By Evie Fordham
Presidential candidate and Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders echoed President Donald Trump’s longtime skepticism of The Washington Post since Jeff Bezos owns it, causing the newspaper’s executive editor to accuse Sanders of peddling a “conspiracy theory.”

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.
“Sen. Sanders is a member of a large club of politicians — of every ideology — who complain about their coverage,” executive editor Martin Baron said. “Contrary to the conspiracy theory the senator seems to favor, Jeff Bezos allows our newsroom to operate with full independence, as our reporters and editors can attest.”
Sanders insinuated that WaPo gave him unfavorable coverage because he is a longtime critic of Amazon, which Bezos founded, at a town hall in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, Monday.
“Anybody here know how much Amazon paid in taxes last year?” Sanders asked according to USA Today.
“Nothing,” responded the audience.
“I talk about that all of the time, and then I wonder why The Washington Post, which is owned by Jeff Bezos, who owns Amazon, doesn’t write particularly good articles about me. I don’t know why, but I guess maybe there’s a connection,” Sanders said.
Trump made similar accusations as far back as 2016.
“[E]very hour we’re getting calls from reporters from The Washington Post asking ridiculous questions. And I will tell you, this is owned as a toy by Jeff Bezos, who controls Amazon. Amazon is getting away with murder, tax-wise. He’s using The Washington Post for power so that the politicians in Washington don’t tax Amazon like they should be taxed,” Trump said on “Hannity” in May 2016.
Sanders’ critique comes after WaPo published a story about Sanders’ reported failure to pay staffers an annual salary equal to the $15 hourly wage that Sanders said should be the minimum for all workers. The story came out in July.
A page on Sanders’ Senate website invites Amazon employees to “share your experiences working at Amazon.”
“Did you struggle with the demanding working conditions at Amazon? Please share your story below,” the site says above a questionnaire.
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Comrade Bernard – ever the pathological liar has already received response from Amazon very recently – and also back in 2017:
But don’t confuse VTs crazy commie with facts – he believes what he chooses and lies like a rug, snubbed black voters and allowed female campaign workers to be sexually harrassed and forced to sleep in open community quarters with strangers proving his disdain for both. As POTUS will treat all with the same rude dismissiveness and indignity.
Jane booted the residents of the waterfront diocese purchased using fraudulently obtained bank funds after promising they would be relocated – so she’s his female counterpart.
Has never worked a day in his life that was not publicly-funded or political, but owns several half-million estates…book was a best seller bc his campaign illegally? initially bought most of the copies. Was booted from a frikkin commune for refusing to work? Also refused to pay campaign workers the minimum wage he declared was a universal right and demanded other businesses pay their workers. Then reduced the hours of said workers even firing those who blew the whistle.
Hypocrisy has caught up to the would-be ‘dear leader’, routinely dodges tough questions vehemently shouting down, changing subject or just plain lying whenever on the hotseat. Wants media to showcase him but refuses to be questioned unless in exclusively favorable light.
There’s a reason for the ‘town halls’…can hardly fill a school gymnasium let alone a rock-concert sized ampitheater.
Typical of the Lib/Socialist/Prrog mob. When the press gives them all kinds of passes, the pres is a responsible contributor to civil discourse, BUT, heaven forbid, the press reports an item contrary to the party line. These folks get all twisted up.
Sanders and Trump, two peas in a pod. Forget evidence and facts, just throw out accusations!