By Guy Page
Gov. Phil Scott said at his press conference Monday he will not veto S.348, the bill allowing Secretary of State James Condos to conduct a universal vote-by-mail for the Nov. 3 general election.
Vermont Daily asked: “Secretary Condos said in a recent op-ed that ‘widespread voter fraud, including by-mail, just doesn’t happen.’ Over the weekend the press reported that 1-in-5 ballots in a New Jersey vote by mail election had fraud were fraudulent. With that news, and the fact that Vermont town clerks don’t have signatures on file to compare with signatures on absentee ballots, have you received S.348 yet and if so will you consider a veto?”
“I did receive it on Friday,” Gov. Scott said. “I’m not going to stand it its way. I want to make sure people have the opportunity to vote. They are the experts in the field, and if the secretary of state says [universal vote by mail will be both safe and fair], we have to take him at his word. He’s the expert in the field. I won’t be standing in its way.”
The governor also indicated he is open to the concept of paying racial reparations, but has questions about how the process would work. Answering a question posed by Steve Merrill by NEKTV, he said, “It really is a question of how do you do that, and who is affected, and who pays, where does it come from? There’s a lot of questions to be answered.”
Vermont Daily also asked Gov. Scott if he would protect Vermont statues threatened by defacing, damaging, and toppling. Both he and Public Safety Commissioner Michael Schirling said they are not aware of any threats to Vermont statues, although Schirling said “I’m not sure we would share” such information. Scott concluded, “We want to protect our history and our assets in this state, and we will deal with [a threat] if and when it comes.”
Read more of Guy Page’s reports. Vermont Daily is sponsored by True North Media.
Scott may have been wearing his mask over his eyes.
If New Jersey had 20% fraudulent/invalid ballots DURING A RECENT MAIL-IN ELECTION, Vermont would have no such thing in November?
Will Vermont Town Clerks be matching signatures?
Will Town Clerks declare invalid any ballot with a mismatch?
CONDOS, the so-called expert, does not WANT to know about New Jersey?
Is he also having his mask over his eyes?
See no Evil?
1 in 5 mail-in ballots found to be fraudulent in NJ City Council election
Once again our rino Governor shows his true stripes by all but guranteeing a land slide for the Dem/Prog/Libs. Have been a Republican all my adult life and now regret having voted for this guy.
The Republican party has an obligation to put and end to this.
Purging Scott for his lack of adherence to party principles would go a long way toward repairing Republican credibility with those trying to justify belonging to such an organization.
Gilhooly’s claim to being a Republican is far from the truth. He didn’t get into INS PIO by any Republican.
Capital Costs to Implement GWSA and CEP
In 2015, Energy Action Network, EAN, an umbrella organization for RE businesses, etc., had estimated it would take at least $1.0 BILLION per year for 35 years to implement the CEP by 2050, not counting financing costs and replacement costs during these 35 years.
Vermont’s near-zero, real-growth economy, with a stagnant population getting older, currently spends about $210 million per year, with difficulty.
Self-Serving, Impossible CO2 Reduction Dreams of EAN
In 2019, EAN made estimates of what it would take to “meet Paris”, i.e., reduce CO2 from 9.76 million metric ton, at end 2016, to 7.46 MMt, at end 2025, or 2.281 MMt, with 0.405 MMt from 90,000 electric vehicles, EVs, and 0.370 MMt from 90,000 air source heat pumps, ASHPs. See URL…
There were 3541 plug-in vehicles and 17,717 ASHPs, at end 2019, i.e., the EAN goals would be unattainable, even if the 50% of the cost of vehicles and heat pumps were donated by ratepayers, taxpayers, and added to government debt.
See URL and below ASHP and EV sections…
– The membership of EAN includes ten prominent members of Vermont Department of Public Service, VT-DPS: June Tierney, Riley Allen, Ed McNamara, TJ Poore, Anne Margolis, Andrew Perchlik, Maria Fischer, Phillip Picotte, Ed Delhagen, Kelly Launder.
– June Tierney is the Commissioner.
– Andrew Perchlik is on loan to the Legislature to shepherd the GWSA and $1.2 billion “Fortress Vermont” bills to ensure they contain all the bennies for EAN members.
– Perchlik manages the Clean Energy Development Fund that donates taxpayer money to renewable energy programs.
– No wonder VT-DPS resorts to artificial/political CO2 calculations regarding Vermont’s electrical sector, and EV and ASHP programs.
I bet he will not veto GWSA either.
Vermont has a very poor private enterprise business climate. Forbes, et al., rate Vermont near the bottom. There are too many onerous taxes, fees and surcharges, and rules and regulations, that have caused businesses to not grow in Vermont, to leave Vermont, or not even come to Vermont.
Vermont’s population is stagnant. Ambitious, younger people leave, older, more-needy people stay. Well-paying, steady jobs, with decent benefits, are hard to come by in Vermont.
GWSA to Subsidize Job Creation in RE Sectors
GWSA would require major increases in the current levels of various subsidies to all sorts of RE businesses for decades; an expensive way “to create jobs”. GWSA would be a poor substitute for private enterprise job creation, which has proven so difficult in Vermont.
Annual spending on RE would have to increase from the current $210 million/y (includes EFFICIENCY VERMONT) to about $1.0 BILLION PER YEAR, to implement the Vermont Comprehensive Energy Plan.
If the RE subsidies were “freebie” federal subsidies, they would subsidize and grow RE businesses, and create jobs.
However, federal subsidies increase and decrease, and come and go.
If the subsidies were “state” subsidies, such as for heat pumps and electric vehicles, they would have to be extracted from Vermonters and tourists, which would create jobs in the RE sectors, but would destroy jobs in almost all other sectors. That would further worsen and prolong the adverse conditions of the “Virus economy”.
Brief Summary of GWSA
The Agency of Natural Resources, ANR, led by Peter Walke (who is a member of EAN), has to create the rules and regulations, and penalties for non-compliance, which would be subject for review by a “Council of Wise Men”, i.e., mostly RE proponents.
As part of GWSA, if the ANR measures do not sufficiently reduce Vermont’s carbon dioxide, CO2, any Tom, Dick and Henry would be allowed to sue the state government, with lawyer’s fees reimbursed, if the suit is upheld in Court.
As part of GWSA, the legislature would play no role other than vote to provide the money, extracted from more and more impoverished, already-struggling, Virus-unemployed Vermonters, to implement it all.
I foresee one litigious brouhaha after another; Vermonters becoming more and more oppressed and impoverished in the pursuit of impossible climate goals and Vermont becoming less and less attractive as a place to live. GWSA would be decades of torture of Vermonters to achieve nothing.
Mitzi Johnson for Republican Governor! Please explain to me why she’s less Republican.
If the only candidate that can “win” in the Republican party are clearly, clearly NOT republicans, and it could easily be debated they aren’t for America but the United Nations,
Why? Why? Are they allowed to run on our ticket? I understand he’s one of the most popular governors, and given certain choices I might have to vote for him again. No, I can’t, I can’t regardless, I’ll write in Donald Duck as a protest.
We have to realize we don’t have a party. Only then can we start to rebuild. When we support those who have stepped up, well ahead, are advocating the principles of America, then the Deb Billado doesn’t have to do two jobs. She has to publically advocate for principles of America and kind hearted conservative values because the lead on our Vermont ticket won’t do it.
Not only that we are sniped at the last minute with candidates, Might as well be Mitzi, they vote the same. We can support those underneath, only then will we be building our party.
Who would Trump rather work with?
It’s a building year, we need to stop feeding the socialist weeds. the tree of liberty needs some water, please…please…
The Republican party has no principled integrity left as long as Phil Scott remains it’s figurehead.
It will merely evolve into a new home for Democrats fleeing the ultra left Marxists wing of their party, still known as the Republican party, but simply becoming more like the old Democratic party it replaces!
I think it wants to be repu-socialist, the republican answer to democratic socialism.
If all the water, all the fertilizer, all the pruning goes to the repu-socialist, the tree of liberty will never grow, it will die, just as it is.
This makes the job of Deb Billado 2x more difficult, every bodies really. Because the lead guys are not singing the same song, Deb has to write articles, promote the party, because our Governor keeps rooting and pimpimg for the NWO.
We would be much better off with a true democrat that love America and the constitution, because we’d have way more in common.
If all the resources and time does not go to those candidates who support the party and American ideals, we are simply building a repu-socialist party.
The choice is ours, do we want to be a socialist party or an American party?
Feed one and starve the other.
Consistently taking the opposite side from his constituents position seems to be Governors Scott’s method of operation. What does the Republican party accomplish by standing by while he makes a fool of them?
When he says he does not have time to debate those opposing him in the primary, he thumbs his nose at the party he has abandoned repeatedly. The debates should go on without him, we deserve to know what his challengers have to offer, we already know how he has betrayed us!
Universal mail-in voting opens the door for universal voter fraud as it breaks the custody chain of ballots and town clerks are unable to verify those who vote are actually their town’s citizens. Paying reparations should only be paid by those who enslaved to those who were slaves. Protecting our history and assets need to be done before they are defaced or destroyed, not after the fact.
Here’s something funny, Governor Scott wants a third term,
now that’s funny…………..RINO Scott !!
Vermont needs a leader, not a follower…….. what a shame,
I voted for him twice, I’ve learned my lesson……………
He does lack a backbone, seems happy with go along to get along.
Once again our rino Governor shows his true stripes by all but guranteeing a land slide for the Dem/Prog/Libs. Have been a Republican all my adult life and now regret having voted for this guy.