By Chris White
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders admitted Thursday that some of environmental policies will likely hurt working class Americans.
There will be some pain, the Vermont senator said during the first day of MSNBC’s two-day climate change forum. Sanders, who’s running neck and neck with Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren in the 2020 Democratic primary, was referring to the effect his proposed fracking ban would have on fossil fuel jobs.
“I’m not going to say Chris, you know if you want to press the point, that there aren’t people who will be hurt. I got that. And it doesn’t make me happy,” Sanders told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes.
Sanders did say his plan to makeover the American economy will create “up to 20 million” jobs. He introduced a $16.3-trillion plan similar to the Green New Deal in August, which aims to make 100% of energy for U.S. electricity and transportation renewable by 2030 and have “complete decarbonization” by 2050.
Sanders is not the only Democrat in the presidential field who is etching out such proposals. Sen. Kamala Harris of California and Warren, for their part, are even supporting a ban on hydraulic fracturing, a method designed to extract natural gas from the ground.
Warren and Harris are not planning to attend the forum, which concludes Friday.
MSNBC’s forum is a risky move for candidates who are trying to gain traction. CNN’s seven-hour climate talkathon, for instance, was a ratings dud. Only 1.1 million viewers watched the forum, putting CNN in third place behind Fox News and MSNBC on Sept. 4, according to The Hill, which cited Nielsen Media Research.
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Impossible to keep promises to an increasing entitled and greedy electorate.
The big surprise will occur when they’re handed the bill.
20 Million jobs???? Just one more of Bernie’s total pipe dream proposals. Even if it were feasible, with unemployment at an all time low, there aren’t enough bodies available to fill these “jobs”. What’s next Bernie? How about free ice cream to America’s youth? Problem with that these folks aren’t old enough to vote.
Castrate all Democrat men but wait they would need balls to do that.
Bernie, the Socialist “champion of the working class” has a global warming fighting plan that costs $trillions and it is going to cost the working class a lot of money?
What about airplane travel to and from lucrative political speech making?
What about airplane travel to the Soviet Union to celebrate his honeymoon?
Why does he have a $70,000 Audie and not an EV?
Why does he have THREE houses?
Here we are talking Bernie being a hypocrite to the Nth degree.
There is no place to hide.
All is known.
Here is a video of 1988, BREAKFAST IN UNDERWEAR, before the iron curtain came down.
Dem/Prog/Socialist climate change fighting = MORE government programs for the undeserving, tax-consuming poor.
Bernie is “on the attack” to implement:
Open borders.
Let all illegals in.
No questions asked.
We will sort it out at the voting booth after all are enrolled as card-carrying members of the Democrat Party
Give each such illegal all bennies, plus a green card, plus eventual citizenship.
Free electric vehicles
Free deep energy retrofits of the housing
Free heat pumps, solar systems and batteries
Free highly insulated/highly sealed housing
Free healthcare
Free education
Free energy
Guaranteed annual income