..PLEASE come back!!!
Kinda puts a twist on the moniker, NWO pimps doesn’t it?
Yeah Vermont want to be the leader in morality, pimpin’, drug dealing, gambling, collusion, hell the mafia is jealous. They are still trying to figure out how our government is able to squeeze so much money out of the businesses…..for protection of course.
Yeah, well they are allowing by the open promotion, no regulation and no taxation of interfamilial pornography, hopefully it is staged, but it is depraved, almost as much as Montpelier.
It’s all part of the plan, tear down morality, tear down sexual norms, tear down the family and subverting a country is easy. Without morality the officials sell off, give away, take bribes and suddenly your country and rules are no longer yours. You are…
Welcome to becoming the first colony of the United Nations. Vermonters will kindly pick up your new re=education materials and indoctrination manuals. Please advise there is zero tolerance on any of the rules. Welcome to the New World Order! (You can thank poppy Bush and many others)
Well, that is one way to revitalize all the empty town and village storefronts…
To say nothing of Lamp Lighted street corners…
Now we know why they have been spending all these millions putting up fancy lights in all the towns with the safety sidewalk bump outs.
Change the light bulbs to red and you got perfect “corners” along the entire street for prostitution to flourish.
Vermont, the Red light state.
You jest of course. It will be the ruination of Vermont. Period.
Wow, when they mention Montpeliers ” Golden Doom ” yes doom, they aren’t kidding !!
One would think, that with all the issues and concerns ” Pandemic ” within the state,
that ” legalized prostitution ” might not be a priority, but according to the gaggle of fools
that are pushing this bill, it is !!
It makes me wonder, are they looking for a part-time job ?? it’s sad, we have these
people in charge………
The Democrats must be seeing a way to gain another revenue source and expand government. License fees, inspections, fines for practicing without a license. Regulations and inspections for houses of Ill repute. Income taxes, sales taxes on services rendered? And how about college getting involved? Requirements for degrees and continuing education to obtain and renew a license? The potential is amazing!
Great Idea! Why should the taxpayers be the only ones getting screwed.
Those legislators sponsoring H.268, the legalization of prostitution–would that make them pimps?
Just asking…
It’s an minor understudy of How to be NWO Ho, Eddie Murphy did some pioneering work on this…
Does anyone ever wonder what guides the Legislature in deciding what issues deserve priority attention and organizational focus?……..If not, H.268, a bill to modernize Vermont’s prostitution laws should make one wonder about how priorities are established in Montpelier.
As H.268 takes up the Legislature’s energy and time, take a look at just some of the real and massive problems that are going on and have been going on, some for years, without resolution or even direction:
Businesses, families and individuals are being crushed by social and economic ills brought on by Covid-19 with no defined end in sight.
Escalating and gigantic health care costs that no one knows how to handle.
For the eleven months ended November 2020, 134 people died of drug over doses in Vermont and the number is growing while some legislators and legal authorities calling for the decriminalization of drug use.
The Vermont public retirement and health care accounts are insolvent by billions of dollars and have been so for years……And the Senate leader tells us to be calm.
Our state colleges and community school systems rocked by every day economics difficulties plus the dislocation of Covid-19.
Some in the legislature and City Councilors in Burlington wanting to defund and tie the hands of the police based on the thinnest data.
We have a Climate Council composed of laymen and women with little to no technical knowledge about to turn Vermont upside down with new initiates that will cost hundreds of millions or more that will do nothing to mitigate global warming…….This all following this week’s disaster in Texas where wind turbine technology totally failed……Imagine Vermont heavily dependent on wind and solar when a typical freezing northeast storm hits.
Our State is being torn apart as charges of systemic racism are leveled against our governmental and private institutions, healthcare system, laws, rules and individual behavior……..Charges that most people in the state can’t even relate to.
Time for focus and priorities in Montpelier.
The priorities are right out of the Naked Communist. How to subvert a state, I kid you not. It all makes sense and fits PERFECTLY, not a coincidence.
If the VT GOP studied this, they would know every, EVERY move, before the legislation even opens. They would know the plan perfectly for the upcoming 3 years.
Gotta know your opponent. They may be extremely organized and powerful, but their even more predictable, which is their weakness.