Editor’s note: This letter is written by Padric Hartnett, president of the Chittenden County Fraternal Order Of Police.
To the members of the Vermont Legislature:
I currently serve as the President of the Chittenden County Fraternal Order of Police. We are an organization of roughly two hundred law enforcement officers serving in state, county and municipal agencies. Although we are the Chittenden County Fraternal Order of Police, we are open to all law enforcement in the state. I would first and foremost like to state, our organizations’ sympathies go out to all those affected by the tragedy of the Parkland School shooting, as well as all of the other tragedies that have plagued us in recent times. This event was one of many senseless acts of violence conducted recently in the United States. As with many tragedies, a society looks for answers, and also somewhere to place the blame — in this case, the heated debates about gun regulation.
After asking the opinions of the lodges membership, we have come to the collective agreement that as citizens and members of the Law enforcement community, we strongly oppose the rash of new gun control legislation trying to be pushed rapidly through this session. Many view this as a quick knee-jerk reaction that is more based on feelings then trying to address other issues such as mental health, drugs and the proper enforcement of the laws already on the books. As fellow Vermonters, I assume you realize our state is synonymous with thousands of proud and educated firearms owners who have respected, and will continue to respect, what a firearm is and what its proper uses are.
As law enforcement, we acknowledge and whole heartily accept the responsibility of keeping the citizens of Vermont safe, and we are the gatekeepers of the criminal justice system. Our duty is to protect and serve, and we will continue to do this. Part of our service is ensuring [that] those we serve have their constitutional rights protected and un-infringed upon. We believe the bills will infringe upon Vermonters constitutional rights as citizens of this state, and this country. This could place us in a position of contention with law-abiding citizens for no good reason. We respectfully ask these laws not be pushed forward, and to have a more realistic, all encompassing look into the larger issues, rather then use firearm laws as a quick fix.
Very Respectfully,
Padric Hartnett – President
I just want to thank you for writing this letter and commend you all for taking a stand on this very important issue. I hope that all of the native Vermonters realize that not all transplants from out of state (especially from N.Y.) are trying to change the long established way of life in Vermont, though many seem to be. My wife and I bought a home in Morgan a few months back, specifically for that way of life. Your state has scenic beauty, a more laid back feeling, and until recently seemed to place a very high value on its citizens’ constitutional rights. We are moving there for the purpose of escaping the socialist state of N.Y., where our state government has already taken away most of our 2nd Amendment rights. The last thing we would want to do is ruin Vermont by making it more like the place we are trying to get away from. Thank you so much for trying to do your part to keep Vermont from becoming N.Y.
Our ” Republican ” Governor and all the liberal democrats in the legislature including the folks who pretend to be conservatives are are in violation of the U.S. And Vermont Constitution. They took an oath to defend the Constitution and are doing everything to violate it. Some say to send a common sense note telling them how you feel. Shouldn’t one have common sense in order to understand common sense ?
I’m not an FOP member or even a current resident of Vermont (I do have relatives who are residents). Nonetheless, I would like to commend you Padric Hartnett and the rest of Chittenden County FOP for standing with the law-abiding gun owners of your state. It is refreshing to say the least.
Well done Padric. Excellent letter.
My family has a long history with law enforcement though most have now passed. I know they would have approved and stood behind you 100% as do I. I Thank You for posting this.
Vermont is the safest state in the country despite the many guns here. That these dolts should propose gun control legislation shows just how out of touch these hysterical, screaming meemies are. Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.
Some individuals have taken an oath to support the US and Vermont Constitutions and take that oath seriously,unlike the Governor and too many of the People of Vermont’s elected representatives in Montpelier.
Thanks, for your common sense note………………Maybe someone in Montpelier will read it .
Glad we still have some in Authority, that we can depend on !!
I have always been a supporter of law enforcement as a former Deputy Sheriff and Private Investigator for 34 years I salute these men and women who have taken an oath to support the US and Vermont Constitutions and stand by their word. Thank you for bringing common sense back to the debate table.