Editor’s note: This commentary is by Bob Orleck, a retired pharmacist and former Vermont assistant attorney general under Vermont Attorney General Jerome Diamond.
For those who travel Interstate highways, I am certain you are familiar with those super expensive taxpayer-purchased solar message traffic boards that communicate thoughts such as “Click-it or ticket,” “Rest area open-remember to wear a mask,” “Exit to text it” and other mindless cautions that I believe have never saved a life or prevented an accident and may even unsafely distract drivers.
I was traveling I-89 and saw one of these message boards that advised that 62 people had died this year on Vermont Highways and that 59 had died of COVID-19. It puzzled me why the two messages were combined but when I learned of Governor Scott’s prohibition on family gatherings for Thanksgiving, it became clear. Could it be that he was using this message to justify the prohibition on Thanksgiving gatherings with loved ones and friends? He could claim he wanted to keep people at home and away from others so they will not be infected and die from the virus and will also not be killed in a crash on the way to Grandma’s house.
How is it then that his directive only dealt with the virus threat and not the highway threat? Even if you believe the questionable pandemic death count, it is less than the deaths on Vermont roads. Why didn’t he warn us and order us to be sober if we drive? Why did he only used his office to issue an unenforceable authoritarian decree to restrict us from engaging in a wholesome, traditional, seasonal activity with loved ones but did nothing to encourage “sober driving” during this same period? The Vermont State Police have reported that traffic accidents are up this year even though travel is down, so why did he not feel it important to speak of that since more people have died of highway wrecks than of COVID-19?
Can we forget that this is the governor who allowed S.54, legal sale of cannabis, to become law, that will surely increase the use of this addictive, impairing drug, leading to more deaths on the highway? How in the world can he justify such an irresponsible decision? Over and over we hear that one of his main objectives is to “protect the most vulnerable”. He claims to follow the science when he makes decisions but ignored all the medical facts and authority when he took us down the path of cannabis legalization for recreational use. It is a known scientific fact that many brains of our “vulnerable” young people will be irreversibly damaged, and that “vulnerable” people will die and kill others as the result of impaired drivers.
Are not full-term babies also among the most “vulnerable”? Yet he signed into law H.57 that embedded into Vermont statutory law the gruesome right to abort pre-born babies by tearing them apart in their mother’s womb just seconds before entering the world.
What about our “vulnerable” republic? America is just about to be forever transformed into a socialist state through a fraudulent and stolen election if it stands, and yet our wise and caring governor, a supposed Republican no less, cast his ballot for the pawn, Joe Biden, who has been chosen by the left to lead us down the Marxist path and destroy our nation. Is he really that blind and what does that say about our voters who elected him? It is all so obvious and so is the solution.
Instead of prohibiting Thanksgiving gatherings, the governor should join in with some of those who use this day, as they do every day, to give real thanks for a caring God in Heaven, for His provision and for the wonders of the nation He breathed life into almost 250 years ago.
While he would have to violate his man-made rule, I invite him and his family to our humble house to give thanks that we still are a free nation with unalienable rights that neither he nor any other misguided despotic leader can unconstitutionally take away. He needs to get on his knees, ask forgiveness and turn from his wicked ways as we all must do so that our nation will be healed. Governor, please RSVP if you plan to come so we know how many to set the table for.
Here’s a fine man, great leadership, wise…would be an honor to spend a Holiday meal with, of course I’m speaking of Mr. Bob Orleck.
Well said as usual. We do lose about 88 people on a normal flu year. Surely they will soon be combining two flu seasons with their cOvid tallies. Stay healthy have a wonderful thanksgiving.
It makes me sick to hear Gov. Scott say he wants to protect the most vulnerable when he signed H57 into law allowing preborn Vermonters to be killed right up to the moment of birth. As for the most vulnerable in nursing homes, we must remember it is a Vermont policy to badger people into signing “living wills”.
If there are more highway traffic deaths, than virus deaths
Then we MUST ban all driving, NOW, or maybe you can only drive in your driveway?
That will also stop those terrible gatherings of family and friends for a Thanksgiving Dinner,
Where we gather to appreciate our Constitutional freedoms to Assemble, Speech, and Religion.
Excellent Bob! So true.
I understand the thought behind your article. However I don’t knowingly sit down to a meal with a self proven tyrannical Liar and certainly not Benedict Scott.