Illegal votes from noncitizens likely affected the 2020 election, study says

By Fred Lucas | The Daily Signal

Noncitizens likely voted at a high enough rate to alter the 2020 Electoral College tally, potentially flipping the states of Arizona and Georgia in the presidential election, according to an analysis by Just Facts, a research group.

That’s significant, and while it wouldn’t be enough to hand the election to President Donald Trump, it potentially could have made a difference. Only U.S. citizens are legally allowed to vote in federal elections.

The revised estimate, as of Monday, shows that Trump could have won 259 electoral votes if noncitizen votes were not counted. But that would likely still leave former Vice President Joe Biden with 279 electoral votes, nine votes more than the 270 needed to win.

The current electoral vote tally stands at 306 for Biden, 232 for Trump. Arizona has 11 Electoral College votes, while Georgia gets 16.

Just Facts first released an analysis on Nov. 8, five days after the election, that calculated a lower and upper estimate of the extent of noncitizen voting. That analysis determined that Trump could have won as few as 259 electoral votes—or as many as 285. The latter would have secured a second term.

However, as more mail-in votes were counted, Biden’s lead widened in states such Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Nevada.

Several major media outlets have projected Biden as the president-elect, but the Trump campaign is still litigating in several battleground states. The Trump team has not made noncitizen voting a significant part of its allegations of voter fraud.

The revised study estimated the number of noncitizen votes cast in the states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania—all of which were closely contested on election night.

It estimated that 234,570 noncitizen votes benefited Biden across seven battleground states. That estimate did not change as more votes were counted.

“Based on the latest vote counts and the upper and lower bounds of the study results, Georgia and Arizona would flip to Trump, leaving him with 259 Electoral College votes,” James Agresti, president of Just Facts, told The Daily Signal. “Under the upper bound, Nevada gets really close, with Trump down by 3,858 votes.”

With the exception of Arizona, each of the states in question appeared to be favoring Trump until the early-morning hours of Nov. 4, but began to shift to Biden over several days. North Carolina is the only state of the seven that appears likely to go to Trump.

The Electoral College will cast its vote in 50 states and the District of Columbia on Dec. 14.

The estimate is based on the percentages of noncitizens that voted in previous elections, predicated on a 2014 study by researchers at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, that evaluated rates of noncitizen voting in 2008 and 2010, Agresti said, applied only to the seven battleground states.

The Old Dominion study determined 6.4% of noncitizens voted in the 2008 presidential election and 3% in the 2010 congressional midterm elections, with 81% voting Democrat.

The rate was high enough to change the Electoral College vote count in 2008 (although not enough to swing the presidential election) and actually change the outcome of some congressional races, particularly the Senate race in Minnesota that year.

That race was decided in favor of Democrat Al Franken over Republican Norm Coleman by just 312 votes out of more than 2.86 million votes cast.

Agresti noted that illegal noncitizen voting is just “one type of fraud” that could have occurred in the 2020 election.

Asked about the proliferation of mail-in voting and ballot harvesting, he said, “That could certainly make it easier, with fewer checks and balances,” for a larger number of noncitizens to vote.

Last week, USA Today criticized the initial study claiming in a “fact check” column that rated the study as “missing context,” and arguing that it “relies on unverifiable estimates.”

The USA Today fact check largely relied on rebuttals from left-leaning sources such as the Fair Elections Center and the Brennan Center for Justice. USA Today also referenced a Wired magazine article to question the Old Dominion researchers.

Just Facts issued a rebuttal on Tuesday to what it called a “slanderous ‘fact check’” of its study:

The Just Facts study doesn’t claim to have the precise 2020 numbers, and is clear in its reliance on the Old Dominion study and other sources, such as a 2008 Harvard/YouGov survey, the Government Accountability Office, and the Social Security Administration, to apply data from past elections as the basis for the assumptions of the numbers this year.

Agresti noted that as many as 15% of noncitizens said they were registered to vote, based on survey data cited in the Old Dominion report.

The full extent of noncitizen voting is a problem, as demonstrated in past years in Pennsylvania, said Hans von Spakovsky, the manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative at The Heritage Foundation.

Part of the problem is that when states register to vote people obtaining a driver’s license, officials don’t ask about citizenship.

“We don’t know the full extent of the problem, but we know it is a problem,” von Spakovsky, a former member of the Federal Election Commission, told The Daily Signal. “We need to require proof of citizenship from people registering to vote.”

Image courtesy of WIkimedia Commons/Infrogmation

14 thoughts on “Illegal votes from noncitizens likely affected the 2020 election, study says

  1. Here is the Dick Morris’ Take on the Election Frauds

    The Democratic Party expected a contested 2020 presidential election and “set up” President Donald Trump to try to overturn a “verdict” that should have never been projected by pollsters and declared too soon by the “complicitous” media, according to political analyst Dick Morris on Newsmax TV.

    “The whole point of the early polls, the whole point of the paper ballots, the whole point of the delay in the counting was to establish the concept that Biden had won, or at least was too confusing to tell so the verdict could be overturned,” Morris told Wednesday’s “The Chris Salcedo Show.”

    Morris, a former close adviser for former President Bill Clinton, meticulously outlined how the Democratic Party, with an assist from their friends in the mainstream media, “set up” the dominoes to fall one by one against Trump in favor of Joe Biden.

    “This is all a setup,” Morris began to host Chris Salcedo. “The Democratic Party planned for this. They knew they were likely to lose this election, so the first thing they did was to fake the polls that talked about how they were going to win.

    “And that was to set up the presumption that Biden was going to win, so that when he won based on fraud, everybody would say, ‘yeah, he was winning anyway.’”

    In the lead up to Tuesday, pollsters, perhaps even to a more egregious degree than 2016, had given Biden the “presumption” of an insurmountable edge the Trump campaign could not contest.

    “Then as results came in on Election Night, the Democrats constantly held up the count – in many jurisdictions the count was not completed and was left hanging in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin,” Morris continued. “Then they came in with their mail-in ballots, dumped them all of a sudden, barred the Republicans from looking at them, and then announced that Biden had won.”

    Finally, the media pulled the final lever by delivering a narrative it is the Trump campaign seeking to undermine a free and election, Morris concluded.

    “And the complicitous news media called these states for Biden; that creates a sort of presumption that Biden has won those states,” he said. “And Trump is then in the position of trying to overturn that verdict.”

  2. Wow, I guess a lot of people here not legally must have voted for Repubs. in House and Senate because the Repubs. gained votes in house and kept the senate.

    Since the senate and house votes are on the same ballot it had to be no easy feat to only rig the presidential race while leaving the down ballot races alone.

    Yes, I am being sarcastic.

    How on earth would it be possible ON THE SAME BALLOT to rig only one office and not the down office?

    I guess if there are fraudulent ballots found then the down ballot races (most went to Repubs.) would need to be declared invalid too.

  3. This proves beyond reasonable doubt 1) there the election process is corrupt, 2) each state has their own policies for counting votes (people like Condos be controlled), 3) Liberal judges (lawyers) have dictated their own policies-positions into the process resulting in a mush-mash of orders without Constitutional grounds, 4) Only ballots of the military and the impared be counted with witness signature and contact info, 5) Ballots received after election day are disregarded and dates so verified, 6) Observers be present from both parties, 7) No media reporting or projecting winners-this influences the voting in different time zones, 8) No more stopping counting to allow ballots be allowed, 9) All voters need an ID, 19) no double or triple voting by out-of-state students, 11) Keep accurate records of voters-moved or died, 12) Ballot counting machines need be tamper proof and all ballots counted by machine. FL has developed a sensible quick system to count ballots, it can be done, 13) All ballots have the same standardized structure- compare the VT ballot to NH’s ballot-huge difference- NH’s was common sense-VT ballot had Trump at the bottom of the list of canadites and Biden at the top (a Condos operandi), 14) Illegals not allowed to vote, 15) no mass mailing of ballots, 16 this has lighted some of the current problems-more can be exposed concisely. .

    It has been proposed that the Feds by law should produce regulatory guidance as what is required by states to conduce an national election. Condos and et al will be forced to adhere under penalty of law otherwise mandatory jail time. Need teeth in the law and to eliminate Liberal Judges decisions that has been a thorn in the process. This will equalize the election process long overdo.

  4. This proves beyond reasonable doubt 1) there the election process is corrupt, 2) each state has their own policies for counting votes (people like Condos be controlled), 3) Liberal judges (lawyers) have dictated their own policies-positions into the process resulting in a mush-mash of orders without Constitutional grounds, 4) Only ballots of the military and the impared be counted with witness signature and contact info, 5) Ballots received after election day are disregarded and dates so verified, 6) Observers be present from both parties, 7) No media reporting or projecting winners-this influences the voting in different time zones, 8) No more stopping counting to allow ballots be allowed, 9) All voters need an ID, 19) no double or triple voting by out-of-state students, 11) Keep accurate records of voters-moved or died, 12) Ballot counting machines need be tamper proof and all ballots counted by machine. FL has developed a sensible quick system to count ballots, it can be done, 13) All ballots have the same standardized structure- compare the VT ballot to NH’s ballot-huge difference- NH’s was common sense-VT ballot had Trump at the bottom of the list of canadites and Biden at the top (a Condos operandi), 14) Illegals not allowed to vote, 15) no mass mailing of ballots, 16 this has lighted some of the current problems-more can be exposed concisely. .
    It has been proposed that the Feds by law should produce regulatory guidance as what is required by states to conduce an national election. Condos and et al will be forced to adhere under penalty of law otherwise mandatory jail time. Need teeth in the law and to eliminate Liberal Judges decisions that has been a thorn in the process. This will equalize the election process long overdo.

  5. Pennsylvania State Senate Hearing on 2020 Election, Gettysburg, PA, November 25

    1) The 3.5-hour hearing was held in Gettysburg, PA
    Giuliani, and his team, appeared in person, alleged massive election fraud with mail-in ballots.

    Giuliani said:

    Trump was leading by about 700,000 votes at about 10 PM, November 3
    About 600,000 ballots mail-in ballots were not viewed by any Republican election observer, which is illegal per PA law
    About 1,700,000 ballots were mailed out, but 2,400,000 mail-in ballots were counted
    About 700,000 MORE ballots were counted than were sent out!!
    The 2,400,000 mail-in ballot number was deleted from Election Office website on November 24

    Various other witnesses testified regarding their observations regarding counting ballots.

    Trump joined the meeting of Republican lawmakers in Gettysburg, as a call-in witness.

    Watch the video. It is highly informative.

    2) A Pennsylvania appeals court judge, Patricia McCullough, ordered state officials on Wednesday to halt any further steps toward certifying election results, with an evidentiary hearing to be held on November 25.

    The ruling comes a day after Gov. Tom Wolf, a Democrat, said he had certified Democrat Joe Biden as the state’s winner of the presidential election.

  6. Fred,

    You make a great point about illegals voting and non-citizens voting in FEDERAL elections.
    He probably knows that, but likely is playing dumb, hoping no one would notice.

    One list would be used for FEDERAL elections.

    Giuliani just testified to a BI-PARTISAN Pennsylvania Committee of Legislators, that:

    1) The ballot count total for mail-ins is more than 650,000 greater than the number of ballots mailed out, which points to ballot-box stuffing on a grand scale. Stuffing is illegal, per PA law.

    2) About 600,000 ballots were counted while REPUBLICAN OBSERVERS were physically prevented from observing the ballot count. This is illegal, per PA law.

    3) Giuliani said: “I am from New York. I know a few things about corrupt election procedures, but, even in New York, we always had both parties present during vote counting”.



    Giuliani is implying the Dem/Progs panicked, with Trump almost 700,000 votes ahead late evening Nov 3.

    They went overboard, manufactured enough votes to throw the election to Biden.

    In their rush, they did not cover their trails. They were caught red-handed by their OWN numbers.

    The US Media keeps up the agreed-on lie: “The election was fraud-free”, and it is all Trumps fault, etc.

    Giuliani said: “The fraud occurred only in Dem/Prog-controlled cities of SWING states, where they have a lot of experience running fraudulent elections”.

    • The problem is that what Giuliani says in public at a Gettysburg hotel is far different than what he says in court. In court where there are actual penalties for lawyers deliberately being deliberately misleading, Giuliani when pressed by the judge in the Pennsylvania court admitted he wasn’t alleging voter fraud. Trump lawyers in Arizona when pressed admitted the same thing.

      If there was actual evidence of widespread fraud or misconduct it should have been presented in the more than 30 cases brought before the courts. Instead, in the words of Chris Christie, the President’s legal team has been ” a national embarrassment”. The low point being the need to fire a lead attorney, Sidney Powell, after she accused Georgia Governor, Republican Brian Kemp on being in on a conspiracy to commit fraud.

      Trump will have another chance in 2024 to run for President. However he continues to do himself and our country harm in the way he and his legal team have handled their legitimate right to use the courts and recounts to ensure there has not been widespread fraud or the results were illegitimate.

      • The testimony of the expert witness regarding Dominion machines was breathtaking.
        I just cannot believe those machines are allowed to be sold in the US.
        Georgia spent over $100 million to buy 30,000 of them.

        It was not VOTER fraud. That is a red herring the US Media and VT Media keep repeating, as if the VOTERS were at fault.
        That is far from the case.

        It was pre-planned, illegal COUNTING fraud, by machine or by hand, as stated by most of the 12 witnesses.

        • Mr. Post,
          Could you link which court cases this testimony took place in or did these allegations take place in the ballroom of a Gettysburg hotel? Big difference as one is under oath and can be cross examined before being ruled on and at one event you can say anything without consequence.

          • John,
            The Democrat dismissed the law suit.
            Now it will go to SCOTUS.
            REMEMBER 6 to 3

            If PA flips, then 3 or 4 other states will flip as well, even after votes are certified and electors a re picked.

            How could they, in good conscience, certify a fraud?

      • Again, Freitag: the burden is on Biden & the Democrats to prove that the 80 million votes his ticket supposedly garnered – 10 million more than Obama ever received and losing many of the key cities – are all legitimate and legal. With his count of 80 million and the President’s of over 70 million, that is approximately half the population of this country, a statistical impossibility.
        But no one expects anything different from you than to defend Democrats and perfidy that benefits you and your agenda. Ah, the hypocrisy of “moderates”…

      • What a load of sh** and more where that came from! Guiliani can hold a presser – whether you like the format or not sir – trial is for a diffent day much lol – suck it up sir
        More great news – enjoy 😀
        BREAKING HUGE: Pennsylvania Judge Files Memorandum Stating 2020 PA Election Likely Unconstitutional – Trump Case “Likelihood to Succeed” – Gives State Legislators Power to Choose Electors!
        By Jim Hoft Published November 27, 2020 at 11:04pm 5326 Comments

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