This article by Jim Therrien originally appeared June 11 in the Bennington Banner.
BENNINGTON — With Bennington close to hiring a consultant to review Bennington Police Department policies and practices, some residents are calling for greater transparency and the creation of a police oversight board.
Logan Snow, who spoke to the Select Board Monday, raised questions about the pending study and urged complete transparency about the report based on the review.
Snow said she represented a group of residents who have been meeting to talk about “concerns over the transparency and lack of oversight for the Bennington Police Department.”
She said they believe the department “has been operated without oversight for too long, and this has created an environment of distrust,” adding that information about the department typically goes to the Select Board but “citizens are given minimal chance to weigh in.”
Currently, the board is awaiting responses to a request for proposals to conduct a review of the BPD, with study proposals due by June 14. Such a review was approved by the board after Attorney General T.J. Donovan recommended one by an independent entity for the department amid criticism from civil rights groups and the American Civil Liberties Union.
Read full article at the Bennington Banner.
(Fair use with written permission from the New England Newspapers Inc.)
Great. Another individual on the pay roll. Next thing, they’ll want to hire a whole bunch of folks to oversee the overseers. It never ends.
What we need is a report on the underlying problem — it might well be nothing more then Kiah Morris is someone a lot of people just don’t like.