Black Lives Matter flag run up flagpole at Brattleboro Area Middle School

This article by Bob Audette originally appeared May 4 in the Brattleboro Reformer.

BRATTLEBORO — On Friday morning, the entire student bodies of Brattleboro Area Middle School and Brattleboro Union High School turned out to watch as Black Lives Matter flags were run up the schools’ flagpoles.

Michael Bielawski/TNR

File photo: A Black Lives Matter flag waves beneath Old Glory outside of Montpelier High School. A similar scene took place Friday at Brattleboro Area Middle School.

“I go to school for an education,” said BAMS student Mya Satchell, during the raising of the flag at BAMS. “I don’t go to school to be teased for the color of my skin. I don’t go to school to be stared at during a lesson about slavery or immigration. I don’t go to school to be told to go back to Mexico. Don’t assume where I am from. Don’t tell me to go back to somewhere I’ve never been. I was born in and raised in Vermont. I don’t belong anywhere else. I belong here.”

Satchell and fellow BAMS students Kia Adams and Diamond Bedward first asked the BUHS #6 School Board on April 2 for permission to run up the BLM flag at their school. On April 26, the School Board voted unanimously to allow the raising of the flag at the three schools.

Read full story at the Brattleboro Reformer.

(Fair use with written permission from the New England Newspapers Inc.)

Images courtesy of Wikimedia Commons/The All-Nite Images and Michael Bielawski/TNR

7 thoughts on “Black Lives Matter flag run up flagpole at Brattleboro Area Middle School

  1. Black Lives Mater is a racist group period. They do not want equality, they want reparations for the color of their skin period. They do not understand that even their black ancestors held black slaves………it was a problem of the time, not a white only issue. That said putting down people(or raising them up) based on the tint of their skin is disgusting. I for one present white but with strong amounts of middle eastern and Ashkenazi Jewish blood…………and I for one think it is quite unfair to judge me by my skin color when I am so much more……… this period of time with technology we now realize we are more interconnected than ever………then why are we focusing on the differences instead of celebrating the melting pot that we are……….

  2. You can thank kiah Morris the representative from Chicago who moved to Vermont and dragged her racism with her

    I contacted her previously via email telling her it was ridiculous to start this division in the state of Vermont with a group that is so racist itself

    This is more of the destruction of Vermont and the rest of the country at the hands of the lights of George Soros and Michael Bloomberg who are out to destroy us.

    Usually the ones crying racism are the biggest racists

  3. BLM Flag , what a crock …

    Every public schools that has this flag raised on a pole needs to have the entire faculty
    fired along with the spineless school boards. The Flag pole is for the US Flag… Period.

    These Liberal fools aren’t teaching they are indoctrinating these kids….shameful !!

    If the current batch of kids were taught the History of the US and that includes the misdoings
    towards Blacks, maybe just maybe they could move on. But as long as you have thug groups
    like BLM spewing rhetoric nothing will change just more hate and discontent just watch the
    news …………

    If they current staff at these schools want to talk about about wrong doings toward any
    specific group, they should be talking about the Native American Indians and the wrong
    doings he US did to them and continues today ……………………!!

    Now that’s a sad part of US History .

    • No. Let’s QUIT talking about ‘wrong doings’ of the past. We should be concentrating on the ‘here and now’ and the future. Time to get over all this crap. It is dragging us down. It is history. The past! Get over it. It happened. And NOBODY was clean as a whistle. Fine to remember so as not to repeat but the left wing wackos are obsessed.

  4. “End Racism”. What a joke. Black Lives Matter is the most vile group of racists out there! Parents, yank your kids out of these public cesspools of indoctrination. Their very lives depend on it.

  5. “I go to school for an education,” said BAMS student Mya Satchell, during the raising of the flag at BAMS. “I don’t go to school to be teased for the color of my skin. I don’t go to school to be stared at during a lesson about slavery or immigration.”
    Gee when I read that, I thought it was somebody objecting to the hypocrisy and needless polarization that the BLM flag raises.
    It’s sad how young, idealistic students are being manipulated by their own, powerful sense of justice, by rotten marxist stooges pimping racism and every other kind of ism to make them hate this imperfect, but subject to continuous improvement, republic and its citizens.
    They don’t know that they are being used to destroy something that will not be replaceable in their lifetimes. They are led to see the half-empty glass.
    Young people better wake up, learn who George Soros is, how communism came to Russia and China, and think about those wonderful days at the lake, with barbecues and picnics, free to talk and think…they have no clue.
    and which

    • Little black girl is being used. Obviously not smart enough to realize what she is doing, she is nothing more than a political pawn of the left and the rate she is going, will never get off the Democrat Plantation. Wake up, toots. You are just as enslaved by the left as your ancestors were before the Civil War.

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