By Andrew Kerr
Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski told Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden will be “compromised” as president because of his family’s business dealings with China.
“I think Joe Biden and the Biden family are compromised,” Bobulinski said.
“I just don’t see, given the history here in the facts, how Joe can’t be influenced in some manner based on the history that they have,” Bobulinski said. “So as a citizen and an American taxpayer, I’m very, very concerned.”
Bobulinski explained how he met with Joe Biden in Los Angeles on May 2, 2017, at the request of Hunter and his uncle, Jim Biden, to discuss the Biden family dealings at a high level.
“They were sort of wining and dining me and presenting the strength of the Biden family to get me more engaged and want to take on the CEO role” of the joint business venture between the Chinese energy firm CEFC China Energy Co. and Oneida Holdings, a Delaware-based LLC.
Bobulinksi said it was “crystal clear” that Hunter Biden had brought his father up to speed on the status of a joint venture deal with the before he met with the former vice president.
“They were putting their entire family legacy on the line. They knew exactly what they were doing. They were dealing with a Chinese owned enterprise … that had strong financial support and political support from the Chinese Communist Party. That’s how it was presented to me. That’s not my own words. That’s how they presented it to me and read me in on it,” Bobulinski said.
Bobulinski recalled bringing up his concerns with Jim Biden the following day after his meeting with the former vice president that their business dealings with the Chinese could impact his brother’s 2020 presidential aspirations.
“I know Joe decided not to run in 2016, but what if he ran in the future? Aren’t they taking political risk or headline risk? And I remember looking at Jim Biden and saying, ‘How are you guys getting away with this? Like, aren’t you concerned?’
“And he certainly looked at me and he laughed a little bit and said, ‘plausible deniability.’” Bobulinski said.
Later that day, Bobulinski described a second meeting he had with Joe Biden in a parking lot in which the former vice president told him to “keep an eye on his son and brother.”
Joe Biden is not named in any corporate documents for Oneida, despite a much-publicized May 13, 2017, email Bobulinski received from Hunter Biden associate James Gilliar saying that 10% of the firm would be “held by H for the big guy.”
Bobulinski said the “big guy” in the email is a reference to Joe Biden.
Jim Biden was granted a 20% stake in Oneida when the deal was finalized on May 22, 2017, up from his proposed 10% stake in Gilliar’s May 13 email, according to documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation and other media outlets.
Bobulinski said he did not know why Jim Biden’s ownership in the firm went from 10% as proposed in Gilliar’s email to 20% when the deal was ultimately finalized.
“I’m sure there were discussions within the Biden family. I wasn’t privy to that discussion. But this is Jim Biden, the brother of the potential future president of the United States. It’s not a distant cousin. It’s not an employee. It’s his brother who in documents defines himself as a political advisor to his brother.”
During negotiations over the structure of Oneida, Hunter Biden texted Bobulinski stating: “both James’ and my Chairman gave an emphatic NO.”
Bobulinski said Hunter Biden was referring to his father when he said, “my Chairman,” in the May 19, 2017, text.
Text messages sent from Hunter Biden to a Oneida Holdings group chat with Tony Bobulinski, James Gilliar and Rob Walker on May 19, 2017.
“What Hunter’s referencing there is he spoke with his father and his father is giving an emphatic no to the ask that I had, which was putting proper governance in place around Oneida Holdings,” Bobulinski said.
To the Chinese involved in the deal, Bobulinski said, “it was always the Biden family… who is obviously led and operated by Joe Biden.”
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Not having taken Latin – know a few phrases but not this one – sent me scrambling for translator – lol! Keep bringin it Mr Lizotte 😀
Sorry – meant to post to Ken Lizotte
Actually, Stardust, it’s a mix of Latin and German. Latin: Ubi es = Where are you. German: Freitag = Friday. Although this is one instance where I do not thank God for it.
Hunter Biden and his long-time partner Devon Archer were using “the Big Guy”, meaning VP Joe Biden, for influence peddling in Ukraine, Russia, China, and Kazakhstan, etc., while Joe Biden was the point man, appointed by Obama.
Here is a photo of Joe and Hunter Biden meeting “business partners”.
Are we to assume Obama, a very smart person, knew nothing of those shenanigans?
According to THOUSANDS of Hunter’s emails on the hard-drive, he had to share 50/50 with “the Big Guy”, i.e., Joe Biden was an active participant and beneficiary of Hunter’s shenanigans.
Hunter Biden complains in one email he has to share 50/50 with “the Big Guy”, i.e., VP Joe Biden.
Crime boss Joe Biden keeps repeating: “My son did nothing wrong”
Hunter had a seat on the board of Burisma, a major gas trading company in Ukraine, at $50,000 PER MONTH, FOR FIVE YEARS (2014 – 2019).
Hunter had zero experience in the energy sector. His usefulness to corrupt Burisma was being close to “the Big Guy”
Here is a video of Joe Biden bragging about pressuring Poroshenko, president of Ukraine, to fire Victor Shokin, Ukraine prosecutor, who was investigating corrupt Burisma, as otherwise Ukraine would not get $1 billion in aid.
At one point, Joe Biden says, if you think I am kidding, call Obama. Poroshenko fired the prosecutor and got his $1 billion.
It was Shokin’s job to track down the $millions upon $millions stolen from the Ukrainians by people like Burisma owner Zlochevsky, who in his capacity as Minister of Natural Resources under the old guard, managed to get special “concessions” for his company.
The owner of Burisma was in exile to escape those very corruption charges.
There are many photos with Hunter and Joe Biden grinning and smirking, with Obama, in a knowing fashion. Obama may have been a “beneficiary” as well.–dj2-CY
Hunter gave up the Burisma job in 2019, after “the Big Guy” decided to run for President
Similar shenanigans went on in Russia, and China, which netted the Biden clan, and Associates, tens of $millions EACH YEAR.
China has “the Big Guy” in its pocket.
US factory workers will get no relief from being screwed-over by China, because China will blackmail the significantly compromised Biden.
Here are two corroborations of the March 13, 2019 email.
Make sure to read the URLs to get the complete story.
First Corroboration, A Hunter Biden Business Partner Affirms March 13, 2019 Email
A Hunter Biden partner, who prefers to remain anonymous, confirmed the authenticity of a March 13, 2019 email discussing “renumeration packages”, in a deal involving CEDF, a Chinese energy firm.
The CEDF “meet and greet” payment was $5 million, of which Hunter would get $1 million (20%), of which $500,000 (10%) was reserved for “the Big Guy”, i.e., VP Joe Biden, according to the email.
Excerpt from the “authentic” URL:
“One of the recipients on an email chain with Hunter Biden that was published earlier this week has authenticated the document, Fox News reported.
The email in question, which is dated March 13, 2017, purportedly shows a business partner of Biden’s discussing “remuneration packages” for participants in a deal involving CEFC China Energy, a Chinese energy company that was owned at the time by Ye Jianming.
The New York Post published portions of the email on Thursday as part of a series of stories based on documents purportedly from Biden’s laptop.
Some Democrats have questioned the authenticity of emails published by the Post. But according to Fox News, a person copied on the March 13, 2017, email confirmed that the published document is authentic.”
Second Corroboration, A Former Hunter Biden Business Partner, Toni Bobulinski, Affirms March 13, 2019 Email
He is the second person to affirm the email. He details Joe and Hunter Biden’s push to make millions from China. Other partners, besides Hunter, mentioned in the email, were Rob Walker and James Gilliar.
Joe Biden Lied About Business Deals with China:
Here is a 7.5-minute video showing Hunter’s ex-business partner, Toni Bobulinski, saying Joe Biden lied about business deals in China.
A President Joe Biden would be greatly compromised, when dealing with China, because China would threaten to blackmail him.
Bobulinski provided documents and emails on three phones to: 1) the FBI and to 2) the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.
Bobulinski will be in the audience during the Trump/Biden debate.
The VT Media has been acting dumb regarding the Biden decades-long grifting and grafting, as if nothing has happened.
It is treated as a non-event to help touchy-feely, smiling/grinning, conniving Biden become President.
Nothing to see here folks.
Just move on.
Had this involved Trump, it would have been written about all over the place for days.
The Vermont Media is doing yeoman-duty for the DEEP STATE.
Nobody can make comments on VTDigger when people were 10 to 1 against GWSA
Nobody can make comments on SevenDays, when people were 10 to 1 against GWSA
The foundations financing their “mouthpieces” threatened to withhold their support.
Leahy did not have to pay $25,000 for his daughter’s wedding, because it was held at Sky Peak, FOR FREE, courtesy of EB-5.
Shumlin and his girlfriend got to stay for 3 days in a multi-$million penthouse in New York, FOR FREE, courtesy of EB-5.
It stinks to high heaven.
NOTE: The NYTimes still has not released the source of Trump’s tax returns, but had full-page write ups about them for days, making statements that no one could VERIFY.
Bobulinski Whistleblower
Bobulinski had been a US Navy officer, working on top secret aspects of fighting battles. He had the highest security clearance. He had to be a true PATRIOT to get such a job.
By comparison, dissolute Hunter Biden was booted out of the Navy due to drinking and drugging, and likely being derelict and dysfunctional.
Bobulinski was appalled by the amateurish way the corrupt Biden clan was dealing with Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Romania, and China.
He mentioned it to them several times.
Jim Biden responded with a “plausible deniability”
Joe Biden, obviously worried, told him “take care of my family”.
Then that corrupt Biden clan received $5 million as a backdoor payment from China, but they did not tell Bobulinski, who had a 20% stake in their venture, i.e., about $1 million would be due to him.
Bobulinski was upset.
Then the Deep State FBI was sitting on the Hunter Biden laptop to make sure nothing would come out of it FOR NINE MONTHS.
Bobulinski was upset
Then shifty, low-life Schiff and the Deep State FBI claimed there may be a Russian connection.
Bobulinski took that as an insult to his reputation, as it would imply treason.
Bobulinski was upset.
Finally, Bobulinski decided, to hell with this, and went public.
A statue for Bobulinski is in order.
Ubi es, Freitag?