Senate Democrats

Matt Krauss: Speaking truth to power

Bailey’s Beach Club in Rhode Island is in the news regarding its disputed minority membership numbers. The preeminent attendee, and past member, is Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I. He is the scion of a famous Rhode Island family and graduate of private preparatory schools and Yale.

Wikimedia Commons/formulanone

John Klar: CRT comes to Vermont in race-based bills

The race-based assault against Vermonters began in earnest well before the spark of George Floyd. The toxic ideology of “critical race theory” (CRT) has been embraced for years by Vermont progressives, joined enthusiastically by RINO Gov. Phil Scott. Race is weaponized to promote every conceivable progressive policy.

Public domain

Roper: A bad non-start for pension reform

Shocked? Don’t be. If the Legislature hasn’t shown any interested in its legal obligation to fund the state pension funds for two decades, why would it care about its legal obligation to appoint the Task Force it created solely for the purpose of avoiding the problem for at least another year?