By Guy Page
As Vermonters become more interested in and informed about Covid-19 treatment options, many have been asking how people admitted to Vermont hospitals are being treated for the disease. The Chronicle put the question to Vermont Dept. of Health Commissioner Dr. Mark Levine yesterday at the weekly press briefing.
Vermont Daily Chronicle: “Could you describe the treatment protocol for patients who are admitted to the hospital for Covid 19?”
Health Commissioner Dr. Mark Levine: Usually you don’t get into the hospital unless there’s a problem with your ability to maintain a good oxygen level in your blood. So there are criteria for that from the get-go. And you usually have to have some element of illness beyond Covid that would probably get you there because you’re in a compromised state.
“But probably the primary modality of treatment I would list is oxygen, given in a variety of ways. The least common way is because you’re ventilated by a machine, because so many of the ways we can administer oxygen now help prevent you from having to get on a ventilator.
“Medication-wise, most people who are getting hospitalized aren’t on their first or second day of illness; they’ve had the Covid for a while, at least five, seven days, and that’s the point in time when they’re starting to deteriorate, not necessarily related to the virus but related to the inflammatory response that the illness has produced in them, their bodies trying to fight off the virus. All kinds of inflammatory chemicals are being released within their bloodstream to try to do that, so some of the therapies are actually to reign in control of some of that overzealous response on the part of the body. That’s why things like corticosteroids are used in that setting.
“There are also antiviral medications — not the one that Merck is trying to get approved now [molnupiravir, a chemical cousin of ivermectin], that’s a different one – but some older ones that are used to work on the virus part itself.
“So it’s a whole host of interventions to support people’s ability to breathe and have a good oxygen level without being on a ventilator, hopefully to rein in the inflammatory response and to address the virus itself.”
Chronicle: “Is remdesiver one of those antivirals?”
Levine: “Remdesivir is one of those antivirals. Okay it is the one of those antivirals in terms of the one that would be chosen for the appropriate patient who meets the criteria.”
Chronicle: “Are you using the monoclonal antibodies too?”
Levine: “So, most of the time someone would have gotten into the hospital either too late to use the monoclonal antibodies. The cat’s out of the bag, so to speak. This therapy is used early in the course to prevent you from getting in the hospital so it would be the less common person who’s actually admitted to the hospital who would still qualify for it because they may have passed that point in time when it would be useful.”
Guy Page is publisher of the Vermont Daily Chronicle. Reprinted with permission.
Here’s a question for Dr. Levine:
Does Dr. Levine understand that none of the vaccines in use in Vermont have been approved by the FDA? Does Dr. Levine understand that although Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine has been approved by the FDA and is considered medically the same as the Pfizer BioNTech, these two vaccines are legally distinct? Why would they be legally distinct? Is it justifiable to tell the good people of Vermont that the Pfizer vaccine has been approved when the brand used in Vermont, the BioNTech, has in fact not been approved and is still under EUA?
Following on this, since these vaccines are experimental and under EUA, where is the safety data on adverse events from these vaccines when we know that VAERS reports have skyrocketed and medical personnel have come forward to claim that they’re seeing many adverse events that aren’t being reported to VAERS, and that hospitals are blocking VAERS reports from being filed?
In light of the above information, what has Dr. Levine done to investigate the safety of these vaccines? Surely with all the Covid money coming to the state, funds could be set aside to set up a mechanism that ensures that every single adverse event after these vaccines is recorded and put into a database (remember: “data”) so that patterns might be discerned? This is not to put blame on the vaccines; this is simply a logical and scientific step that one would expect would be taken in light of the fact that these vaccines are experimental and unapproved, and is completely in line with the “follow the science” mantra we hear repeated almost daily. We want this data made public– why wouldn’t it be transparent?– and if patterns emerge, we want neutral medical personnel, with no skin in the game regarding either pro- the vaccines or suspicious of them, to investigate possible links in the most objective and scientific manner, and to make this data available so that it can be peer-reviewed by the larger scientific community as well as by interested citizens. Autopsies, paid by the state that wants to get to the heart of the real data, would help to determine causal connections or unusual findings after deaths that occur after vaccination, findings that might normally be very rare or non-existent or completely inconsistent with the known health of the individuals. Again, this is not to blame vaccines a priori; it is to gather data so that conclusions might be made a posteriori, or after the facts. The spirit of doing this is to ensure safety and not simply to take the word of the CDC and FDA– agencies which has been shown to be completely negligent in following up on reports of vaccine harms.
Surely this isn’t asking too much for experimental vaccines that the administration now wants to foist on children as young as five? We hear over and over about “the data.” Where’s the concrete safety data from hospitals in Vermont and from doctor’s offices? Let’s see it. Where’s the real, concrete, hard-nose, rigorous science? Simply following orders isn’t going to cut it, not when the administration wants to play with our children’s lives with experimental vaccines.
He does know all of this and more, so then, what is he doing? why? What does that say of him and others? What is their true intent? You can tell a tree by their fruit. You can tell a child by his actions.
If there are other possibilities to save the lives of people and we are not doing it? AND when it’s vastly less expensive and has proven track record of safety??? What does this say about their hearts toward their neighbors????
Well some may say it’s soft ball, and it is, what it does do is allow them to tell you the treatments. It does so without them getting defensive and clamming up.
This is great, wonderful reporting.
Now would be the tome to play hardball reporting.
Clearly 90% of the deaths in Vermont could be avoided is this is the only protocall. How can we say this? Houston hospitals in Texas have been doing it with the Math+ protocall for months.
A state in India has adopted their advice, and with 231million people, 4x the Vermont population they have declared their area cOvid free. Lower stats and far better results than Vermont for about $35 a person.
Great Job Guy! Now we can really start with the hard ball questions. People need to save family members because the government is following the United Nations and the Hospitals are following the money train with ventilators and remdesivere $48k and $6k per treatment last I heard treatments that pretty much guarantee mortality.
GREAT JOB!!! Spread the word, don’t let family members die for no good reason.
We have no right to demand that reporters who are typically hard-workinjg underpaid yeoman customize reporting to our liking. And who is the mysterious “we” – and may I suggest the naysayers peppering our wonderful messengers with obligatory praise get a press pass and go do it themselves…will quickly see it’s not as easy as it looks lol
Early treatment, before one has to go the hospital, at the very first suspicion that something is wrong, is the answer.
The answer is to stop viral replication in the first place. By the time one is so sick that one has to go to the hospital, viral replication has done its job and antivirals are of little use, although some medications have efficacy beyond being antivirals. Zinc is a well-known antiviral: the evidence on this is sound. Many have advocated using ionophores, such as hydroxychloroquine, to help zinc get into cells and do its jobs (an ionophore assists in getting a chemical into cells) but the well has been poisoned on hydroxychloroquine even though its a safe and sound medication. Other ionophores include quercetin.
It’s simply amazing that the medical community, with few exceptions, has ganged up on early treatment for Covid-19. You’d think that Klaus Schwab was really in charge, and that he so wants his “great reset” that he’d be willing to have people get sick and die so that populations would agree (out of fear) to let him impose his transhuman program through vaccine passports. But of course, that’s wild fantasy: there’s no such thing as the Great Reset, or Klaus Schwab, or transhumanism, or the ideal of monitoring and managing the human population so that the “greater good” that people like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates (and Xi Jinping) have decided is best for everyone, can be enacted. Except, that is, in China … and Australia … and Canada … and perhaps even coming to the US if they could just get the people to demonize the pesky concept of “liberty.”
Nancy Reagan said it best: “just say no.”
I could add 4 or 5 more tough questions, believe me.
Unless playing SOFTBALL is the actual game here.
You gave him enough rope but he didn’t hang himself….quite. Your follow up COULD
have nailed him: WHY REMDESIVIR @ $2000 a pop, Why not —–or —– at 5 bucks each?