Key to Vermont Red Wave is ‘brilliantly articulating what you’re for,’ Zeldin says

By Guy Page

Lee Zeldin was a longtime U.S. Congressman before he ran for governor in New York and almost defeated Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul. But perhaps more important in the long run, Zeldin galvanized the candidacies of Republican challengers to longtime Democratic members in the U.S. House of Representatives. With his help, N.Y. Republicans flipped four seats in the Congress — enough to push the GOP caucus into the House majority.

Zeldin spoke to the Chittenden County Republicans at a dinner in South Burlington Thursday night. Beforehand, Vermont Daily Chronicle asked him, “what can Vermont do to become a more Republican state?” His answer appears below, with minor edits for readability:

“I think that it’s important for the Republican Party to be earning the support of Independents and Democrats, by not pandering but telling people what our ideas are.

“Republicans didn’t earn a red wave nationally in 2022. I don’t blame Democrats. I blame Republicans for why there was no Red Wave nationally. Red Waves are created by telling people what we stand for, by letting people know what they are investing in by voting Republican.

“There are a lot of Americans whose votes are up for grabs. They’re independent-spirited, they have issues that transcend blind partisan loyalty. They want to know what you could do for them and their family. They’re concerned about their American Dream, they might care about safety or the economy, their kids, education, border security, foreign policy – their top issue might vary.

“But in 1994, when Republicans had a Red Wave nationally, Newt Gingrich wanted to become the Speaker of the House, Haley Barber was the chairman of the RNC, and they had this Contract for America. Candidates were talking about it. The media knew what was in it. Voters and volunteers had their favorite parts of it. They couldn’t wait to see it implemented.

“I feel like at the end of 2022, that was missing. And if you want to have people open up their their heart, and their trust, their faith, if you want a movement, momentum, enthusiasm, energy that’ll create a wave – it’s not just about saying ‘Joe Biden’s bad, the Democratic party’s bad, vote for me.’

“So for anyone here in Vermont trying to do your part in our corner of America, to be able to move things forward, I would say it’s not about brilliantly articulating what you’re against. I would say that the magic is brilliantly articulating what you’re for.”

Guy Page is publisher of the Vermont Daily Chronicle. Reprinted with permission.

Image courtesy of Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons

4 thoughts on “Key to Vermont Red Wave is ‘brilliantly articulating what you’re for,’ Zeldin says

  1. Lee Zeldin is from New York. New York State voters are largely “red” except for large population centers in and around NYC. New Hampshire State representation is “red,” yet the federal representation is “blue.” The “red wave” of 2022 didn’t materialize because 2020 was a farce, and considering what is coming out now about the shenigans of 10% Joe and Anthony Blinkin, c’mon man!
    Kari Lake still filing briefs like a mad woman while Katie Hobbs stacks the rolls of cash from the cartel like haybales. The gross, in our faces, injustice and open mockery of the People is beyond the pale on all fronts. The psyops being played by both sides is as disgusting as it is unethical. Until the fraud and corruption is addressed and prosecuted, no one gets equal justice under the law. No one – not the left or the right. Let that sink in everyone.

  2. This is framing the conversation……brilliantly claiming what you are for.

    This is offense, not playing defense to their every play. This is understanding what the deep state wants, their goals, how they operate, and how they work. This is how to counter and lead people away from those who have become obsessed with money and power.

    We need to know how they “reframe” our slogans against us….remember take back VERMONT? Put that up against, a basket of deplorables….see how that works?

    A current example is 2a, article 16 and suicide. The deep state could care less about suicide, they legalized it and Canada is promoting it. GOV., the offensive should be curing, addressing our suicide rates, as you know it has nothing to do with guns. That would be win, win.

    Another current example is our new constitutional changes, that have nothing to do with and never had anything to do with abortion.

    Love, Joy and Peace are the products of a person, state or country headed in the right direction. We only need to change our direction.

  3. I put my trust in the good people of Vermont to be able to identify a conman when they see one. Republicans DO NOT represent the needs of everyday people. Ole Lee may sound reasonable but, make NO mistake, his platform equals the extreme ones in DC.

    • This is quite a remarkable statement seeing as how the people of the State of Vermont continue to send a self-professed communist liberal conman to represent them in the Senate. One, by the way, who has become a multi-millionaire while promoting his liberal/socialist agenda. I always thought Vermont was the “Live Free or Die” state comprised of strong, independent-thinking citizens. Guess I was wrong.

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